Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 44 Goodbye, Mother

Yu Yifeng slowly woke up and suddenly realized, what was going on? Why did he fall asleep? He instantly felt as if he had woken up from alcohol, and was startled.

How is the spacecraft? Is the space program successful? seems to have been successful? ! Did you fall asleep after you succeeded?

Scenes began to replay in his mind, from the explosion of the nuclear bomb to the successful takeoff of the spacecraft. Thinking of this, his heart beat faster, his blood circulation accelerated, and he felt like his blood was boiling. He rubbed his dizzy temples. After a long time, he still felt the deep joy.

" long have I slept?" Everyone else in the captain's room has gone out, leaving only his assistant Yuriko still working, who is processing documents.

"Three hours, Mr. Yu, there are some documents here that you need to process." Lily Zi's eternal face seemed to have a smile.

This girl is a bit stupid by nature. She works with her head covered all day long and is not very good at expressing her emotions. It stands to reason that deep down in her heart, she should also be happy.

But seeing that she was still working while he fell asleep, Yu Yifeng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He smiled and said, "Okay, put it there, I will take care of it. Everyone has a day off today, so you should go back early and have a rest. Don't miss the party at noon. There will be a lot of fresh ingredients."

Yuriko was stunned, instinctively not wanting to go. She never liked this kind of social interaction, but then she thought about it and followed Yu Yifeng.

It's just past 11 o'clock, and a grand party is being held. There is no special official organization for this party. It is spontaneous. It is a bit similar to a Chinese temple fair and a bit like a food festival. It is noisy and lively. Some people who are proficient in cooking brought pots and pans to the battle and showed their best skills.

Toasted bread, French fries, grilled sausages, steamed buns, skewered vegetables...all kinds of delicacies are available, and they are free.

People can try their best at various stalls. After some people taste it, they feel that the other party's cooking is not good, so they can go into battle themselves. Of course, the source of food is still provided by the government, and everything is free.

Yu Yifeng ate a pair of chicken wings, two steamed buns, and a bunch of roasted vegetables. His mouth was full of oil and he was very happy. Many people were immersed in their own world and didn't care at all that Yu Yifeng was walking by. It doesn't matter to him. He has no official airs now and enjoys himself with the people. He says hello when he meets people he is familiar with and smiles and nods when he meets people he is not familiar with.

Looking back, I suddenly found that Yuriko was missing. After looking for it for a while, I found her holding a basin full of French fries with a happy face. She seemed to notice that Yu Yifeng was looking at her, and suddenly paused, with an embarrassed look on her two big eyes.

It seems like this is the first time I have seen this expression...

"Hey, Captain, are you here too?" Suddenly a familiar voice came. Yu Yifeng turned around and saw three members of the special forces, Xu Yunjin, Zhao Yao, and Shen Jie.

Also, people nowadays generally call him captain. Only the members of the special forces still can't change their words and keep calling him captain.

Only Xu Yunjin saw him now and greeted him with a smile. Zhao Yao and Shen Jie were facing a stall. Each of them took a chicken leg and gnawed it. While eating, they were waiting for a chicken leg. The roasted chicken is out of the oven, so greedy.

"Zhao Yao? You're still eating! You're fat again!" Yu Yifeng stepped forward, slapped Zhao Yao on the shoulder, and threatened him out of habit.

In fact, the fat black man Zhao Yao has lost a lot of weight during this period and should take more supplements.

"Huh? Captain?" Zhao Yao was startled and stood upright as if reflexively. However, he fiddled with the chicken legs in his hands and finally didn't know where to put them. It took him a long time to realize that the captain was teasing him.

Zhao Yao scratched his head in embarrassment, his dark face turned the color of pig liver, and he shouted in a loud voice, "Captain, you fucked me again!"

"Hahaha!" A group of people laughed.

A few people chatted for a while and looked at the endless flow of people. Yu Yifeng couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Although there are only a little more than 50,000 human beings today, they are of high level and high quality. Looking at the entire history, it may be the time when cohesion is strongest.

In the beginning, there were still situations where white people discriminated against black people, and Chinese and island people hated each other. But gradually now, this phenomenon has become less and less. Everything in the past has been destroyed. Countries, nations, and history are no longer very important. Although some people still maintain some of the habits of their own nation, they are just habits.

The people in the lunar base are all of very high quality. There are no idiots or idiots. Even a miner has at least a master's degree. The only differences are different skin colors, different births, or different countries. When we throw away these things and the past history, why should we despise and discriminate against others?

Besides, everyone has worked hard for six months and gone through two major battles, the Agricultural Transformation Plan and the Noah Plan. In a short while, the spirit of unity and hard work will not disappear.

Seeing this happy scene of people coming and going, Yu Yifeng began to think about what to do next.

He certainly welcomes this attitude and optimism. What he hopes is that this spiritual attitude can continue forever.

The starry sky is vast, and there must be difficult battles to be fought one after another. Only by relying on such tenacious spirit can human beings find their own path.

However, it is not easy to maintain such spirit. It is easy for people to become lazy, and once they become lazy, it is difficult to return to diligence, unless they encounter another life-and-death crisis... People are also perishable. Although there are only 50,000 people now and the politics are clear, in the future, will it all depend on oneself? Maintain it with all your strength? What about after you die?

In the five thousand years of history of China, which founding emperor did not want the country to be rich and the people strong, but in the end, dynasties still changed every hundred years. There are many reasons for this, including institutional reasons, government corruption, etc.

After all kinds of corrupt officials fell from power, who didn’t want to be an upright official at the beginning? But in the end he fell for various reasons.

We humans cannot repeat past history.

In order to solve these complicated problems at once, in order to keep mankind's combat effectiveness forever, Yu Yifeng has thought of a series of methods and is preparing to gradually implement them in the next period of time...

"Look, that's Earth!" A scream pulled him out of his thoughts.

The speed of the spacecraft was very fast. It only sailed for more than three hours in total and had already flown 363,000 kilometers. At this time, because of the line of sight, people finally saw the Earth they had been longing for.

More and more people crowded towards the observation room. There is no gravity outside the spacecraft. As soon as you run out, you will float up. It is very inconvenient to move. Fortunately, there is air in the observation room and there is radiation-proof glass, so it doesn't matter if you don't wear a space suit.

What kind of earth is this!

What about that sapphire-like planet, that deep blue?

People only see a fragmented planet filled with gray fog. No life, no blue, no green.

Although I have seen the condition of the earth from photos, seeing it with my own eyes and taking photos are two completely different concepts. People started to get a little disappointed and the excitement disappeared.

This is the earth, this fragmented planet, the mother of mankind, and she died like this. This is also the burial place of seven billion people.

People suddenly became quiet, just watching, watching...

The original blue was gone, leaving only ruins.

Everyone was so sad that they couldn't help but start wiping away tears. The entire observation room was so silent that people behind him ran in excitedly and were instantly infected by this sad mood.

Mother, let’s go,

We left in such a state of disgrace.

we see you,

Just fell into the ruins,

Desperate and confused...

You were once full of youth and vitality,

Blue sky and white clouds cannot describe your situation,

Lakes and seas cannot represent your depth.

But, that has passed,

You passed away like this,

You just fell into the ruins...

We no longer have a mother,

The lonely universe,

Dark universe,

We no longer have any relatives,

We'll never see each other again,

That touch of blue.

We are your last children,

It is also your last pride...

Mother, let’s go,

We will fly to the distant sky,

Maybe, we will come back,

Maybe we will never come back...

"Under Deep Space" Volume 1, Moon Chapter, finished! ——

(Dividing line)

(After writing this volume, I was still a little moved by myself. Maybe there are not many readers for this book, and it is very likely that I am just enjoying myself. However, I still have to write this book well.

As of now, the number of collections is still in single digits. Some are pirated collections, some are edited collections, or maybe there are really no readers at all. Novice writers are so pitiful. Fortunately, I am a reader myself, and people always have to write a book for themselves.

More exciting content is yet to come. The universe is dark and human beings are small. Only wisdom and thought are the greatest things.

Science fiction Science fiction consists of two parts: "science" and "fantasy". To have science, there must also be fantasy. This article generally prefers the style of hard science fiction, but it also has a small amount of fantasy.

The idea of ​​​​this article will not be a completely dark forest, nor the conservation of life in the big universe, but my own, based on the concept of the universe created by the big filter of life. Perhaps, the writing is not good and cannot express my feelings. I mean...but I will try my best.

Please allow me to have only one update today. I need time to conceive the content of the next volume of "Mars". It is also possible that no readers care about my leave. Only the editor knows, haha. I also have to thank my editor for the Blu-ray. Thank you. .

Here, uh... readers who see it, please vote for recommendation and let me know how many readers are reading it, thank you! )

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