Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 41 The Great Migration of Population

The erosion of time is the most cruel, whether you escape or cherish it, it will not change in any way according to human will. The hurried and busy six months passed quickly, and even a few more days were delayed, but the people's aerospace project must come to an end.

Professor Thomson, who is in charge of astronomical observations, has issued multiple warnings in succession. Several large meteorites have begun to cross the Lagrangian boundary and have a high probability of hitting the moon. Humans must leave immediately!

These meteorites and the moon are attracted to each other, forming a complex multi-body motion. This kind of motion is extremely sensitive to the initial value and is called chaos. It is difficult for humans to obtain an accurate solution. But the dangers are real, so leave early to be safe.

In the heart of Yu Yifeng, the captain of the Noah, there is a deep and complicated parting emotion. Human beings are about to leave their hometown, and it is very likely that they will leave forever and never come back. This is also the thought in the minds of many people. When they are working, they often express a fleeting sense of melancholy.

However, there is nothing we can do about it. Human beings must move towards the universe and find their own sky.

From a satellite perspective, you can see that the entire base has changed drastically. The original round glass cover had long been removed and replaced by a huge pit, with a silver-white ball lying quietly in the center of the pit.

It is the last home of mankind - the Noah!

It was too big and spectacular. The sphere was fifteen kilometers in diameter and seven and a half times longer than the original base, occupying half of the entire crater. Regardless of other technologies, such a large size cannot be made by humans.

The tallest building in mankind - the Burj Khalifa, with a height of 828 meters, is only one-eighteenth of it. It can be said to be just a small thing. The two shapes of sphere and cone also represent different technological contents. The round shape Spaceships are the most difficult to build.

Its surface is almost completely smooth, which means there is very little friction, so no dust can stain the surface of the hull. The entire spacecraft looks sparkling and has a heart-stirring beauty.

But precisely because there is no friction and it is hard enough, it brings certain difficulties to people's construction. There is no way to directly paste cement or paint on it. There is no friction, it falls off as soon as it is applied, even the most powerful glue in mankind is no exception.

Smart scientists have come up with another way. It cannot be built outside, but it can be built inside. People built a large number of thick cement pillars inside the spacecraft, and then extended the reinforced concrete from the entrance and exit of the spacecraft.

Relying on these extended structures, people indirectly built many things on the surface of the spacecraft. Like the engine room, cockpit, observation room, and some laboratories, etc. These ancillary structures are made of titanium-aluminum alloy, which is very light, yet strong and reliable.

Yu Yifeng was even somewhat grateful that the spacecraft had more than two thousand entrances and exits. Without these, humans wouldn't even be able to build anything on the surface of the spacecraft.

This is the difference between heaven and earth in technology.

The civilization that built this spaceship is so advanced that humans really can't imagine it. Human beings, in the face of this super civilization, may really be no more than a paramecium.

I have to say that this is a pessimistic thought, but it is also a fact. Facing the vast universe, human beings are still too immature.

The "engine" at the bottom of the spacecraft is a bit like a large washbasin. However, this "washbasin" is turned upside down, and a large amount of gas is sealed inside, as well as a one-gigaton helium-3 nuclear bomb!

The diameter of the basin is about one kilometer. This volume is calculated carefully. It is not good to be too big, and it is not good to be too small. Don't think that the diameter of the spacecraft is fifteen kilometers and the engine is only that small. The mass of the spacecraft is really too light compared to its volume, and its overall density is worse than that of a balloon.

Therefore, such a small engine is enough.

All instruments are undergoing final testing, and hundreds of testers wearing spacesuits are busy.

Yu Yifeng inspected the warehouse again. Billions of tons of ore were piled up in the spacecraft like a hill. The entire uranium resource mine was almost hollowed out, enough for human use for twenty to thirty years. The ice resources at the bottom of the spacecraft were also completely mined, and approximately 100 million tons of ice were obtained. The remaining food is enough for humans to eat for two or three years.

But Yu Yifeng still felt that it was not enough, and he always felt insecure. Perhaps this is the common feeling in everyone's heart. In the vast space, human beings will not be able to get any material supplement. No matter how much there is, it will not be enough.

Just like when a wanderer leaves his mother for the first time, he always carries a lot of things in big and small bags. No matter how well prepared he is, he is still nervous.

If everything goes well, we will reach Mars in three or four months. By then, people will be able to obtain resource supplements, so there is no need to be so nervous.

Yu Yifeng comforted himself and continued his inspection.

From the inside, the entire spaceship facility can only be described as unsatisfactory. Because of gravity, the entire residential area is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. The gravity at the top is the lowest, about the same as that of the moon, and the gravity at the bottom is the gravity of the earth.

This is because people have not yet adapted to the gravity of the earth. If you get used to living in a low-gravity environment like the moon, the calcium in your bones will gradually lose, and your muscles will gradually atrophy. If you suddenly reach the gravity zone of the earth, you will often feel like you are paralyzed, unable to stand up at all.

Therefore, everyone needs to have a gradual adaptation process. The first batch of people who moved in have completely adapted to the earth's gravity environment.

As for people's living environment, it cannot be said to be very good. After all, six months is too short for people to build high-rise buildings. Necessary life-support equipment, such as oxygen circulation system, water circulation system, electric power system, sewage and sewage treatment system, takes a lot of time to build these things, and there is no time to improve the living environment!

Worrying not about scarcity but about inequality, in order to prevent such and such bad things, Yu Yifeng simply waved his hand and ordered everyone to sleep in the iron room, including himself.

This kind of simple and easy-to-make house is built with a few pieces of iron sheets around it. It is the kind where workers often sleep in construction sites. It cannot be said to be comfortable, and it is not very soundproof, but it can at least provide some protection.

No one has any dissatisfaction with this phenomenon. Captain Yu Yifeng himself lives in this kind of house, so what else can he say? Are you more awesome than the captain of Noah's Ark?

By the way, the name of this spaceship is called Noah because it comes from the story in the "Hebrew Bible? Genesis" and means the ship that saves the world. And this time, it is also a spaceship that saves mankind.

"Report Captain! The engine system has been checked and no errors were found. Please give instructions!"

"Report to Captain! The power system has been checked and no errors were found!"

"Captain, all people have arranged their accommodation."

Test reports came in one after another, and no abnormalities were found. It's time to leave. Yu Yifeng tapped the table gently with his fingers and said with emotion: "Go and broadcast an announcement. From now on, everyone can move freely and the time on the ground must not exceed twelve o'clock at midnight." "

"At eight o'clock tomorrow, we will officially set sail!"


With this announcement, a large group of people got off the spaceship. Wearing spacesuits, they staggered on the moon. Some took pictures of the spacecraft, some took pictures of each other, and some were sketching. They had a great time.

Everyone knows that the time spent on the moon will be gone forever, so they cherish it very much. This is the last memorial.

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