Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 43 Mars Departure (2)

Although most of the "washbasin" engine was vaporized, its mission had been completed. It successfully lifted the spacecraft. Nuclear fusion, this divine power that is homologous to the interior of the sun, is also the power of human rebirth! The acceleration of the Noah spacecraft at this moment even reached 1500 meters per square second!

What is the concept of this data? It is 150 times the acceleration of gravity of the earth! In other words, a 50-kilogram person will receive a force of 75,000 Newtons in an instant. Such a force will directly crush the person into a meat pie!

A large number of instruments and facilities in the observation room could not withstand such force and were directly damaged. Fortunately, because of the strange structure of this spacecraft, the people inside could not feel the effect of any force, and of course they would not be crushed into meat patties.

Drops of cold sweat broke out on Yu Yifeng's forehead, whether it was because of nervousness or excitement. He knew in his heart that the matter was not over yet! The power of the nuclear push continues, and the spacecraft continues to accelerate.

The mushroom cloud of the nuclear bomb explosion looks a bit slender and not grand due to the "washbasin" engine, but its power is extremely strong. The huge force it generates lifts the spacecraft in just an instant.

The spacecraft looked like it was being pushed on the head of a mushroom cloud, flying faster and higher, until it reached thousands of meters, tens of thousands of meters, tens of thousands of meters... Finally, after a period of time, the spacecraft began to accelerate. Slow down.

"I order each team to check the operation of the spacecraft!" Yu Yifeng commanded calmly. The plan is not over yet. This is the most critical moment. As the supreme commander, he must give people a stable and reliable image, although his heart is not very peaceful.

"Reporting to Captain, the damage to the outer engine is 85.76%, which is basically in line with expectations. The third-stage engine has also been damaged."

"The right wing observation room is damaged and is being repaired urgently."

"Exterior materials of Laboratory No. 2 are falling off! Emergency repairs are underway!"

"Laboratory No. 7 was burned down. One of the steel pipes broke, which may cause air leakage. It is under repair!"

"The speed of the spacecraft is currently 16.56 kilometers/second...19.44...23.66...27.96...the acceleration is gradually decreasing!"

"Report Captain! The direction deviation of the spacecraft is 12.36%, which is lower than expected and needs urgent adjustment!"

A large amount of information was gathered into Yu Yifeng's hands, some important, some minor, and some needed urgent processing. Instructions were sent out in an orderly manner and passed to each staff member.

The escape velocity of the moon is about 2.4km/s. The current speed of the spacecraft is much greater than this number. It can be said that breaking away from the moon is inevitable, but it cannot be taken lightly.

"I command, peel off the outer engine"

"Captain orders, peel off the outer engine!"

With an order, the "washbasin" engine finally completed its set goal and separated from the spacecraft. It had been ravaged by the nuclear explosion and had long been in ruins. But it also followed the spacecraft and gained a relatively high speed. It was able to escape the moon's gravity and become a wandering part of the solar system.

Perhaps, in tens of millions of years, it will be captured by a planet and become a pile of space junk flying in the sky. Perhaps it will become a wandering comet.

"I order to start the small nuclear bomb direction adjustment plan and adjust the deviation."

"The captain ordered to start the small nuclear bomb direction adjustment plan... Three, two, one, small nuclear bomb launch!"

Bursts of bright light flashed behind the spacecraft. This was a nuclear explosion caused by a small nuclear bomb, but it was much smaller in scale than a gigaton nuclear bomb. The original first plasma disk propulsion solution is now used to adjust the flight direction.

"Reporting to captain, the direction of the spacecraft has been adjusted. The current direction deviation is: 0.83%, the speed of the spacecraft: 28.66km/s, please give instructions!"

"I order to start the Alpha rocket direction adjustment plan!"

"Captain ordered, the Alpha rocket direction adjustment plan is started..."

The machine roared, and four rockets with a diameter of 10 meters stretched out from around the spacecraft, spraying out flames and airflow, and began to accurately adjust the direction of the spacecraft.

In aerospace engineering, a slight difference is a thousand miles away. Maybe a deviation of one ten thousandth now will be magnified by tens or hundreds of millions of times. Therefore, it is impossible to use nuclear bombs for such fine adjustments, and rockets are needed. OK.

"Report, the Alpha rocket has successfully operated! The current spacecraft speed is 28.68km/s, and it is expected to reach Mars in 93 days!"

Yu Yifeng was stunned for a moment, suddenly stunned, what's the next step?

It seems... there are no other plans? All plans have been completed?

Yes, all plans have been accomplished and humanity has succeeded!

Success! Success! A kind of ecstasy surged out from deep in his heart, and Yu Yifeng suddenly felt that he had lost all his strength and suddenly slumped down on his seat. Six months of life and death, six months of hard work, just for these short 10 minutes, success, finally success!

But he still struggled to stand up and shouted loudly: "Comrades, I declare that Project Noah is successful!"

After saying that, he fell asleep. He had been too tired in the past six months, and now his tense nerves were suddenly sent down, and he couldn't resist it at all.

With this announcement, the entire spacecraft instantly boiled and became a sea of ​​joy. People cheered loudly, jumped, and vented the joy deep in their hearts.

Success! We succeeded!

Professor Ding Yidong clenched his fists and roared loudly, without caring about his own image; Mr. Felix danced and played the violin without touching it for six months; Dr. Roman was singing loudly, regardless of what he was singing. ;Li Wu and his little girlfriend Wen Xiaofeng are kissing passionately...

People are reveling and celebrating in various ways.

Humanity has just entered the interstellar era! Many people suddenly burst into tears. They were moved by themselves and moved by all mankind. People suddenly felt that just for this minute of touching, everything, all the blood and sweat were worth it!

This touch, this joy, is not because living conditions have been improved, nor is it because the threat of death has been escaped, but because an ideal has been realized. This kind of touch is different from that brought about by material things. It is purely spiritual.

In today's world, how many people will truly realize their ideals, and how many people will strive towards their ideals? "Ideal" will always be forgotten by many people, and a beautiful kite will never fly in their sky. But now, everyone has paid blood and sweat for it, fighting for their ideals, and they are deeply moved by themselves.

Although human beings are selfish, greedy, cowardly, and have shortcomings of one kind or another, they have ideals and are willing to fight for them and work hard for them. Human beings are great because of their ideals and practical because of their dreams.

We humans will move towards the stars, and we will have nothing to fear!

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