Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 53 Strange spaceship!

"Hello everyone, I'm Alpha Rimbaud from the Tesla Institute."

The speaker on the stage was a young man with a somewhat immature appearance, just in his early 20s. Seeing so many people in the audience, he felt a little timid and looked a little nervous.

"Today, I want to announce to you my research results, about the vacuum zero-point energy, quantum fluctuations and energy conservation of the Noah spacecraft..."

This young man may be a little inexperienced. He talked about quantum theory at the beginning, which made people confused.

He kept playing ppt, changing various calculus formulas, and said a lot of things that only physicists could understand, while others were completely confused.

However, the people below are still very well-educated. Even if they don't understand, they still sit and watch this rising star in the scientific world quietly (pretending to be cool).

After Rimbaud finished speaking, there was a moment of silence, and no one asked him questions.

"Uh... do you have anything to ask?" He felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere and could only stand on the stage awkwardly.

Of course the experienced Dr. Felix knew what mistakes Rimbaud had made. A great scientist should still try his best to take care of the juniors in the institute. Although Felix had already read Rimbaud's paper.

He stood up from his position and asked encouragingly: "Mr. Rimbaud, can you tell me how you discovered this problem? Please be as straightforward as possible."

It seemed that he was talking about what Rimbaud was most proud of, and his expression began to become confident. "As we all know, the mass of the Noah spacecraft is conserved. No matter how many things are packed inside, its mass will remain unchanged when measured from the outside."

"This is very magical and a fact. Otherwise, we would not be able to push something with a mass of hundreds of millions of tons, not even a nuclear bomb with a weight of one billion tons."

"Yes, it is indeed true." The people below nodded. This has always been something that many scientists do not understand.

"We have reason to believe that alien civilization has hidden this part of the mass in a way that we don't know. It may be space science or other technologies... However, this mass does not disappear, but It is hidden because the people inside us are still alive, and this part of the quality is real and has not been lost.”

"So, I have an idea. Since this spaceship is so magical, is energy conserved? Does the law of energy conservation apply to this spacecraft?"

"The mass of the spacecraft is constant at 1.03 million tons, and we have installed almost billions of tons of things inside. Will this lead to non-conservation of energy?" Rimbaud said on the stage.

"Dr. Rimbaud, could you please explain why loading things in the spacecraft will lead to non-conservation of energy?" Someone asked, and they began to be curious about Rimbaud's research.

Dr. Rimbaud immediately explained: "According to the kinetic energy formula under macroscopic low-speed conditions: E=(1/2)mv^2, the kinetic energy of an object is proportional to its mass and proportional to the square of the speed, so the question is Well, inside the spacecraft, do our objects with a mass of several billion tons have kinetic energy?"

"Everyone knows that the speed of our spacecraft is around 28km/s. So, do the people in our spacecraft have the same speed?"

"If we have no speed, then the kinetic energy is zero and energy is still conserved."

"If we and the spacecraft have the same speed, then where does the kinetic energy of billions of tons of matter at such a high speed come from? Who gives us the kinetic energy?

Our nuclear bomb engines or chemical engines simply cannot provide such high kinetic energy. Does this energy appear out of thin air? Is energy really conserved in a spaceship? "

In the series of questions, everyone was thoughtful, nervous, and panicked. This question is obvious, it can be said to be very simple. If the things inside the spacecraft have kinetic energy, where does the energy come from?

Could it be that the law of conservation of energy was overturned at this moment?

At this moment, a young scientist, only 22 years old, began to challenge the most classic theorem in physics - the conservation of energy!

Energy neither creates nor disappears out of thin air, it only converts from one form to another, or transfers from one object to other objects, while the total amount of energy remains the same.

The law of conservation of energy is one of the universal basic laws of nature, also known as the first law of thermodynamics, and is the foundation of the entire scientific edifice.

If he succeeds, then the scientific edifice will collapse, the entire history of science will be rewritten, all technology will become unreliable, and a large number of papers will become waste paper.

Human civilization built in this technological building will become ruins...

Everyone present turned pale, and an unparalleled fear appeared in their hearts. If the law of conservation of energy that has been used since childhood is really wrong, what will happen?

Human beings simply cannot imagine...

The law of conservation of energy can never be overturned!

"So what is the speed of the things inside our spacecraft? Is it zero? Or does it have the same speed as the spacecraft?" asked a scientist below, his tone was trembling, and it was obvious that he was extremely uneasy inside.

"I'm sorry... After testing, our speed is consistent with the spacecraft." Rimbaud said.

"I was very shocked at first. Energy is not conserved?! Of course, like everyone else, I believe in the law of non-conservation of energy... But we must find an explanation for this phenomenon.

Since the kinetic energy of the material inside the spacecraft cannot be given by the nuclear bomb engine, either the energy is generated out of thin air, or it is an unknown and powerful energy source that we have not discovered that gives this part of the kinetic energy. "

After hearing this, the people below immediately became noisy and talked about it. If energy is still conserved, it will be easier for people to accept it. It would be good if energy is conserved... Rimbaud's words have aroused the curiosity of many people. Where does this energy come from? Coming? What is that powerful energy source?

Rimbaud laid out a bunch of facts to prove his point, "I think that the speed inside us is the same as the speed outside the spacecraft, which is based on facts.

First, when we walked from the inside to the outside of the spacecraft, we did not move relative to the spacecraft, which shows that our speed, whether in size or direction, is highly consistent with the spacecraft. "

"If our speed was zero, as soon as we walked outside the spacecraft, we would be instantly left behind because of the inconsistent speed. However, this phenomenon did not happen, so our speed is consistent with the spacecraft."

"Of course, I also did another experiment. According to the relativistic effect, the time flow of objects with speed will slow down, which is the slow clock effect. I placed two cesium atomic clocks inside and outside the spacecraft at the same time. After a while, I found that the atomic clock showed The time is exactly the same.

This shows that the speed inside and outside the spacecraft is the same, and we will also be affected by the relativistic effect inside the spacecraft. "

Many people nodded. These two facts showed that the material inside did have speed, and it was the same as the spacecraft.

"In that case, Dr. Rimbaud, where does the kinetic energy of the objects in the spacecraft come from?" A scientist couldn't help but ask.

"I think that our kinetic energy comes from the vacuum zero point energy. We use quantum fluctuations to borrow energy from the vacuum..."

Quantum fluctuation means that the uncertainty principle allows a small amount of energy to be randomly generated in a completely empty space (pure space), provided that the energy disappears again in a short time. The greater the energy produced, the shorter the time that energy exists and vice versa.

Quantum fluctuations seem to violate the law of conservation of energy, but this kind of fluctuation occurs anywhere in space, and the energy exists for a very short time. When the time comes, it will disappear, so on a large scale, the law of conservation of energy and has not been destroyed.

"But now, this part of the energy has become people's kinetic energy. The energy seems to be generated for no reason, but its essence comes from the vacuum zero-point energy..."

People who don't understand it don't understand it at all, but those who understand it suddenly sigh, it's really a god-like technology!

(It may be a bit brain-burning, but it is also necessary for science fiction novels. There is not much content, and it will pass soon...)

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