Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 438 Everything costs money

Yufu 2, a third-rate county town...

An unremarkable electric van was parked at the corner of the street, with several soldiers wearing native clothes sitting on it.

With a "snap", the soldier Caesar knocked a green bean-sized insect to the ground.

After knocking the insect over, he wiped some blood off his arm and cursed in his heart.

This kind of insect is a very common pest in Yufu 2, equivalent to mosquitoes on Earth, which will catch people and suck if they know that humans are alien creatures, they especially like to bite humans.

But after sucking human blood, these insects will go into shock because they are not adapted to the protein in the hit one is one.

Because the oxygen content in the atmosphere is high, these guys grow bigger. And their vitality is complete. Even after experiencing the ice age brought by the nuclear winter, this creature was not killed.

"Damn, insects are so annoying...Are there no pesticides? I'm going to be sucked dry..." Another soldier complained angrily while operating the computer, hitting his face with a "snap" sound.

Of course, he was not torturing himself, but beating the bugs...

In this era, without oil, pesticides are also very expensive. Because 30% of the substances in the previous pesticides are byproducts of oil.

These people once went to the supermarket to investigate, and when they saw the price of pesticides, they all retreated...

Caesar and the other three were professional hackers, who were concentrating on debugging various programs in the computer in the car, while cursing.

These bugs caused a lot of trouble to their work, but it was too hot to close the windows. This rented broken car... It doesn't even have air conditioning!

What kind of life is this.

Zhao Yao came from a distance, picked up a pack of paper boxes and threw it into the car.

"Ah? Eating this kind of Lama Duo dumplings again... It's so disgusting... Captain, can't you change it? Just get some starch." Caesar swallowed a few mouthfuls and complained again.

Zhao Yao fanned his face with his hands, drove away a few insects, and said in a muffled voice: "Okay, okay, I'm not asking you to come here to enjoy yourself."

"This damn place, it's good enough to be able to eat!"

After a long period of adaptation to the environment, coupled with the effect of drugs, these superhuman soldiers were finally able to breathe the air here and enjoy the food here...

At the beginning, they were extremely happy.

But this sense of novelty is fading day by day, especially after landing on land. They feel...staying on this planet is just like this.

In the has become a torment!

The temperature here is generally hot, and the food tastes very strange, often with a not-so-nice fishy smell. Only some high-end delicacies are suitable for human taste...

And the most important point is that it is too unfree...

Because it costs money!

It costs money!

It costs money!

This also costs money, and that also costs money. This feeling is really a bit bad.

Among these five people, except Zhao Yao, the others are not the first generation, have never experienced the era of money, and often forget about this.

They once made a fool of themselves because they forgot to pay for things they bought. That time, facing the natives' yelling and aggressive eyes, even the captain Zhao Yao felt a little embarrassed...

They were used to the rich communist life in Noah, and they took the things and left, and even forgot to pay...

It was really embarrassing.

"You guys don't have the spirit of hard work and perseverance... You should be tempered! Who dares to complain again!" Zhao Yao slapped and killed a bug on his arm.

Let's not talk about life for now. In these six months, the pioneering team has also gained something.

First, these superhuman soldiers have learned the language of the natives, which is the most commonly used "Sixteen-nation Federation Language", and there is no problem with basic communication.

Second, the experts have worked hard and finally hacked into the computer of the Civil Affairs Bureau of this country, adding basic civil information to everyone.

A few orphans suddenly appeared in the household registration of a certain big city, and no one knew about it. As long as they don't search very carefully, there should be no major problems.

The system of the natives is not so easy to hack. The computer systems of the two civilizations are completely different, and the programming languages ​​are also different. It was difficult for these experts to figure it out and find loopholes within six months.

Fortunately, the matter has been successful, so there is no need to spend too much thought in the future.

"How much money do we have left?" Zhao Yao frowned and swallowed the ball that looked a little round and tasted a little strange, and asked.

"The real banknotes have been used up, and there is still a large box of counterfeit banknotes in the trunk, more than one million." Caesar replied: "How about we rob some? Steal some?"

What a bad idea, Zhao Yao immediately shook his head. They are a group of new human soldiers, and they actually thought of robbing at the first time.

"Rob your head, are you addicted to robbing? Do you know how much money we need? No!"

Rejecting this plan, Zhao Yao touched his chin.

A penny can make a hero fall. They, a group of big men of interstellar civilization, are actually worried about "money".

They need to buy land and houses to prepare for large-scale tourism in the future. How can they do without money?

Although the counterfeit banknotes currently produced are realistic, they are unlikely to be used on a large scale. After all, there is electronic currency in this era. It is impossible to carry a sack of money to buy a car or a house. Doing so will only attract a lot of reporters... which will increase the risk of exposing the truth.

"Be low-key!"

Zhao Yao thought for a moment and then asked: "How about the electronic intrusion? Can we modify the numbers in the financial system? Just increase the amount of electronic money in our identity card and that will be fine."

Hearing this, Caesar showed a trace of distress on his face: "Captain, this financial system is very troublesome and well-defended. It is much more sound than the civil affairs system of the city government. The indigenous people are not stupid either. Financial intrusions and cryptographic algorithms are too It’s complicated, I guess it will take me a long time to find the loopholes.”

"And... they have to manually adjust the accounts every day! After we modify the numbers, isn't it easy to expose it? Unless all the corresponding in and out numbers are modified, it will be easy to find out that something is wrong..."

"Oh, let me try again. If it doesn't work, we can get some seabed gold and sell it to the gang boss, and we can make money... I don't believe he dares to eat us."

"If it doesn't work out, just rob the gangster... It shouldn't matter if you rob the gangster, right?"

Zhao Yao sighed, the money came from some underworld means, he was really fucking drunk. But he still doesn't want to do this. If he wants to seriously open up a base area, robbing alone is definitely not enough.

After dinner today, I suddenly discovered that there was an extra cute host. I was flattered. Thanks to xixiqp788 book friend.

Thank you so much!

Okay, the alliance leader asked, it would be better to add one later. In fact, I have written it and will send it out at noon tomorrow... The card text is too powerful now T^T, I really can’t write it fast, I’m sorry.

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