Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 518 Food Training Method

While thinking about this, Gondor heard the fanatical shouts outside.

"This is...water! Water!"


Several red-flame horn men in charge of the investigation rushed back frantically from outside, shouting as they ran, their bodies like a gust of wind.

The face of one of the leading young men was distorted, and he was jumping up and down on the ground with his feet, unable to stop at all, as if he had made some extraordinary discovery!

Immediately afterwards, the wise man Amide understood the roar in their mouths and ran over.

In fact, the Chiyanjiao people have developed a relatively reasonable social system to this day.

And because of the series of disasters that occurred during the escape, this large tribe strongly adhered to the attribute of "wisdom". The advent of mathematics, coupled with rational social institutions, allowed them to develop larger, more orderly tribes.

The invention of a series of stone tools increased their chances of survival and enabled them to survive in this abyss-like place for a long time.

However, due to the insufficient oxygen content in the atmosphere, there has been no burning phenomenon in the ruins zone, and there is no way to create a higher level industrial system. Even copper and iron cannot be smelted, so this civilization is still in the "Stone Age".

Yes, a top civilization in the Stone Age stage! Almost at the peak of the Stone Age.

However, the Stone Age always had its own limitations. No matter how powerful the Chiyanjiao people were, they could only pick up ready-made materials for processing, and they could only use "polishing" methods.

Social progress in the primitive era was really a matter of luck. Although higher-level wisdom was born, the mere fact that there was not enough oxygen for combustion was enough to block the upward development of most civilizations.

In the cosmic sociology of new humanity, a theory called "little filter" has emerged.

Some experts believe that before the development of interstellar civilization, there are layers of small filters that hinder the development of civilization.

There are many contents of these "small filters", such as: evolution from simple life to complex life, no combustion phenomenon due to lack of oxygen, lack of fossil fuels, no language, mathematics, industrialization, etc. Their pass rate is not as good as that of large filters. The filters are so terrifying, but when accumulated overlappingly, the probability is quite small, and it can still filter out many, many civilizations.

Closer to home, the Red Flame Horn civilization had no oxygen or even magma from the beginning. It was really... the difficulty of hell within hell.

Needless to say, their living conditions are very difficult, and they never have much spare time for random thoughts. The entire survival process is spent either looking for food or sleeping to reduce energy consumption.

To be able to develop to this point is beyond the unimaginable difficulties of ordinary civilization. It may be their greatest luck to encounter a new human civilization.

When Amide ran to the playground, his eyes were bright and bloodshot in an instant!

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief... This time it was truly incredible, beyond his imagination.

A huge pool!

There’s even something like a fountain!

Many Chiyanjiao people were gathered around, drinking large gulps of water, burying their faces in it, and were very happy.

Water resources are absolutely precious to them. In the ruins zone, the huge temperature difference makes it impossible for there to be liquid water on the surface, and only some solid ice blocks are found deep in the ground.

Yes, just ice cubes.

In addition to underground ice, the water in the body of the Red Flame Horned Man can only be replenished by the plant "Lilith" and the prey it kills.

Due to the serious shortage of water resources, excreting waste from the body is an extremely luxurious thing for them.

But now, there is so much water!


Anmeide felt a creepy feeling of happiness in her heart!

This feeling of happiness is intense and scary. As the smartest individual, of course he would not just see the surface. Instead, he had a feeling of "fattening and then slaughtering" for no reason.

But he still couldn't bear his manic heart, so he ran to the pool and drank "gu dong gu dong".

This should be the first time for all the people of Chiyanjiao to drink pure liquid water. It is so sweet and so happy... that each of these guys' bodies are a little swollen after drinking it.

After drinking water, these people collectively felt the urge... to excrete waste from their bodies.

Of course, they can't be stupid enough to pollute the water source they want to drink, otherwise they will definitely be slaughtered by Chief Gondor.

According to their own tradition, they walked to a "Lilith" plant and dug a big hole...

Bury the soil after you're done.

"Lilith" has extremely strong survivability. It can absorb almost all moisture and organic matter and then recycle it. It is the main producer of the entire ruin belt.

New Humanity scientists are also investigating this magical plant, and may be able to introduce the ecosystem of Noah to stabilize the ecosystem.

"It's very frugal, it's a good thing, it's a good thing!" Yu Yifeng looked at the surveillance camera with interest, amazed in his heart.

The fact that they didn't pollute his own water source shows that these guys are quite capable and he likes them very much. Emotions seemed to be contagious. Even drinking some water made him feel so happy. He unconsciously picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip...

Immediately afterwards, after hearing the news, more Chiyanjiao people came to the big playground to drink gulps of water. After drinking the water, they began to explore the new world around them with great satisfaction.

On the sand in the center of the playground, there are several large compasses standing upright, and there are a dozen TV screens more than two meters high next to them. The Red Flame Horn people's jumping ability is very good, and many people have jumped to the screen and looked around.

When Amide picked up the compass curiously, a picture suddenly appeared on the screen, and a series of beautiful sounds sounded.

Everyone took a few steps back, taking a defensive stance. Several people on the screen jumped down in a hurry, very frightened.

This screen is not offensive in any way, it is just a small demonstration of how to use the compass.

"Ah, this is..." The smart Anmid had already understood and couldn't wait to draw perfect circles one after another on the sand. They also have similar inventions, but they are not as refined as this compass, and the angle can be adjusted at will.

Others are studying the luminous screen and even beating it.

As a result, those who were beaten violently were electrocuted and knocked to the ground. Their bodies twitched wildly and it took them a long time to get up.

Soon, more pictures began to appear on the screen, no text, only sounds and pictures.

Anmeide saw a large ruler next to the compass again, and felt a little confused, and quite confused about the intentions of those iron men.

"It's such a waste to have so much water hanging out here. There will be no water left."

"And what is this moving thing? Are there any creatures living inside the glass?"

He imitated the demonstration on the screen, using a compass to draw a circle on the sand, and using a ruler to draw a line in the middle.

These smooth and exquisite props made him very satisfied. They were at least 10,000 times more powerful than the tools in the tribe. While the old man was pleasantly surprised, he also had a lot of doubts about the race that captured them: "They are so rich, maybe they didn't capture us just for food?"

At this moment, the nearby Red Flame Horn people shouted "Wow wow wow" again.

After Anmead imitated an image, the machine... spat out the food!

"There's food!"

"Get out of here!"

A bunch of people from Red Flame Horns punched and kicked at the screen crazily again, and were knocked over by strong electric current again. One by one, they were twitching and rolling on the ground.

At this moment, even Chief Gondor, who was still drinking water, was attracted by the shouts.

He hurried over, picked up the fruit on the ground and smelled it, frowning. It was the Lilith fruit that was usually eaten. After biting it with their teeth, it was genuine... They just accepted it with doubts and kept it with the chief for the time being.

Things started to get weird...

How could food roll out of a stone?

These Red Flame Horned people were confused and puzzled.

Food is the best way to train life. Even ordinary cats and dogs can learn a lot of things through training, not to mention these intelligent Chiyanjiao people. They quickly figured out that they could get food by imitating the actions on the screen.

A group of people soon began to imitate, starting with the simplest Arabic numerals...

"1" means drawing a circle, and "2" means drawing two circles. It's very simple, just numbers. They already have something similar. A steady stream of food rolled out, making them happy.

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