Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 422 Endless Surprises

Just when everyone was deep in thought, Security Minister Xu Yunjin suddenly asked: "Great existence, we feel very confused. Facing the vast starry sky and countless secrets, our entire civilization is still in a very naive state. Our luck seems to be good. The speed of rise is also a bit faster, which also keeps our mentality in a relatively low state. "

"How can we make progress faster? Can you give us some tips?"

The light group shone slightly, and this issue seemed to involve its "non-interference policy."

But it seemed to think of the confusion it had faced before...

After a long silence, it still said: "Good luck race, there is a planetary system 512.3 light years in your direction. There, maybe you can harvest more things and become more mature... This is the local optimal solution we can see.”

A star road map suddenly appeared on the screen, focusing on one of the stars, and people quickly recorded the relevant information.

In the next two hours, the scientists raised questions about the country, the military, law, morality, art, love, economy, trade, evil, justice and other aspects. Some of the questions it chose to answer, some did not. answer.

Until the ball of light gets smaller and smaller...

It will disappear soon.

"...What do you think about the many-worlds theory? Is string theory correct?" A scientist mustered up the courage to ask this somewhat strange question.

The discovery of dark matter has had a huge impact on the classical model. Even super-conventional matter like "tachyons" may exist, which has puzzled theorists very much.

The entire universe is becoming more and more complex, and the establishment of a unified theory is becoming more and more distant...

Therefore, the seemingly mysterious many worlds theory was proposed again. After all, it is a better explanation at the quantum level.

The light ball smiled and replied: "When you develop to the peak of technology, you may be able to verify the multi-world conjecture. Of course, if you are more urgent and curious, you can also go to the center of the galaxy to find the answer. There are several interesting things there. The little guy is challenging the microscopic limits..."

Seeing that it did not answer his question directly, the scientist was a little frustrated. Running to the center of the galaxy is currently impossible.

"Why do you call it the Sower Civilization? What does it mean?" Taking advantage of the last few seconds when the light group was about to extinguish, Yu Yifeng asked the last question. People have actually been curious about this type of advanced civilization gossip for a long time, but it’s just not easy to ask questions like this directly.

The being said with a smile: "When we were young, we liked to spread genes, and we liked to sow life on every planet. Because the universe is too dark and lonely."

"But that's no longer the case. We prefer to spread other low-probability events..."

"The endless surprises in the universe are our greatest pleasure..."

"I hope you can create more miracles and pass the screening again and again. Don't die, little guys."

After saying these words, the light group slowly extinguished and there was no more sound.

"It's gone..."

There is nothing displayed on the screen. Seeing the disappearing ball of light, people felt disappointed.

Just like having a conversation with a wise and kind elder, many people were affected invisibly in just a short time.

They were silent and thoughtful.

"Aren't we just doing things for our own entertainment? We can't have any great goals... Humans are inherently tacky creatures." Dr. Rimbaud suddenly smiled bitterly.

If scientific research is not interesting, who is willing to keep a calm face and work hard every day?

As for emotions such as curiosity, don’t they come from deep within the genes? It is so difficult, almost impossible, to get rid of the influence of genes.

"Having said that, our mentality has been a bit unstable recently."

"We just want to advance in technology, gain greater strength, and then survive well... But nanodynamics is too difficult and time-consuming, but there are not many achievements. We generally have an impetuous mentality. Alas, I can't tell, maybe I'm not mature enough..." Several scientists were discussing and reflecting.

Yu Yifeng was thinking while listening to their discussion.

From the civilized words of the sower, he felt a kind of purity.

"Pure motivation, pure progress, getting rid of all instinctive desires, and gaining the ultimate freedom... Such freedom is completely impossible for humans."

"Such a civilization is stronger than humans, and it should be... But their strength comes naturally because of progress, rather than deliberately pursuing strength."

He suddenly stood up and said: "Okay everyone, we have witnessed a greater civilization. This is also a kind of good luck."

"From now on, we know that the universe is not all about war, there is also peace. There are many interesting things worth exploring."

"But the road still has to be walked step by step, and it is impossible for a fat man to eat everything in one go...Things and science and technology are complementary to each other. We have not reached that level, so we can only choose the most advantageous way of survival now."

"It is impossible for us to give up our human mentality and psychology at present. Just like... we cannot realize communism when productivity is low, nor can we achieve communism in the slave era. Capitalism... we need to progress step by step, we cannot reach the top in one step.”

"Everyone, cheer up. We are not the strongest in the universe, nor are we the smartest in the universe. We have understood this for a long time, right? Don't sigh. We still have to walk the next road on our own... …”

The robot walked into the detector again and found that the purple metal box was still there, still so dim. However, people did not dare to touch it again, nor did they dare to dismantle it. They just silently copied all the low-level civilization data and then reinstalled the detector.

Yu Yifeng thought for a while and asked the engineers to use the language of Tucker civilization to carve a few lines of information at the end of the metal plate:

"We are a new human civilization, about 150 million years from the time the detector was built."

"We are currently on the way to escape..."

"Through dialogue with the Sower Civilization, we have solved many doubts in our hearts."

"The road ahead is long, I hope we can survive and explore more unknowns..."

In fact, he didn't know what to write.

With the traces left behind by the previous two extremely powerful civilizations, is there any point in writing a long list of new human civilizations?

Therefore, people just write a few sentences casually, leaving traces of having encountered it, and that's it.

A few hours later, the Deep Space broke away from the warp bubble again, slowly decelerating, trying to continue completing the unreplaced warp engine. During this time, several human engineers repaired the ion engine of the ancient detector and replaced the solar cell wiring so that it could work normally.

Finally, the detector was filled with nuclear fuel.

"These nuclear fuels can be used for about 120 years. They should not be captured by planets during this period. It is difficult for us to predict the next trajectory."

After hearing the astronomer's discussion, Yu Yifeng nodded.


Many scientists watched helplessly as the detector robot was carried out of the gate. They were all scratching their hair, tangled and depressed.

They sighed deeply, tachyon technology, and just flew away.

"Be more generous and don't be so petty. Not every garbage can be picked up...and this thing is not ours, it has an owner!" Xu Yunjin said.

Let’s talk about the matter, people don’t dare or don’t want to disassemble the tachyon communicator for research…

Because this communicator will be left to the "fourth civilization" it encounters.

"Is there a fourth civilization? It's a matter of debate. It's such a pity..." Someone was still sighing.

"What would happen if it did?"

"Forget it, forget it... Even if you take it apart and study it, you won't be able to study anything. Just like primitive people facing modern CPUs, there are too many technological generations..." This group of scientists comforted themselves.

In this way, it was thrown out of the Deep Space by humans and began its subsequent journey into space...

The surprise... still continues!

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