Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 45 Malice from the Universe

|Since the "Noah" officially set sail, everything has been proceeding in an orderly manner.

When Yu Yifeng is free, he likes to stay alone in the captain's room. There is a unique astronomical observatory there. Outside the thin radiation-proof glass is the brilliant Milky Way.

The universe is dark and cold, mysterious and silent, and contains endless secrets.

Humans are such small and fragile creatures. If they are hotter, they will die of heat, if they are colder, they will die of cold. If they have less oxygen, they will suffocate to death. If they have more oxygen, they will be poisoned... Such a race can really explore the universe. A corner?

An ordinary person, if he is not wearing a spacesuit and is in the vacuum of space, his life span is only 90 seconds at most. After just 90 seconds, if no one rescues you, you will inevitably die. The dangers come from loss of pressure, hypoxia, and sunlight radiation.

In 1965, an air leak occurred in a NASA manned spacecraft. One unfortunate person remained awake in a near-vacuum environment for 14 seconds, which is approximately the time it takes for oxygen to reach the brain from the lungs.

Fortunately, this brother was rescued in time, otherwise death would be waiting for him.

Even if Yu Yifeng is a super human, he cannot survive alone in the universe. Superhumans are not immortals who can cross the void in fantasy novels, they are just smarter and stronger than humans. But this kind of power has its limit. Facing the entire universe, he can only live for a few more seconds.

Therefore, only if the entire civilization sticks together for warmth can it survive in the universe.

What a terrible malice... Yu Yifeng looked at the starry sky outside the window and fell into a daze.

He suddenly felt an emotion throughout the universe.

No, this is not malice, but a kind of coldness, a coldness. The universe does not have any emotions. It is there, running according to its own rules, and will not be shaken by the rise or decline of a civilization.

The universe is too big and too old. The Milky Way alone has 220 billion stars. Deep space images based on the Hubble Telescope show that there are two trillion galaxies similar to the Milky Way, and this does not include star fields that humans cannot observe.

Through the observation of cosmic microwave background radiation, it is found that our universe has expanded for 13.82 billion years, but the diameter of the universe is obviously larger than this value. The latest research believes that the diameter of the universe can reach 92 billion light-years or even larger. What a terrifying astronomical figure.

Human beings, who can only occupy one planet, are just a grain of sand in the boundless desert or a water molecule in the vast ocean to the entire universe.

This coldness came too suddenly and was too powerful, like a tsunami that kept pouring into Yi Feng's heart. Suddenly, Yu Yifeng's head felt dizzy, and he felt like he was in a dark void of the universe, boundless and lonely, filled with countless dangers...

Energy shortage, air leakage, mechanical failure, asteroid impact... any disaster can wipe out mankind.

In this situation, as the supreme leader of the spaceship, he had too much to worry about, and all the negative emotions burst out at once... Yu Yifeng only felt a sense of coldness and loneliness.

Only the little bits of starlight around him accompany him... What is that?

When he was close to these stars, Yu Yifeng felt a warm feeling. Unfortunately, they were too small and might go out at any time.

Yu Yifeng worked hard to get close to one of the stars. Suddenly, he seemed to see a figure. He was an electrical engineer from China. He also knew his name, Jin Xiaojiang. He was repairing electrical equipment.

Immediately afterwards, he approached the star next to him. It turned out to be Jin Xiaojiang's colleague. The two of them were working together...

How is this going?

Yu Yifeng was thoughtful, and then touched a bigger and brighter star, which was Lily Zi. She was reading quietly in the room. She seemed to feel something and looked around...

Finally, he touched the biggest and brightest star, which turned out to be Calvin! He was sleeping in prison when he suddenly woke up and looked around at something.

Yu Yifeng didn't find himself, perhaps because he was a superhuman and was not in this star field.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he seemed to understand a little bit. These stars represent all human beings, and each one represents a person, but even the brightest one is too dim, too dim...

Human beings are too immature. Even if they can develop technology for another thousand years, they will still be insignificant when facing the entire universe. With such a technological level, even the planet where it is located has not yet been completely conquered, how can it enter the starry sky?

How much do humans know about the universe? How many extraterrestrial civilizations are there? What is the existence of the universe?

I don’t know, I don’t know anything. Humanity's understanding of the universe is rudimentary and rudimentary. Humanity does not even have the means to control nuclear fusion. It can only barely travel through space by relying on the super spacecraft of this alien civilization.

But the risk of stepping into the starry sky like this is the last remaining 50,000 survivors, and the danger is self-evident. This is also a matter of rushing the duck to the shelves, and there is nothing we can do about it. God knows what they will face in the next moment. This is the fear of the unknown...

Yu Yifeng will also be afraid, frightened, and confused, but he can't show any of it. He is the leader of the entire spaceship. Ever since he took on the burden of the entire human race, he has never thought of letting it go.

The burden on his shoulders is really too heavy. The agricultural transformation plan and the Noah plan, which one is not a complex and huge project? Working all day long, he held meetings, made various inspections, looked up information, appeased people, and continued to study. His rest time was shrinking and shrinking, and he often worked for one or two days in a row before resting for two or three hours.

This kind of pressure is too great, like Mount Tai, if it were another person, he would have collapsed. But Yu Yifeng couldn't collapse, he had to resist.

"Report to the captain, I will report to you..."

"Captain Yu, please review and approve this plan..."

"Mr. Yu, there are not enough parts over there..."

All engineers, soldiers, scientists, miners, constructors, doctors, everyone is looking at him. He cannot show his cowardly side, he must be strong!

We humans have to survive... He doesn't want to cause the destruction of humanity because of his responsibility, so he has to carry on. Even if you are just pretending, you have to pretend to be presentable in front of all mankind! He must tell people that everyone can survive and there is hope for everyone!

But, it's not enough... This starlight is too dim, it looks like it may be extinguished at any time, how can it survive on earth.

Humanity needs a stronger, wiser, braver and more fearless leader.

Yu Yifeng suddenly made up his mind... So, come on, let me become a stronger, wiser, braver, and more fearless leader!

As soon as this idea came to him, he suddenly felt that he had an entity. A blazing star burned among the stars. Its size and brightness were hundreds of millions of times that of ordinary stars. Although it did not illuminate the entire universe, the nearby stars As if being warmed, it emits brighter light and heat...

At this moment, everyone on the Noah spacecraft seemed to feel something. They stopped what they were doing and looked in the same direction.

They feel that a sun has risen, a sun that can lead everyone. This feeling is very strange, like an hallucination, but everyone has this strange feeling.

Calvin, who was sitting in prison, suddenly widened his eyes, rolled off the bed, and appeared. The Son of God really appeared! He had seen this situation many times during prophecies, and it actually happened. He was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Now is the second volume of "Under Deep Space", Mars Chapter, Chapter One.

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