Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 406 Nanomania

Time slowly slipped away in the busy work, the impact of the war was slowly healed, and everything was moving in the normal direction.

In the blink of an eye, it has been one year since the interstellar war of "DIG 114".

Over the course of this year, the Deep Space was finally roughly repaired. Of course, it can only be roughly... The recovery of various weapons and equipment is not that fast at all, and it is estimated that it will take several years to work on various details.

Seeing the dwindling supply warehouse, Yu Yifeng, the helmsman, became more and more unhappy. He always felt irritable that he was sitting on his hands and having nothing to gain...

Moreover, the resource usage statistics recently exceeded the standard again, making him feel like he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Resources are life!

But no matter what, Deep Space will always need to be repaired...

After several emergency turns, the spacecraft has left the greatest danger zone and remains at super-light speed. The image outside the window seems to have never changed...

Unable to detect anything outside!

I don't know if "Dige 114" was neutralized by the enemy's anger, or if there are any enemy troops behind it...

Yu Yifeng let out a long sigh.

There are things to worry about, and of course there are things to be happy about.

This year is a year of rest and recuperation after the war. More importantly... science has taken an important step!

"... Nanorobots are a key research direction in the future. They are not only suitable for war, but also for people's livelihood projects. With our current technology, we can research and manufacture simple nanorobots with a diameter of 10,000 nanometers, which is the volume of red blood cells..."

"Its difficulties are mainly divided into two aspects: manufacturing and design. The manufacturing difficulties can be solved by the Gaia creature 'Ling'. The main problem before us now is the design problem..."

"... Nanorobots are divided into two types: self-replicating and non-self-replicating..."

On the stage is physicist Felix, who is explaining a major newly published paper with a red face...a major theoretical breakthrough in nanotechnology!

They used "Ling" to create a very, very small silicon-based chip...the size of a red blood cell!

Several experts in the audience were asking questions enthusiastically, and it seemed that some of the questions tickled Felix. He was dancing and gesticulating while talking.

"...In fact, replicable robots are more complicated, because replication is a process of entropy reduction. Therefore, if nanorobots want to replicate themselves or work like living things, they must absorb negative entropy from the open environment, that is... intake of reproducible Harness the energy!”

"Yes, energy is our current key research direction..."

Deep Space has been invaded by so many nanorobots. Even if they are all destroyed by strong currents and high temperatures, some are not completely damaged. After these small things are collected, they become the best research objects.

I don’t know whether this epoch-making paper was the result of the huge pressure brought by the war or the scientists’ flash of inspiration...

"As you can see in this image, in order to solve the energy problem, we first use chemicals to supply energy. We can simulate the entire replication process through computer calculations..."

"A self-replicating nanorobot floats in a bottle of chemicals with enough energy and materials to replicate itself."

"Initially, the first self-replicating nanorobot completed the replication within 100 seconds, and the second replicating robot replicated in the same time, so that two replicated into four, four into eight, and the speed increased by an incremental multiple. …”

"If this bottle of chemicals is continuously injected without control, these robots will replicate a one-ton robot within a day, and the increase in number after a few days will be terrifying..."

"...Of course, the limitations of using chemicals as an energy source are too great...So, I wonder if this problem can be solved by developing wireless energy transmission technology."

After the meeting, Yu Yifeng felt dizzy again. In fact, there were a lot of formulas and professional terms involved, and almost everyone was confused.

Few people can understand the fruits of a year's work in just a few hours.

Yu Yifeng only knew that in this kind of meeting, energy and structural design issues were still difficult.

"A chip the size of a red blood cell is extremely slow..."

However, it's always a good thing to get a start.

During the meeting, scientists collectively believed that the ability of Gaia's biological "Ling" itself could be used to create nanorobots.

Therefore, the difficulties in manufacturing technology can be temporarily skipped, and the main issues are still design issues.

This in itself is a matter of course. If "Ling" is allowed to build battleships and cannons, it will be the biggest waste!

Among them, there are many difficulties in design, and there are still many difficulties that need to be overcome. It can be said to be a brand-new theory. However, the reverie brought about by nanorobots is still very beautiful, which also brings the greatest motivation to researchers.

"Scientists are developing a variety of nanorobots that can enter the microscopic world of the human body and walk based on the principles of molecular pathology. They are expected to be used to remove harmful substances, repair damaged genes, activate cell energy, maintain human health, and extend human lifespan..."

"This kind of medical nanorobot is still in the initial stage of research. It can be as large as a few millimeters in length and as small as a few microns in diameter. There are about twenty-seven research groups working on these things..." Yu Yifeng looked at the information and whispered Read it out.

"There is no progress yet, but what is certain is that in the next few decades, nanorobots will bring about a real revolution. It will make people live longer and overcome almost most diseases. Human beings do not need to be afraid of the outside world. Star Bacteria.”

“Not only that, the bold application ideas of nanotechnology also include: using nanomachines to organize the obtained carbon atoms one by one and turn them into exquisite diamonds... Although the demand for diamonds is not large, it is an idea anyway... Molecules "

"Since diamond can... other things should also be possible. Reintegrate air molecules into the required parts... Isn't this great? We can use nanorobots to directly build cars and spaceships!"

Yu Yifeng was talking to himself, and his expression became a little excited: "...Isn't this the ability that Ling has..."

"This is difficult..." Yuriko shook her head.

Yu Yifeng was unmoved and began to say excitedly: "No matter what, nanorobots can be used in military, people's livelihood... no matter which field, it will take a few years. How many years do you think it will take?"

Yuriko shook her head and said angrily: "As a person who is not engaged in scientific research, you really think of the problem too simply. Nanorobots are so small, it is difficult to store large-scale energy and perform complex tasks... "

"Building a battleship out of thin air using nano-robots... You can even speak in layman terms like this."

"Compared with a nanorobot, which one do you think is more complicated?"

"There is no doubt that it is a nanorobot!" Unlike Yi Feng's answer, Lilyzi gave an unexpected answer: "The simplest nanorobot is a thousand or ten thousand times more complex than Yu Yan!"

She shook her head and sighed: "You know, a human red blood cell is equivalent to the simplest cell. If we want to fabricate it from the atomic and molecular level, the complexity has exceeded our imagination, but there are only several kinds of it. Simple function: transport oxygen and also some carbon dioxide.”

"What about a nanorobot? With our capabilities, it can only be simpler than red blood cells... Building a robot from the most microscopic level is similar to fabricating a microscopic biological cell! It's difficult, it's really difficult!"

"If you want to control hundreds of billions of nanorobots at the same time and build a complex spaceship... I suggest you don't even think about it. How much calculation and complexity does this require?"

"It is somewhat possible to control a robot and build a square piece of iron... This is the first goal we need to achieve at this stage."

Yu Yifeng shook his head indifferently and laughed loudly: "Of course people have to have dreams. If nanorobots can be used to build battleships, then industrial production capacity will not be a problem at all... Although... even in L4 civilization, It is difficult to realize this dream, but what if it comes true..."

"It's only one year now, but we still have a long, long time in the future."

When Yu Yifeng said this, he changed the subject, "Speaking of which, how do you decide to solve the energy reserve problem?"

Talking about scientific issues, Yuriko said very seriously: "First, it is wireless energy transmission, which is equivalent to using a magnetic field to transmit energy. This solution is the most popular and simplest solution."

"Second, effective energy sources that are accessible to themselves...that is, chemicals, such as medical nanorobots, can use blood sugar in the blood..."

"The third... of course is to use the vacuum zero-point energy in the Casimir effect! This is the ultimate energy source, but in terms of theory, there are still many things to make breakthroughs..."

"We are now starting from the aspect of bionics, trying to make nanorobots imitate some simple cell functions... This is a big challenge, whether it is various theories or technologies..."

When she said this, the girl was not depressed, but felt confident.

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