Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 408 Nanodynamics

In the vast universe, the Deep Space is like a small boat, flying alone between two cantilevers... Countless distances are quickly crossed, which is a great miracle that only science can bring.

Inside the spacecraft, most people are sleeping quietly, but a few are continuing to struggle...

The research team led by Dr. Felix has encountered the biggest challenge in their lives!

There are a total of 16 people in their research group, including biologists and top physicists, all of whom have applied for long-term awakening.

Of course, this "long-term awakening" does not mean being awake all the time, but that the working time can be extended and hibernation can be shortened.

As for the life span, whether they will die earlier than others... They never care about these things!

In the laboratory, this group of crazy scientists have been killing red eyes, and one calculation report after another is piled up like a mountain.

Fortunately, now it is all paperless office. If measured by paper, it would have been so dense that there would be no place to step.

Because of staying up late for a long time, the eyes of these scientists are all bloodshot, and their skin is loose and pale.

The health watch on their wrist was beeping to remind them that they needed to go back to sleep immediately, but it was ruthlessly turned off.

"There is not enough time. In a few days, we will have to hibernate again. Alas..." A researcher suddenly shook his head and sighed. He grabbed a handful of hair randomly and actually grabbed a few strands.

Their research group is eager to overcome the first line of defense of nanorobots...

Make the simplest robot - "oxygen transport robot!"

That is to say, in places with high oxygen concentration, it will automatically absorb 1 billion oxygen molecules, and in places with low oxygen concentration, it will release this part of oxygen and transport carbon dioxide.

It sounds like the function of this robot is very simple, a bit similar to red blood cells.

But in practice, it is too difficult to fabricate a nanorobot that transports oxygen out of thin air...

It is so difficult... It is far beyond their imagination in all aspects!

First of all, the materials used are the most basic nanomaterials, not those in the macro sense.

Nanorobots are so small that it is impossible to install any device to detect oxygen concentration, and it is also difficult to install serious motors, gears, etc.

Even if these things are really made, they cannot be used.

Why? Because the chip is not good enough! Far from it!

This is the most troublesome problem for scientists during this period.

Silicon-based chips have reached their inherent limits at this scale because of their own constraints.

Even though people have developed chips the size of red blood cells, this type of silicon-based chip has limited computing power due to its small integration scale and cannot control more complex components.

Moreover, its computing speed cannot be improved any further.

Yes, it cannot be improved any further!

This is also the biggest obstacle currently encountered by nanoscience.

Without a powerful enough chip, it means that the nanorobot has no core... just like a cell without DNA.

In this way, the original mechanical dynamics, information coding and other disciplines are all useless.

Moreover, this obstacle is difficult to overcome in theory, because such a small silicon-based chip has its own physical limit of computing power. Now, people have approached this limit, but it is far from enough.

"Silicon-based chips are no longer suitable for this situation. There is no solution. We can't expand the circuit scale again, nor can we make it more refined, otherwise the operation of electrons will be disordered at the quantum scale and cause errors. "There are two ways now..." "First, use quantum chips to replace silicon-based chips, but I think it is unlikely. Although the core of a quantum computer is small, it requires a very high stability and needs to be under superconducting and low-temperature conditions... Such conditions are far from what nanorobots can do." Dr. Felix stood in front of the institute and said seriously. They were discussing issues in this regard. The other fifteen people were thinking with a stern face. People think the problem is too simple. Nanorobots are not the original robots reduced to nanoscale. Far from it! There is no need to say much about the material problem. For example, copper can exist stably under normal conditions, but nano copper will actually burn in oxygen... These problems are just minor problems. It's just that the chip has been reduced so much, Moore's Law has failed, and the computing power is completely insufficient. This problem is a big problem... "The second method is to completely overturn the previous machine structure! We can only rely on the most basic chemistry or physics to measure oxygen concentration, and we can only rely on the most basic reactions to absorb and release oxygen. "This method is similar to imitating... the structure of red blood cells! I think this method is more likely." Dr. Felix sighed and continued: "Based on the nanorobot specimens we already have, that is, the specimens obtained in the war. We found that there are no chips inside. After the overall dissection, it feels a bit like a biological cell, so I guess that the destroyer civilization used this method. "Nature's magic is nothing more than this... To develop nanorobots, we still have to learn from nature. "

After hearing this, another scientist said: "It seems that traditional mechanics, mechanics, and informatics can no longer be used. We must establish another set of dynamics... It's difficult! It's difficult!"

"Since the traditional chip can no longer be used... a new programming language must be developed. It can no longer be called a program, it is just a goal, similar to the goal of genes!"

"Only by setting such goals at the nanometer level can we get rid of the constraints of the chip. Nanorobots will have their own functions like biological cells."

Dr. Felix nodded and said: "Yes, let's call this subject Nanodynamics. Before we perfect this subject of Nanodynamics, it is impossible for us to create nanorobots. But this subject has already It’s similar to…creating life!”

"This is also a similar conclusion left to us by the previous research group... Let's take a look at this part of the literature first."

Seeing the people who were deep in thought, Dr. Felix pointed to one of them: "First, we need to look for templates based on molecular dynamics and chemical dynamics. Our main idea is to use various nanodynamic templates to piece together the robot. And The source of these templates still needs to be learned from biological cells...a long-term project!"

The other fifteen people nodded silently and were mentally prepared.

Even all scientists are ready.

You don't know if you don't study it. Once you study it, this ultra-high complexity gives everyone a feeling that their intelligence has reached its limit.

The complexity of a nanorobot far exceeds that of Deep Space! If measured in atoms, it is billions or tens of billions of atoms!

"Deep Space" is so big, it can't have tens of billions of parts, but... nanorobots do!

Humans have indeed picked up the remaining nanorobots from aliens, but their structures are completely beyond people's understanding and are not traditional robot structures at all.

There is no way for humans to recover.

Nanodynamic templates are equivalent to assembling atoms and molecules into something slightly useful, similar to proteins in biology. These kinetic templates themselves have certain physical and chemical functions, which slightly simplifies the design steps.

Otherwise, if we really use atoms to forcibly design it, it is really impossible to complete it at human level.

After the discussion was completed, the research team began to tirelessly search for the most basic nanodynamics template. They tried to leave more information to researchers behind them before falling asleep next time.

For scientists, as long as there is a road ahead, they will go on unswervingly, no matter how complicated or difficult it is...

It would certainly be more satisfying if you wake up and find that your predecessors have left you with more knowledge.

L3 nanodynamics is the precursor of L4 gene dynamics, so more words are used.

In other words, nanorobots are not just ordinary robots reduced in scale as imagined, but another technology.

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