Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 52 Mars

The first confrontation between Wild Wolf and Tesla officially ended 10 days later. A professional technology evaluation team reviewed the project based on its practicality, advantages and disadvantages.

The simple plan of the Wild Wolf Design Bureau has long been adopted and used, and has received unanimous praise.

Tesla’s complex solutions are also taken over by the factory. Although the effect of their plan is not obvious, the advantage is that it can be used for a long time.

The final result, Wild Wolf took: 2 hours, almost no consumption.

Tesla time: 10 days, consuming a small amount of energy indicators. Besides, there are a lot of details to design and a lot of work to do.

It seemed that the Wild Wolf Design Bureau had won a great victory, but the Wild Wolves just had a flash of inspiration and played a little clever trick. The people at Tesla were unusually united in this project.

Only they themselves know who gained more.

When the crowd on the Noah learned about this, the discussion became even louder. Wild Wolf and Tesla were obviously two different styles. Tesla is a traditional science, and Wild Wolf is a bit engaged in black technology. It is difficult to distinguish which one is higher and which one is lower.

Differences began to arise among the crowd, with some supporting Wild Wolf and others supporting Tesla.

"Wild Wolf Design Bureau is obviously just trying to be clever. I can do this kind of plan, but I can still score high?!" a Tesla supporter said unhappily.

"It's so funny. If you can do it, you can do it. This is something that breaks the stereotype of thinking! Only when others have made it do you think it's easy."

"I still think the Tesla Research Institute is more reliable. Only by being down-to-earth can we do science."

"Isn't the Wild Wolf Design Bureau science? Simplifying complex problems is good science."

The overt and covert confrontation continues... This has also led to a wave of love for science. The quality of the people here is inherently high, and everyone has a skill. Nowadays, people like to read a few science books in their spare time to add some knowledge.

For people, there are too many talents and the competition pressure for good positions is too great. The more knowledge you have, the more competitive you will be...

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than two months since the spacecraft set sail. It is getting closer and closer to Mars, and the spacecraft begins to slow down by jetting in reverse.

From the observatory, Mars, the orange planet, can be seen with pinpoint accuracy.

Yu Yifeng felt a little excited, Mars, here we come!

There are reasons why humans choose Mars as their destination. Firstly, it has water, atmosphere, mineral deposits, and rich resources; secondly, it is relatively close to the moon. Europa and Titan are actually pretty good, but they are too far away compared to Mars.

Mars is one of the eight planets in the solar system, with the astronomical symbol ♦. It is the fourth planet from the inside to the outside of the solar system and is a terrestrial planet. Its diameter is about 53% of the Earth's. Its rotation axis inclination and rotation period are similar to those of the Earth. Its revolution is about twice as long as the Earth's revolution.

In the West, Mars is called "Mars, the God of War." The orange-red appearance is due to the hematite (iron oxide) on the surface, so it is also called the red planet.

Before Mariner 4 flew by Mars for the first time in 1965, many people speculated that there was liquid water on Mars because the light and dark features observed by the telescope resembled land and oceans, and some thin stripes were thought to be irrigation canals.

Although it was later confirmed that these canals do not exist and may be just an optical illusion, Mars may indeed have liquid water and even life!

Radar data from Mars Express and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show that there is a large amount of ice under the surface at the poles and mid-latitudes!

In 2008, Phoenix confirmed the existence of water and ice directly beneath the surface soil. In 2013, the Mars exploration rover Curiosity discovered that the Martian soil is rich in water, about 1.5 to 3 weight percent, indicating that Mars has enough water resources for future immigrants...

Of course, what you can see from the observatory is not just Mars, but also the moon and the earth.

A few days ago, Yu Yifeng also observed with his own eyes the scene of the moon being torn apart by the earth's gravity. The entire moon seemed to be peeled off, piece by piece, which was very terrifying. Large areas of rock flew out and turned into meteorites, causing large-scale collisions...

Fortunately, people left... Yu Yifeng did not disclose this to everyone. He felt that it was not necessary.

The moon has nothing to do with us anymore. People still have to look ahead. Mars is the next stop for mankind!

Yu Yifeng rubbed his hands, he was even a little impatient. The human ecosystem is really in embarrassment, and we must obtain more resources and energy on Mars.

To conquer a planet, manpower alone is not enough. The most important thing is science and productivity. At present, it is also a rapid stage of development of human science and technology. Yu Yifeng hopes to use Mars to truly build a spacecraft.

Yes, he has never thought about immigrating to Mars. What he really wants to build is the spaceship Noah.

You know, people haven't even built one ten thousandth of the space of the spacecraft. If it is completely built, people can survive in the spacecraft for a long time, why bother to immigrate to Mars?

Besides, if we want to transform a planet, humans simply don’t have this level of technology. At most, people will make the Mars base the same as the Moon base, or live under a glass cover... In this way, it is better to stay on board Noah, at least the space will be larger and safer.

Everyone knows this very well. Mars is just a transit station, and people come here to mine. However, the digging may take a long time. People will learn some technologies here and learn some skills necessary for space navigation...

Yu Yifeng took a long breath, technology is so important in the universe. Technology is mankind's best sword and its best shield.

It is certainly a good thing that the Wild Wolf and Tesla institutes compete with each other, and it has even aroused people's love for science. However, science is meticulous and rigorous. An experiment needs to be repeated and verified many times to be considered successful, which takes a lot of time.

Technology can't be developed all at once. A month's work is nothing and it won't produce any results. Of course it's normal. The technology tree needs to be climbed slowly.

Tesla is okay, with a few small results every now and then. The wild wolf completely calmed down, not knowing what big name it was working on. Professor Ding Yidong once mysteriously said that it was a big project, a big project.

Since scientists are given enough freedom, Yu Yifeng won't have to worry about it so much. He can just check the semi-annual report. He himself is extremely busy.

"Mr. Yu Yifeng, the Tesla Research Institute has launched a large-scale report meeting today, and you are invited to participate!" Yuriko stepped forward and said to him. After this period of time, she has become a very qualified secretary.

However, she is still not very comfortable with human interaction.

Since encouraging the liberalization of the family planning policy, Yu Yifeng has always heard some strange words, saying that he and Yuriko should have a child as soon as possible to set an example... These people are really nosy, they have nothing to do.

Although Yu Yifeng has a slight affection for Yuriko, it is only between colleagues and is different from the relationship between men and women.

"Oh? Is it important?"

"They claim to have discovered a major secret about Noah's spacecraft, so you must participate!"

Yu Yifeng's expression changed. It was related to the Noah, so he should go and see it.

The technological content of this spacecraft is too high, including the gravity system, expanded space, constant mass, hard shell, etc. This series of phenomena is really too mysterious. If one of these secrets can be solved, humankind's technological level will make a qualitative leap.

Of course, Yu Yifeng feels that this is unlikely...

Thanks to book friends alicered and Tianshu Tianshu Tianshu for the reward, thank you!

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