Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 405 Hibernation Chamber Trial

"Trading station? Are there any trading stations in the center of the Milky Way?" Zhang Peng suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

"Yes, some peaceful places for the exchange of technology and resources..." Hei nodded.

When talking about this topic, Hei was very proud and could show off his limited knowledge. His face was serious: "The Milky Way is ancient, as old as the universe, and even has great civilizations above L6 and L7... Fortunately, the ideologies of these civilizations are quite peaceful, which is also our good luck."

"In fact, the situation in each galaxy is not the same... I heard that some galaxies are full of chaos and chaos..."

"There are very few galaxies that can give birth to such advanced interstellar civilizations, and they are even quite rare in galaxy clusters... Each one is a very great civilization."

Seeing the sighing tone of "Hei", perhaps because of the inherent self-esteem of human beings, Zhang Peng said very unhappily: "Pay attention to your current position, what great civilization... How great can it be? Is it greater than our civilization?"

When Hei heard Zhang Peng's rebuttal, he also said in a muffled voice: "You don't know now, that's because you are ignorant ...Yes, that's right. Every civilization that passes the Great Filter has its own greatness..."

"However, due to the law of increasing entropy and other laws, interstellar civilization will not continue to rise... Alas, I can't explain it clearly now, anyway, there are many fallen interstellar civilizations."

"If you have seen a more advanced civilization, you will feel the greatness of the other party. As long as you have communicated with them, you will feel that it is natural for them to climb higher than you. Sometimes you don't agree with them in your heart, but you still can't deny their greatness..."

"This kind of greatness is not military strength, but another kind...spiritual and philosophical. Anyway, I haven't really seen it, and it's hard to understand now..." Hei began to speak incoherently.

The distant memory became quite confusing, and he just had a vague impression. But he couldn't explain it clearly.

"What spiritual...there's a hole in your brain." Zhang Peng looked unconvinced.

This fat pig in front of him actually praised other civilizations in front of humans. This feeling was like belittling the new human civilization. Zhang Peng was extremely unhappy and cursed.

Then, Hei also cursed back with an unconvinced look on his face, anyway, this is what was recorded in his core memory.

... This kind of quarrel is also the norm for the two of them.

After the quarrel, they wrote reports separately and submitted them to the captain's room.

Soon, Yu Yifeng became very interested in this report. He took a break from his busy schedule and handed Hei to the office alone to ask about the relevant situation.

"The most powerful civilization in the galaxy..."

"I'm sorry, I forgot... I have written everything I know on it." Hei heard Yu Yifeng's question and said hurriedly.

Hei didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Yu Yifeng, and scratched his head awkwardly: "... I only know that the other party is great, but I don't know the specific details, and I can't even remember the name. Alas, I'm old, my brain doesn't work well... I've lost a lot of memories."

"And the things that happened millions of years ago are also quite long ago, and there may be some changes... I can't remember, I really can't remember."

Yu Yifeng had to shrug his nose and wave his hand, asking this... fat man who is not as old as him even if 10,000 people are added together, to get out quickly.

In this way, time passed slowly. The aerogel around the Deep Space was hit by the laser several times, but it was not a big deal. Later, the number of times it was hit was getting less and less.

Five days later, the Deep Space entered the superluminal state. It is expected to slow down, turn, and then speed up after a period of time.

The internal repair project has never stopped. If you want to completely repair the spacecraft, it is estimated that it will take one or two years... The two nuclear explosion reactors are a big project.

This period of time can be used to test the hibernation chamber and guide people to get familiar with or accept this latest technological equipment.

Whether it is positive or negative, you can try it first. A new technology must be used before you know it.

Theoretically, there are two modes of hibernation. The first is the deep hibernation mode.

This method will reduce people's metabolism. With current technology, it is about 0.7% of the original level.

At this time, people will fall into a deep hibernation state, just like fruits refrigerated in the refrigerator, with cell activity, but very slowly.

This method is suitable for short trips, and you have to wake up once every few months or one or two years.

When I woke up, I felt like I had just woken up from a long sleep and hadn't eaten for a long time. I was a little hungry, but there were almost no other sequelae. Of course, if there was any, I wouldn't use it.

The second is the freezing mode, which completely freezes the human body and completely stops the metabolism of cells to spend a very long time.

This freezing method cannot be used in ordinary hibernation chambers. It must be used in a special large hibernation chamber. It is also more suitable for travel of hundreds or thousands of years. Yes, hundreds or thousands of years!

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to try it first.

The deep hibernation mode can only be experienced for a few hours, and according to its scientific principles, some rumors have spread among the people:

This kind of hibernation is very helpful for sleeping. I sleep very well every day, and my brain gets enough rest!

Moreover, there are rumors among the people that this method slows down the metabolism of the body during sleep and directly...increases life span!

"Think about it, if we look at eight hours of sleep a day, can these eight hours of aging activities be ignored? In other words... we will increase our available lifespan by one-third?"

As a result, this conclusion directly triggered a large-scale official rumor-refuting campaign.

"...Yes, in theory, hibernation can indeed increase effective lifespan! It can increase the amount of waking time in a person's life."

"But in fact it cannot be calculated like this, because after hibernation, cell metabolism decreases, and 8 hours of sleep is not enough... Yes, it is far from enough... Cell metabolism will slow down, and it will take longer sleep to recover from fatigue. ”

"So please don't treat the hibernation barn as an ordinary bed. 8 hours of sleep a day is not enough!"

"You need to sleep for more than 80 hours to be regarded as normal sleep... Of course, the aging of these 80 hours can be ignored. In theory, it can still increase a small amount of available lifespan."

A government worker introduces new hibernation equipment.

But after this explanation, from the bottom of their hearts, people still prefer deep hibernation mode...

Although it seems that lifespan is nothing to worry about now, after all, it has the backing of perfection.

But everyone still likes this kind of "healthy" looking thing... even though it requires sleeping for a long, long time.

In this way, the deep-sleeping hibernation chamber... seems to be slowly accepted again.

The second method, freezing people directly, sounds quite weird, is more difficult to accept, and requires longer guidance...

"All in all, these are the shackles of thinking of low-level civilizations. Hibernation chambers are very common for most interstellar civilizations."

In fact, as soon as he heard about this incident, Yu Yifeng himself had a fixed mindset to a certain extent.

It always takes time to accept novel things. Human beings have entered interstellar civilization for a short period of time. In some respects, it is still quite naive, and some thinking remains at the stage of low-level civilization.

However, as time goes by, people always adapt... to their roles, to the galaxy, to... the universe!

The purpose of the government's existence is, of course, to better guide and guide people to make this kind of psychological adaptation.

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