Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 407 Wartime Hibernation Plan

Things can't be smooth sailing.

When Yu scientists were studying nanorobots with great interest and wanted to impact the L3 civilization, a report suddenly hit Yu Yifeng's head, making him extremely irritable.

"...To sum up, the total amount of resources required to repair the Deep Space exceeds the standard by 18.7%... Its damage is more serious than we imagined. Many recyclable things are missing and may be lost. In space, this forces engineers to fill in more resources to repair our mothership..."

In fact, when he was repairing a large number of damaged parts of the Deep Space, he had a vague hunch that some resources seemed to be used beyond the limit, but he didn't think much about it.

Because the Deep Space must be repaired, it must be repaired at any cost, and it must be perfect, because this voyage will take hundreds of years.

However, when it came time to calculate the final results, he was still a little caught off guard.

"There is not enough methane. So much methane has almost been used in the war... The use of titanium, zirconium and other metal resources has seriously exceeded the standard?"

The excessive use of resources means that some of the originally planned things must be freed up to make up for this gap.

Exceeding the standard by 18.7% is actually a very large number, big enough to...produce a thousand "Yuyan" ships!

After all, Deep Space's 40-kilometer size is not something that can be covered!

Yu Yifeng sighed deeply at this.

"Old Yu, the production of small battleships must not be stopped... You have also seen that with our current military level, the phalanx formation of small battleships and close combat are the most lethal."

"We can't stop producing due to lack of resources..."

"2,000 Yuyans are necessary, otherwise if we really encounter a situation, we won't even have cannon fodder... wouldn't everything be ruined?"

Xu Yunjin was chattering behind Yu Yifeng. He followed him all the way to the captain's room and was even getting more and more excited.

"Okay, okay, I know this. The military's resources will not be less for you! Not even a penny less." Yu Yifeng said with some confusion, and then closed the door to the captain's room with a bang. .

In this state of escape, military supplies must be indispensable, and he knew it in his heart.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. Drones are not only the main means of attack, but also cannon fodder, which is indispensable when escaping.

At this point, we can only move one of these three: scientific research resources, living materials, and backup resources.

But no matter which one, he was in a bit of a dilemma.

Research resources?

Impossible, that group of scientists would have to cause trouble. Now is a critical period for researching nanorobots.

It is true that the production of nanorobots does not require many resources, but how many resources are used for various observation instruments, such as scanning tunneling microscopes and various precision machine tools... Scientists are not satisfied and rely entirely on "Ling" for production .

Will the living materials make people's lives worse and remove some functional robots?

In particular, the lack of organic resources is really troublesome. The synthesis of inorganic substances into certain organic substances is very uneconomical from an industrial point of view. It consumes a lot of energy to synthesize organic matter, which is extremely cost-effective.

As for... spare resources, they are actually things that can only be used when life and death are at stake.

It's not that time yet!

Yu Yifeng is troubled... It would be great if he had enough material!

If we could cultivate our health and develop for hundreds of years, human beings might already be quite powerful!

Seeing Yu Yifeng scratching his head and touching his ears, Xu Yunjin chuckled and said: "...It won't work if you stop to mine. If you are caught up, everything will be in vain. With the example of Green Light Man in front of you, Who knows if there are other ways to track this Destroyer civilization, but we’d better not stop mining.”

"So I suggest that everyone hibernate collectively, run out for hundreds or thousands of light years, and then develop slowly when it is safe. Anyway, the time of hibernation... is not time at all. If you sleep over, this boring time will be gone. Let’s get through it this way.”

Yu Yifeng didn't say anything. He reluctantly clicked on a few petitions on the screen, and then a lot of statistical tables popped up.

"Look, the key point is... these people are in a hurry. If they are asked to sleep for a year and a half, it will kill them! Look, there are also these material application applications, there is such a big list... The relevant resource dispatching departments have come to me to complain many times. How can we survive these hundreds of years if this continues?"

Above are the signatures of a lot of great scientists, all of whom want to engage in scientific research for a long time.

Although scientists have little political power, their influence is still very large, and this society is still a society where all people are scientific... Their opinions cannot be ignored.

Xu Yunjin looked at him with a strange expression for a long time, then sighed and said: "We don't have enough resources now, so we can't let them do whatever they want. Are you the leader, or are they the leaders? If you give the order, why don't you hibernate..."

Yu Yifeng patted Xu Yunjin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's different, Lao Xu, you are still stuck in the authoritarian thinking of low-level civilization, which is too rude. Now, everything must be reasonable. We can't be so rough!"

"With the development of social productivity, everyone enjoys excellent social welfare from birth. In other words, there is no need to worry about the material aspects of life. People live no longer for survival, but for more Other things. The implementation of elite education guides people not to be addicted to material things, guides people to unite and help each other, and love their own civilization. At the same time, it also elevates the direction of people's thinking from a personal perspective to a civilized perspective... …

"In this era, people are very free. If it weren't for the various dangers in the universe, even the government would become dispensable... right?"

Xu Yunjin did not say anything. In peacetime, the government does very little work because the people are already highly conscious and the society is already wealthy enough. Even if the government is abolished, it won't be a big problem. Of course, there must be no war in the future.

"Now the people are wise. Everyone is not stupid and has the ability to think and choose independently..."

Xu Yunjin opened his mouth and interrupted Yu Yifeng: "You mean, if you want to hibernate, then hibernate, and if you don't want to hibernate, don't go?"

"Isn't this bad? If a person hibernates for too long and others don't hibernate, he will probably be out of touch with the times when he wakes up... Maybe there will be a lot of people around him that he doesn't recognize anymore!"

Yu Yifeng held his chin and thought as he said: "So, this requires reasonable rules and regulations from the government. Don't hibernate for hundreds of years at once, but hibernate for three months and wake up for a week. Eight hundred thousand people take turns Wake up, let’s all reunite again during the last Chinese New Year..."

He clapped his hands and said, "If you calculate it this way, for 800,000 people throughout the year, each person only has one month of living time on average...all living resources and scientific research resources can be saved."

"Three hundred years of sailing time, actually everyone experiences... only 25 years, which seems acceptable..."

"And... there are 66,000 people awake at all times, so there will be no problem of no one controlling the spacecraft. What do you think of this?"

Xu Yunjin frowned, thought for a long time, and then said: "This method... sounds pretty good... Although scientific development is a bit slow, it is still developing at least."

Yu Yifeng nodded: "As for some pregnant women, or newborn babies, and some paranoid scientists whether they should hibernate... we still need to hold a meeting to discuss the details..."

In this way, many congressmen began a long discussion on the hibernation plan, with different time divisions for different objects.

Another month passed when all the details of the 800,000 people were worked out.

During this period, some paranoid scientists were finally convinced that their awakening frequency could be higher to avoid problems such as failing to keep up with scientific trends.

One year and six months after the Star Wars, the new government finally officially promulgated the "Wartime Hibernation Plan" to spend this long and boring escape time...

The collective hibernation life has begun.

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