Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 421 Can I live forever?

The ball of light is moving slowly, looking curiously at the things in the room. Perhaps these "old-fashioned mechanical products" have stirred up memories of its past.

It didn't leave the room though, and seemed very polite.

Yu Yifeng whispered to everyone: "...If the other party's energy is limited, we must seize the time. Any piece of information can save us a lot of detours. If you have anything to ask, please ask in turn. Solve your own problems..."

At this time, many scientists began to go crazy. After finally encountering an incredibly powerful civilization, and this civilization has expressed some kind of goodwill towards humans, people naturally don't want to miss this opportunity.

"...I'm sorry that we cannot provide our technology to you for the time being. Because our knowledge is also limited and has limitations. Moreover, the butterfly effect brought about by providing knowledge is really too huge."

The light ball didn't mind much: "...If it weren't for this tachyon communicator, we wouldn't even interfere with the development process of any low-level interstellar civilization."

After hearing these words, the scientists suddenly felt a little downcast.

The existence continued to answer: "Similar to the inheritance of low-level civilization, it is difficult for us to predict whether this conversation will be good or bad for you under the influence of the passage of time..."

"In the process of civilization development, the butterfly effect caused by the passage of time is something more complex than genes. We are afraid that providing more knowledge will benefit you now, but it will hinder ourselves or other people later. civilization..."

"It's difficult to predict your individual civilization...the hindering effect on other civilizations is even more difficult to predict."

"... In the endless time, there may be a civilization that could have been ahead of us, but was invisibly destroyed by this conversation... If this is really the case, we will really regret it."

The other party refused to teach knowledge, and it was for this reason... Many people sighed.

Moreover, humans do not dare to swear that after gaining more advanced knowledge, they will not interfere in the development of other civilizations from now on.

After all, the new human civilization still has to live in the material world. If it continues to explore the galaxy, it will inevitably interact with surrounding civilizations... and activities such as wars are possible.

The being finally said: "So, at this stage, we generally implement a non-interference policy towards civilizations that still have potential. As for this time... when the energy of the tachyon communicator is exhausted, that will be the end of our conversation... "

There are also some people who are thinking silently, and they are trying to distinguish whether this passage is true or false.

Yu Yifeng instantly thought of several completely opposite views.

First, the light group does not have many reasons to deceive humans. What it tells is the truth.

The Sower Civilization must be an extremely, extremely powerful existence. It may even reach the end of science and begin to climb the path of philosophy...

There are only a handful of civilizations in the universe that can develop to this level, and they need to undergo extremely harsh and strict screening.

Such a civilization cannot be easily imagined by humans.

And this conversation was just an accident, another "coincidence", a once-in-a-lifetime piece of good luck for mankind!

"If you miss this opportunity, there may not be another one."

Second, the sower civilization is the main manipulator behind the scenes.

It comes to deceive humans for some reason.

Or... such deception itself is part of the manipulation.

As for the purpose, of course it is impossible for humans to guess...

Third, there may be other equally powerful or more powerful civilizations controlling human beings.

Because he noticed one of the sentences, that is... "We generally will not interfere with civilizations that still have potential."

It is true that the Sower civilization favors peaceful policies, but what about other advanced civilizations?

"It's impossible for all advanced civilizations to have the same policies. Maybe some civilizations just like to push others?"

And...if civilization loses its potential and is in a state of stagnation, will it be interfered by advanced civilizations?

"There is such a probability."

It is even possible that there is a more advanced and powerful civilization... that has also manipulated the "Sower"? !

So, what is this more powerful existence?

Yu Yifeng frowned and thought hard.

"Hey, there is too little data to analyze right and wrong. Just assume that what it tells is the truth. Such an existence is already unimaginable, and the probability of deceiving us is low."

With some distress, he gave up thinking in this regard.

And according to the scientists' calculations, the light blue ball of light shrank a little more.

Since you can’t ask scientific questions, then hurry up and ask some philosophical questions or cosmic information... I don’t know if it will answer it.

"Are you... immortal?" a scientist asked curiously.

"No." After hearing this question, a slightly smiling language came to my mind: "From your perspective, we are indeed immortal and can exist for a long, long time."

"But from an infinite perspective, even the universe will eventually be destroyed. We are not immortal. Moreover, we do not pursue eternal life."

"Of course, this is the answer we have so far. Different civilizations have different answers."

"Why?" The scientist was very confused.

"What do you think immortality is? Is it non-lost material or non-lost information?" Facing such a philosophical question, it seemed to have caught the light ball's interest, making it light up slightly.

"It should be... information." The scientist replied.

Memory and information should be almost equivalent. The cells of the human body are replaced every moment, and there is metabolism and material replacement every moment. For the human body, non-lost material seems to be non-existent.

The light ball smiled and said: "The condition of never discarding information means that intelligent life can never forget something important. In the end, as time goes by, an intelligent life that cannot discard important memories will find that its memories are getting more and more, is that right?"

The scientist opened his mouth: "Yes. In infinite time, important information may be infinite..."

The existence said: "In this case, if the processing speed of life cannot be infinitely improved, it will not be able to process more and more memories, and will live in the huge memories of the past over and over again."

"The so-called 'eternity' will only become a prison, and will not make the field of creation and exploration endlessly become wider and wider. It may also be nirvana, it may become infinite, but is it still life?"

The scientist was speechless.

This paragraph is very awkward, but people still understand it after chewing it carefully.

Even the universe is not infinite, and the information processing speed of life must be limited. If this is really the case, infinite life will only make a living body troubled by its infinite memories, which is more terrible than death.

As time goes by, eternal life will only live in its own memory?

"Perhaps, we can solve this problem by constantly discarding information." People asked unwillingly.

"After discarding information, that period of existence has been completely forgotten. For an individual life, whether it has happened or not, what is the meaning?"

"After constantly discarding information, the old life has gradually died, and the new life has been born, right? This cannot be said to be immortality."

The light ball flickered slightly: "For us, all this is caused by the void of space. We are just biological organizations constructed by elementary particles. We will eventually accompany the universe and go to nothingness... Of course, this is just our answer. There is no final answer to philosophical questions."

This passage is relatively easier to understand, but the answer is not beautiful, but seems a bit cold.

Even such an existence believes that it will eventually perish, which makes the people present feel a little at a loss.

People will die, civilization will be destroyed, and only the god of death is the ultimate existence.

What is the meaning of everything?

Yu Yifeng stepped forward and asked, "I don't understand. We are still afraid of death. Our every move is deviating in the direction of a higher probability of survival. Isn't the pursuit of existence our ultimate goal?" The light ball said seriously, "This is because your thinking is regulated by the essence of genetic philosophy. You want to survive and continue. This is the goal of genetic material." "But we believe that intelligent life is a kind of self-awareness produced by the universe. When intelligent life truly recognizes the essence of the universe, the mission of intelligent life is over. He will either live forever or perish." "Knowing the universe is the purpose of our existence. Existence is only for the sake of cognition." "But if we really know everything about the universe, it would be such a boring thing. There is no surprise, no novelty. If we replace the entire universe, we should choose to perish... If we continue to live, this extraordinary and endless fate is too miserable. We don't want to be extraordinary." People were surprised. Yes, everyone could understand every word the light ball said. But being able to understand does not mean recognition, nor does it mean that we can truly understand. The hardest thing for a person to deceive is his own heart. You understand it and are even convinced, but you can't do it yourself.

"A race that exists only for cognition..."

Faced with such a civilization, everyone felt a strong sense of confusion.

People are still slaves to genes, but the other party is not. It is very likely that the other party has passed the next, the next, or even all screenings.

"A discussion between... slaves and emperors."

The genetic philosophy of survival and reproduction is as ridiculous as air to such a super civilization.

"Compared with such an existence, alas..."

After thinking for a long time, Yu Yifeng shook his head and gave up the entanglement of this issue. He mustered up the courage to ask a very important information for humans: "Are we the product of natural evolution or artificial creation?"

This question involves whether there are manipulators behind humans.

Everyone pricked up their ears and was slightly nervous.

"Of course it evolved naturally." It paused for a few seconds, as if observing something, and then replied in a different tone: "But there seems to be something wrong with your appearance..." "It seems that a little guy in this star field conducted a genetic experiment... So that all the intelligent life that appeared in that period of time a million years ago was assimilated into a similar appearance. Hmm... Interesting experiment."

The words spoken by this being made Yu Yifeng's heart tremble.

Almost everyone was stunned, feeling cold and numb in their hearts.

"Is there any civilization in this area that has done genetic experiments?" This sentence made people feel waves of discomfort and... anger.

At the same time, another meaning contained in it also made Yu Yifeng start to think.

It was reaffirmed that humans are the product of natural evolution, which almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief. In today's era, no one likes to be "created by God".

"But some genes related to appearance have been slightly modified?!"

Yu Yifeng couldn't help but have this strange question.

Because the Dige people I have seen look more like humans, and the time they evolved wisdom is similar to humans.

"Aboriginal lizards only evolved intelligence in the past 100,000 years, so they don't look like humans?"

"In other words, some inexplicable and mentally ill advanced civilization drastically modified the appearance of primitive intelligent creatures a million years ago because of its own personal preferences? What is this, performance art?"

This behavior made him feel a deep and helpless anger.

But he had to think hard, if human beings were not originally like this, what would they be like...

Chimpanzees? Orangutan? Monkey man?

"Indeed, some of the evolutionary directions of human beings are a bit weird... Why do you need to lose all the cold-proof hair on your body? In fact, there are pros and cons for each..."

The Diggers were originally supposed to be... scaly fish-men, bloody-mouthed crocodiles, or sharks?

As a result, it suddenly evolved into this?

What kind of technology is this? ! Yu Yifeng felt his heart pounding and clenched his fists tightly.

"Looking at it this way, it seems that after being modified, it seems more pleasing to the eye?!"

Alas, these advanced civilizations, how should I put it, are simply...

Seeing the group of people who were meditating with different expressions, this being said with a hint of teasing: "Look at these superficial things more thoroughly, little guys, your core has not been modified. Beauty and ugliness, Are there too many differences in the pursuit of wisdom? The various opinions are just due to the needs of genes for reproduction.”

Yu Yifeng couldn't help but ask: "What should you do if you encounter a civilization that looks the same as yourself? What kind of psychology will you have?"

The being didn't pause and said directly: "...There is no trouble for us. We have completely got rid of the shackles of genes, and appearance characteristics are not within the scope of our consideration. We believe that as long as the thinking form is consistent with If we are similar, you can join us and become one of us.”

"Is it okay even if the genes are different?"

"Yeah... Why are you obsessed with such superficial things? It's just genetic material..." Guangqiu said with a smile: "We ourselves are a civilization composed of different species... Oh, that was more than a thousand years ago. Thousands of years ago.”

After hearing these words, although people felt deeply puzzled, they quickly calmed down, maybe... they were a little numb.

For such a being, he has taken everything lightly, traveled lightly, and abandoned everything on the surface. This is the greatest freedom in the universe.

Yu Yifeng suddenly thought of the speculation about a top civilization in cosmic sociology:

"...that is, under the extraordinary level of omniscience."

"This kind of civilization has gone through many hardships and has gained insight into almost all the laws and laws of all things. From the most macroscopic to the most microscopic, from a space larger than the multiverse to a space smaller than Planck's scale, they have already Understand the most fundamental issues of the operation of the entire material world, and get infinitely closer to the outside truth.”

"Is there an end to the macro level? Is there an end to the micro level? What is the nature of time and space? What is the starting point of everything? Where will it go? Is the world a real existence or a conscious existence?"

"These are the ultimate questions that humans seem almost crazy about, and they have found the answers."

"They don't need society, they don't need morality, they don't need anything that seems to have nothing to do with truth."

"...Only this kind of small probability thing, because of a certain kind of unique fun, can attract their appearance. Maybe in the future, we will never be able to come into contact with this type of civilization. No matter how powerful the interstellar civilization is, for them Generally speaking, they are just a bunch of idiots due to their inherent naivety.”

At this moment, Yu Yifeng truly felt that the philosophical level of human beings was actually no different from low-level civilizations.

It's just that technology is more developed, so what's so great about it?

Could it be that because you are stronger than me, you are greater than me?

Your technology is higher and your industry is stronger, are you greater than me?

of course not……

It was difficult to express such subtle emotions, so he fell silent, pondering, pondering...

The two-in-one chapter will not be posted tonight.

The surrounding area is being renovated, it’s very noisy, and it’s in a very bad state. I’m sorry...

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