Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 439 Not adaptable

I heard another soldier ask: "Captain, was this how your previous life on earth was? You could just travel a bit. What is there to miss about this kind of life? This is too embarrassing..."

Zhao Yao opened his mouth and cursed with a smile: "You guys, your life is too rich, and there are so many things you don't understand! You should leave it here for a while. If the resources of this vast planet are all gone, you can't live on." , and being a shitty soldier!”

The four soldiers below all laughed, and they were just complaining.

Looking at the ubiquitous solar panels on the roadside, Zhao Yao frowned. How should I put it... it made him feel like he had returned to a model rural area in the early 21st century, or even worse.

But there is a faint smell of methane in the surrounding area. These are methane pits dug by rural people themselves. In this era, serious fuel is too expensive, and producing biogas yourself is almost enough...

Country people must be shrewd.

Having said that, apart from these different details, the form of social operation here is indeed very similar to that on Earth, both based on a market-oriented economy.

Zhao Yao is not a professional sociologist, so it is difficult to explain clearly what is going on. He always feels that the world is a bit weird and not like what he imagined.

The technology here is actually more developed than on Earth, but due to the high cost of energy, the lives of ordinary people are actually worse...

The dreamed technological explosion has not come, and science has stagnated.

There is no such thing as a singularity era, when science is continuously suppressed by expensive energy. It is just such a long-term mediocre and inactive existence.

Of course, in this world, the gap between rich and poor has also become wider.

Controlling energy and heavy industry is equivalent to controlling the lifeline of the economy, and after so many years of expansion, it is difficult to expand these energy lifelines. However, these solar energy industries are still unable to maintain a wealthy life for everyone.

The giant companies in "Aristocrat 2" have stood for thousands of years and accumulated a lot of wealth, and some of the top leaders are very, very wealthy.

Even if ordinary people are exploited, they have nothing to do. The most they can do is lower their heads and squeeze in.

Being an employee of a large company feels like becoming a master...

For example, in the fifth-rate small county where Zhao Yao is located, 40% are farmers and 40% are service personnel. Due to energy shortage, the remaining industrial personnel are only a minority.

"The vast majority of people live just to 'survive', but the entertainment industry is highly developed, more developed than us... Only stars with wealthy lives and YY novels, plus TV and games, can satisfy everyone's fantasy of a better life... …”

"Anesthetize yourself..."

Zhao Yao sighed and said: "Let's go, let's forget about the money for now and let the experts find a way. We won't be discovered even if we spend a small amount of counterfeit money. Let's go to the military area and hack their satellites. It will save money." Deep Space has been discovered."

In fact, after investigation, this worry has been greatly reduced. With the shortage of energy, many seemingly meaningless "scientific research" has been stopped long ago.

Space telescope?

Such flashy things don't exist. At most, there are only a few small observatories on the ground, with a few big cats and kittens who are not doing their jobs...

Most of the technological research and development of the Yufu civilization is for "short-term interests." Without oil, it simply cannot afford the burdens of the hadron collider and space station.

The price of climbing a deep gravity well is too high. The cost of launching one satellite here was so high that in the age of oil, ten satellites could be launched. How can this be done? Therefore, launching a few satellites is already a great initiative.

However, the satellite system in the sky still needs to be "blacked out". As long as this thing is hacked, human beings can basically control the "eyes" of the world. There is no need to worry anymore. Even if they "travel" on a large scale, they will be "ignored".

In three days, these people took various means of transportation and finally arrived at the most powerful country in "Chariot 2", Casno.

According to the investigation, the satellite main control system should be in the capital of Kasno, Constar, which is also the largest and richest city on the planet.

After getting off the electric railway, Zhao Yao couldn't help but sigh at the huge gap between the rich and the poor on this planet when he saw the scene in front of him.

What a super modern metropolis.

The air here... is actually fresher than in the countryside, the solar panels in the middle of the road are placed in a more orderly manner, and the strange swamp smell that permeated the small county town is finally gone.

Various advertising screens, colorful neon lights flashing, and skyscrapers give these people an extremely prosperous feeling.

No wonder people in small towns want to move to big cities...

"Ah, head, that woman is ogling you... That's the legendary... that, that!" After leaving the platform, Soldier Caesar's eyes lit up and he peeked at a scantily clad woman standing on the street.

Such a profession had only been seen in some novels, but he didn't expect it to really...really appear, which made him feel particularly excited.

Several other soldiers also looked excited and even wanted to step forward and strike up a conversation with this woman.

They were purely out of curiosity and had no other ideas.

"Handsome guy?" This woman's heart was moved when she saw several real handsome guys. She posed in a pose that she thought was charming. The smell of low-quality perfume came to her face. There were two white and tender balls hanging from her low-cut clothes. thing.

Superhuman noses are very sensitive. I don't know if it's because of the perfume or because of these words... These soldiers were frightened, their faces turned pale, and they took a few steps back.

As a result, the woman pursed her lips and uttered a few words: "Coward!"

However, this sentence did not arouse men's desire to conquer, but instead caused a reaction.

The sex education of the new human civilization is quite strict, and all kinds of "wisdom" are regarded as the beauty, and there is full of equality between people. These soldiers could not imagine that someone would actually sell their body for money. They all felt their hands and feet were cold and were speechless in shock.

This is so scary, they even have a desire to use the micro-weapons in their sleeves.

"Okay, what are you looking at? Come on, hurry up!" Zhao Yao patted their shoulders, "We still have a mission!"

After staying away from this terrifying woman, Caesar and others unexpectedly calmed down. They were silently thinking about why this phenomenon occurred.

In order to live, or for dignity.

this is a problem.

"The price of survival."

And Zhao Yao had to lament that the difference between the two civilizations was getting bigger and bigger, and the thinking of low-level civilizations seemed to be gone forever.

If he were allowed to live here for a long time, he could survive, but... it would be difficult to be comfortable.

Even he is like this, let alone the generations after him.

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