Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 519: Looking for More Population

"This group of strange races doesn't seem to regard us as gods." Looking at the scenes on the screen, Yu Yifeng said in a joking tone: "It seems a bit difficult to control."

Every move of this group of Red Flame Horn people is under people's surveillance. So far, their performance is pretty good.

During this period of observation, they clearly showed emotions such as curiosity, fear, submission, and shock, indicating that the ideology of this group is similar to that of new humans.

As a subject race, ideological similarity is necessary. If it is similar to Zerg or something else, there may be more disadvantages.

Moreover, the Chiyanjiao people reproduce sexually, and the young individuals live in the "pouch" in front of the mother's body since childhood, which is similar to the Australian kangaroos.

Therefore, the Chiyanjiao people also have a relatively strong concept of family ties and clan concepts.

In addition... they can easily solve simple math problems, which shows that their intelligence is relatively high.

Putting these factors together, Yu Yifeng is quite satisfied.

When I met the indigenous lizards on the planet Nix before, they didn't know math at all. They looked stupid and didn't have as many advantages as the Red Flame Horn people.

However, the only drawback is that this species looks relatively wild, and does not naturally regard new humans as gods like the previous indigenous lizards... causing certain difficulties in management.

"Their imprint of religion only has a preliminary prototype, and has not developed a complete set of culture..."

Yuriko, who was standing next to her, said calmly: "It's a good thing that we are not regarded as gods. The subordinate races are not slaves. They spend more time in contact with each other, and they must at least master certain science and technology..."

"When you understand it to a certain extent, the gods' claims will be self-defeating, and then it will become more troublesome..."

Yu Yifeng also nodded: "That's true... We have ways to enhance their loyalty, and it doesn't necessarily have to be pretentious."

At this moment, his contact rang. It was Dr. Lavide Fei, who was specifically responsible for this project.

Yu Yifeng didn't dare to neglect and quickly connected.

The man hurriedly said from across the screen, with a feverish tone: "Captain, we found that this group of Red Flame Horn people already have elementary mathematics common sense! Although it has not been strictly axiomized, the content we broadcast is impossible to live by. them!"

"It's too simple, it's still too simple for them..."

As he spoke, he also opened the things he had harvested while capturing the Red Flame Horn people, "Look, these bark-like items are actually their books! The largest tribe has formed a simple writing system... This It's a triangle, it's a circle! These should be numbers... we infer, they're decimal like us."

Yu Yifeng looked at it blankly. These crooked things should have been carved with nails, but they were undoubtedly words.

It’s almost incredible that a civilization that didn’t have fire and still ate raw food developed writing!

He was stunned for a long time before sighing: "It seems that we have underestimated the Red Flame Horn people. However, the difficulty of teaching should not be greatly increased for the time being. There are still some small tribes that don't have writing, right?"

"They first have to be familiar with our Arabic numerals."

"Think of these foods as welfare!"

The two chatted casually again, all about the deciphering of language and characters, future education work, etc.

It can be seen that Dr. Lavide is quite satisfied with the performance of these celebrities.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Yifeng's expression condensed, and he quickly convened his own think tank members to discuss this matter.

A civilization in this primitive era, when it was almost completely destitute, gave birth to such a large tribe, and also gave birth to writing and mathematics. It must have its fundamental superiority... that is IQ.

"Smartness is inevitable... A civilization that didn't even have copperware actually invented mathematics by leaps and bounds. Their minds must be smarter."

"From this point of view, they are stronger than the indigenous lizards... and their intelligence level may be higher." Yu Yifeng analyzed the information one by one based on the information currently available.

"So, how should we transform them? Comprehensive social transformation. We must not only ensure their loyalty, but also ensure their motivation. We do not need a group of lifeless slaves. Everyone, tell us your opinions. "

This kind of thing had been discussed many times in advance, and when the real owner actually appeared, people were still very excited.

To do something, you must adapt to local conditions. It is impossible to do everything in one way. In view of the characteristics of these Red Flame Horn people, novel viewpoints have been put forward one after another.

The first person to speak was biologist Roman, who listed a lot of biological data.

The batch of Chiyanjiao people who were still frozen became the best experimental subjects for scientific researchers.

The medical level of the Noah has been very advanced. As long as the red people are still breathing, most of them can be saved. But there are still a few who were seriously injured and died when they were frozen.

For individuals who unfortunately died, even if biologists are extremely capable, they cannot bring them back to life. They can only dissect and study them...

"This group of Red Flame Cape people mainly live in a low-gravity environment. The average height is about 1.6 meters, and the largest individual is 2 meters high. Their internal bone distribution is completely different from ours. It mainly forms a scaffold-like structure around the body. . Organs are connected to each other with a ligament-like high-strength material.”

"Instead, the ligament structure has become the main body, and the bones are secondary. This structure makes the body extremely strong and can withstand extremely huge instantaneous pressure. Under the appropriate gravity, their maximum jumping and running speed is forty meters per second. Above! Of course, they can also survive in higher gravity and high pressure, but they will not be able to adapt to it. "

When Dr. Roman said this, there was a small discussion around him. The physical fitness of the people in the Red Flame Horn was better than people thought.

"...The long tail behind you is like a spring. It is an auxiliary organ for taking off and a balance organ. The level of intelligence... There is no specific data for the time being, but judging from the current performance, it can reach the level of ordinary people, that is, one hundred to one hundred Around twenty."

"...has its own language and looks more mature."

"With relatively developed hands, you can do more complex work."

After a series of reports, the entire conference room was buzzing with excitement. At least the "hardware" of the Red Flame Horn people sounded pretty good, exceeding people's expectations by a large margin.

Now the main investigation is still on the "software" aspect. If this race is like a "sloth" or a "tortoise", which naturally does not like to toss and sleeps when it is full, it will become quite troublesome.

Xiao Zuo stood up and said: "There is a certain probability, because the lives here need to conserve their own energy as much as possible. They have the habit of sleeping, and laziness is probably a high probability. But in this regard, because of the existence of wisdom, , at least it can be controlled and transformed.”

"Yes... there is no perfect species." Another doctor agreed.

Yu Yifeng thought about it again and again, and felt that since the conditions were more suitable, he should not give up this opportunity.

He stood up directly and said: "So... are there still such tribes in the ruins? The ten thousand people now are too few, even less than the starting point of our moon period, so more people must be captured. How many are there in the entire ruins zone? What is their reproductive capacity? Let’s investigate these issues first.”

"In the remaining time, we will go through the ruins. What do you think?"

Although life in the universe is common, most of it is a community of microorganisms. Looking for such a suitable intelligent species is not something you can encounter casually.

This is a good opportunity.

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