Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 46 Population Issues

Yu Yifeng woke up leisurely and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a bright small room. Several nurses in white coats were recording something beside him.

What happened? You fainted? Why are you lying in the infirmary? He smelled the pungent smell of disinfectant and looked around with squinted eyes. It was a small infirmary. He must have been sent here after fainting.

He felt that he had a real dream, dreaming about a group of stars, and dreaming that he had transformed into the sun... I don't know if it was a dream or something else.

His body was covered with various examination instruments, such as heartbeat monitors, brainwave monitors, etc. There was also an intravenous drip hanging on his arm. He looked up at the hanging bottle and saw that it should be glucose nutrient solution.

The two special forces soldiers guarding the door had serious expressions, but their expressions were relatively stable. The spacecraft was probably not out of control.

Seeing this, Yu Yifeng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Except for his head being a little dizzy, he felt that he was in good physical condition and did not feel any discomfort.

No... the whole world seemed to have changed a little in his perception, and seemed to be clearer. He couldn't describe this change.

"Mr. Yu, you're awake!" Seeing Yu Yifeng wake up, a young female nurse said happily, "The doctor said that you fainted because of excessive fatigue. You need to pay more attention to rest. I'll call The doctor comes."

Before she finished speaking, she ran out in a hurry, probably to find a doctor.

Yu Yifeng didn't care so much, jumped up from the bed and pulled out the needle himself. He didn't need any rest. He felt very good, and he didn't have time to rest.

"Xiao Li, how long have I been unconscious?" he asked the special forces team member at the door.

"Report to the captain, it has been ten hours and thirty-six minutes since the discovery. Last night, Captain Xu Yunjin came to see you for something and found you fainted, so he sent you here."

"We have carried out strict confidentiality work, and only a few people know about your coma."

Hearing this, Yu Yifeng felt relieved. He was most afraid of something happening while he was unconscious. He is now the backbone of the entire spaceship. If he collapses suddenly, it may cause panic and riots. Apart from him, no one can be the captain of the Noah.

But fortunately, the time of coma was at night, so it shouldn't matter much. Xu Yunjin was able to do things, so he felt relieved.

Ten hours of rest, this may be the longest rest he has taken during this period. He feels very energetic!

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!" Yu Yifeng thought for a while and then said, "You guys should go back first. There should be nothing important to do here. Oh... tell the doctor that there is nothing wrong with me."

"Yes!" The two team members saluted again.

Does Xu Yunjin have something to do with him? Yu Yifeng's heart moved, he put on his clothes, tidied them up a little, and hurried over again. What the doctor said about "getting more rest" fell on deaf ears.

"Old Xu, I thought about it. If we humans want to develop and grow, population is a big problem!" He said hurriedly as soon as he entered the door.

These words were from his heart. When Yu Yifeng was in coma, the stars he saw were only over 50,000. His first feeling was that it was too little and too bleak.

What can 50,000 people accomplish? You must know that there were 7 billion people on the earth.

After the Agricultural Transformation Plan and the Noah Plan, two major projects, his first feeling was that the population was seriously underpopulated. Although the overall quality of such a small labor force is very high, it still hinders the development of civilization.

"Captain, you're awake!" Xu Yunjin said in surprise when he saw Yu Yifeng coming in. He is now the captain of the security team, but he still calls Yu Yifeng "captain" habitually.

"By the way, what do you want from me?" Yu Yifeng asked.

Xu Yunjin was stunned, and his expression changed, "Last night, I felt a sun rising from the bottom of my heart. It was hot and fiery. I don't know if it was an illusion or something... I asked other people and they also had this similar feeling."

"The first thing I thought of was Captain, and then I came over and found that you had fainted... Now people are talking about the Son of God... and more people believe in Calvin."

Xu Yunjin didn't know what to say. He was a firm believer in Marxist materialism. It was a bit baffling that such a mysterious supernatural phenomenon would happen now.

"Don't ask me, I don't know for sure." Yu Yifeng was silent for a moment and told the scene he saw when he was unconscious. The two looked at each other in disbelief.

"Maybe... superhumans still have some undeveloped potential. I heard that the human brain still has a lot of potential that needs to be developed... The same should be true for superhumans." After a long time, Xu Yunjin suppressed a sentence.

"So, what else are you feeling?"

"I just feel full of energy, nothing else... It seems like it should be a good thing?"

"Since it's not a bad thing, let Dr. Luo Man and the others study the details..." Yu Yifeng shook his head.

Since you can't figure it out, just don't think about it. Xu Yunjin was a pure soldier, not a scientist. He was just depressed for a while and then put it behind him.

At this time, Yu Yifeng remembered the business and said, "Old Xu, I thought about it carefully. Our population problem is still a big problem. How many people do we have now?"

"51,223 people." Xu Yunjin was responsible for the security of the entire spacecraft and answered quickly.

"Fifty thousand is just over 50,000. Alas, it's too few. How is the population distribution?"

"There are 26,298 men and 24,925 women, with an average age of 28.6 years old. There are no children and no elderly people over 60 years old. The vast majority are of child-bearing age."

Yu Yifeng nodded. In other words, the men and women on the spacecraft are basically balanced, and the older ones are basically great scientists. Most of them are young people, which Yu Yifeng prefers.

"So if people try to have children, in a year we can have up to 20,000 more babies?"

"This... should be the theoretical maximum." Xu Yunjin sweated profusely, "But it's basically impossible! We counted and found that there are only more than a thousand couples in total. Most people would not choose to go to the moon. There are very few pregnant women during this period, only 16.”

"Besides, captain, our public facilities cannot support so many children."

16 people? Too little, too little! If 16 people are born in a year, then the human race is not finished yet?

The current population pyramid is all concentrated in one interval, with no one at the top and bottom. Although the labor force is now abundant, there is basically no need to consider things like supporting the elderly. But what about the future? When these people grow old, they will face serious aging risks.

When these people die of old age, the population will become smaller and smaller, and human civilization will become extinct?

You have to plan ahead. As the supreme leader of the spaceship, Yu Yifeng must consider the future. Therefore, population is really a big problem.

But humans are not animals. It is impossible to give birth to a child just because they are born, nor can the government designate a match between two people, and then a child can be born.

Human reproduction requires men and women to first have the spark of love, and then enter the running-in period. After the running-in, they get married, and there is still a ten-month pregnancy period. After giving birth, the child must be educated and raised...

This series of processes consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, many young people nowadays do not like to have children because it is too troublesome.

According to statistics on earth, the more economically developed areas are, the lower the fertility rate is; people with higher overall quality have a lower desire to have children; the more stressed and busy people are, the more they want to have children.

These three conditions weighed on Yu Yifeng's heart like three mountains, because all the people in the Noah spacecraft met these three conditions...

Yu Yifeng has a headache. He really can't think of any particularly good way. Family planning does not exist here, but the reproduction rate is still very low.

"Let's do this, let people start dating first and get married first... We will also introduce a bill to encourage having children in the future to encourage childbirth."

"Yes." Xu Yunguo replied duplicity. In fact, he was a soldier and didn't know how to deal with it, and he couldn't think of a particularly good way.

"By the way, what will happen to the moon?" Yu Yifeng asked casually.

"Oh, we have already turned it into a blind date platform, and the effect is not bad." Xu Yunjin said with a bitter smile: "But when this happened yesterday, the screen was flooded again, what the sun, the son of God, the phenomenon of personality worship is again Out……"

"I will ask Dr. Roman to study this matter clearly..." Yu Yifeng shook his head and said, there are still many secrets about superhuman beings that have not been solved. A sudden thought occurred in his heart, it would be great if the perfect element could be used on everyone... everyone would be stronger and smarter, that would be great.

As for the personality cult phenomenon, there are advantages and disadvantages. It seems that it will not disappear for a while. It was impossible for him to discredit himself. He could only consider this issue after all the reforms were completed.

"Captain, something suddenly occurred to me!" Xu Yunjin raised his voice and said, "Our living environment is so bad. We live in iron houses and a group of people share the toilet. Who would even think about having children!"

"I think it is very important to improve the living environment."

"You're right." Yu Yifeng sighed, "Next, I want to launch another major project."

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