Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 520 Neutrino Detection (4000 words)

In this way, following the government's order, nearly 30,000 professional soldiers, or nearly half of the soldiers, participated in this military operation to capture the Chiyanjiao people.

They tossed back and forth on large meteorites, and searched on various major planets... A large number of machines were shuttled around, and the entire ruins had never been so lively. Animals often jumped out, making people jump around.

With more people and greater strength, the soldiers failed to find the real master for a while, but instead found a group of even more strange and tenacious underground beings.

There are animals, insects, colonies, and plants...

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, biologists would never have thought that there was such tenacious life in the world.

These weird beings basically move underground, are long and strip-shaped, and generally have the ability to utilize differential thermal energy. In the right environment, the growth rate is very fast.

They do not have any special intelligence, but they have unique body structures and high-strength biological tissues, which are very beneficial to the research of nanodynamics and gene dynamics.

Especially...some plants and bacterial colonies are an eye-opener for foodies! Not every creature is worthy of painstaking research, but most things can be eaten!

Every time they arrive on a strange planet, people have to try to collect something they can "eat". This habit seems to have become a strange culture of the new humanity.

As a result, there are now more and more types of food in the Noah, and there is a mess of everything. Anyway, superhumans have very good digestive systems and immune systems, and when cooked, they contain protein...

The new government has also specially opened several large rooms for cultivating these extraterrestrial life forms. Of course, all kinds of safety work is done with all their heart.

Ling Lai is mainly responsible for the biological cultivation work in this area, with several graduate students providing guidance. In fact, she alone is enough.

Sure enough, another large black fungus was discovered in this ruins area. It looks a bit like a mushroom, but it turns out to be the ultimate hot pot ingredient!

According to research and practice, this large fungus is rich in amino acids, extremely rich in nutrients, and does not contain any toxic substances. And it tastes very good. When added to clear soup, it will form a pot bottom that is as delicious as chicken soup. It can also effectively avoid problems such as getting angry after eating too much hot pot.

Another example is the fruit of "Lilith", each of which is about the size of a bullet. After being dried, it tastes a bit like pistachios and is "bumpy and crunchy" when bitten into the mouth.

This fruit has strong antioxidant properties. After research, people suddenly discovered that the reason why Chiyanjiao people live so long is because... they eat this nut for a long time!

Can this nut extend life? !

Yes, there is indeed a small amount of oxygen here, but large life generally does not need oxygen.

The oxidizing property of oxygen is actually toxic to them.

In fact, oxygen does the same to humans. Life that breathes oxygen is generally shorter-lived, and the oxygen.

It is not oxygen itself that directly kills cells, but a harmful substance called "oxygen free radicals" produced by it. This kind of free radicals can cause damage to the biofilm system and intracellular oxidative phosphorylation disorders. It is a direct participant in human disease, aging and death, and is very harmful to human health and longevity.

Some of the current longevity technologies of New Humanity are based on research on free radicals. People have worked hard to develop a genetically modified bean that can provide a small amount of antioxidant capacity, but the effect is far inferior to "Lilith"!

After reaching this conclusion, the scientists were all ecstatic... and frantically studied the large-scale cultivation of "Lilith".

Being able to live longer is of course a great thing! Besides, this nut tastes good.

However, some people are happy and some are sad.

Not finding a large number of Red Flame Horn people is always not a satisfying thing.

Dr. Rimbaud said with great dissatisfaction: "The number of Red Flame Horn people is too small. I have been looking for it for so long and still haven't found it. How long will it take for ten thousand people to multiply? Isn't this causing trouble?"

"Even if cloning technology is used to speed up reproduction, the genetic diversity is too little. Inbreeding will definitely become stupid."

"At first glance, they are not a species with particularly strong reproductive capabilities. If the population is too small, the value will be much lower!"

Yu Yifeng also nodded with deep understanding.

Therefore, finding a large number of Red Flame Horn people has become the most urgent task for Noah society.

The new government has assigned search tasks to various scientific research groups, allowing everyone to participate and come up with solutions together.

Not to mention, in just two days, a lot of "solutions" really emerged.

Some people think that the newly captured super life "toad" can be used to search for it. This kind of life has extremely sensitive perception and a voracious appetite. It especially likes to prey on Red Flame Horn people. They can search hundreds of kilometers in a short period of time.

But these toads are still in a wild and untamable state, and there is no way they can obey the soldiers' orders...

There are still people applying, and more people can be dispatched to search. For example, many "young people who love adventure". The total number of these curious explorers is estimated to be hundreds of thousands.

In the context of material affluence, the pursuit of spiritual wealth has become a major pleasure for the people of Noah. In addition to research and work, there are of course many other extracurricular activities, such as exploration, games, handicrafts, art, etc.

"Okay, are you kidding me?" Now is not the time for casual exploration. Yu Yifeng saw through their little plan at a glance and refused righteously.

Having said that, tens of thousands of people plus a large number of robots are searching for a place larger than the earth. It is indeed impossible to search in a short time. Thirty thousand people are scattered in such a huge ruins area, not even a scratch, even if hundreds of thousands more are added.

Satellites in the sky can hardly detect organic matter buried deep in the soil. There were some large caves that could be discovered, but after the soldiers entered, they did not capture the Red Flame Horn people.

Time passes day after day, and Yu Yifeng's patience is slowly wearing away...

On this day, he was roaring loudly in the office: "We can only delay it for half a month at most, not even one more day! You should also know that our immediate task is to transport Quinton's body and understand the truth of the entire war! "

"No one knows what disastrous consequences will happen if we delay for one more day!"

Facing the experts' suggestions, his tone was rather unkind.

In front of him, stood several pale-looking biologists and sociologists, who came to apply for... job extensions.

Seeing that the expected 45 days were coming soon, and the rectification work of the mothership was about to be completed, people's search operation did not yield particularly big results, which made them feel extremely embarrassed.

On the one hand, the performance of this group of Red Flame Horn people is indeed very good. Whether it is physical fitness, intelligence or cultural heritage, they have the value of being an affiliated race.

On the other hand, people cannot search here endlessly.

"Half a month... half a month at most!"

Yu Yifeng emphasized again: "We cannot waste endlessly. If there is really only one tribe of Red Flame Horn people in this ruined area, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Seeing that the captain disagreed, the group of biologists quickly persuaded: "The creatures here have the habit of burying themselves underground. In a dormant state, they will not come out for many years."

"And it's impossible for us to directly use explosives to blow up the ground... The scope we are currently searching for is only 2.3% of the entire ruins area. It's normal that we haven't found it!"

"Theoretically, there cannot be only one tribe in a place, as long as there is enough searching time..."

Another expert answered: "I'm wondering if we can use nuclear bombs to create a series of earthquakes and scare them out?"

Yu Yifeng frowned. Hearing this bad idea, he didn't know what to say. If it doesn't work, you can only give it a try.

At this moment, the communicator on his body rang. When he opened it, he saw that it was the military calling.

He didn't dare to neglect and quickly connected.

"Captain, I am from the 7th Squadron of the 2nd Battalion. We encountered a... tribe of about a thousand Red Flame Horns! A fierce battle took place!"

A soldier's voice came from the opposite side, with a hint of joy.

"The Red Flame Horned Man has been captured!"

Yu Yifeng was shocked and quickly connected to the relevant satellite signal.

It can be seen from the video that the war between the indigenous people and the interstellar civilization is coming to an end.

This group of Red Flame Horn people live in a deep cave with a few sentinels. Facing the enemy's invasion, they crawled out of the sand one by one. After waking up, they began to charge without fear of death.

However, facing the heavily armed troops, they had no room for resistance and were quickly captured.

"Vicious, really vicious!"

"Yes, the Chiyanjiao people are actually at the top of the food chain. It's normal that their numbers are small." Several biologists marveled.

The discovery of this small tribe also made the office lively.

With their first harvest, they also had more confidence: "Captain, can you extend it for a while? There are still people here..."

"Yes, Captain."

Yu Yifeng frowned and said nothing. In fact, he was quite embarrassed.

He always felt that delaying here was not a good thing. He even felt a little disgusted. It took more than ten days to arrest a thousand people, which was not enough to fill the gap between his teeth. This efficiency was still too low.

At this moment, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of a report he had seen a few days ago. He picked up the contact device again and made a call.

At the same time, he said to the group of biologists: "The High Energy Physics Laboratory is debugging new detection equipment. It has taken several years and it is said that it will be completed in the near future."

"Let me ask you whether this equipment is ready. If this thing can be used, the Red Flame Horn people hiding underground will be found soon!"

Physicists have long been studying a new generation of detection technology... that is neutrino detection!

This technology has been developed in secret. Because of its high difficulty, it has not been completely completed, so it has not been fully disclosed.

New humans have already completed neutrino directional communication technology, but neutrino detection is much more difficult than neutrino directional communication and requires larger and more complex instruments.

Ultimately, because it has a small mass and no charge, its interaction with other particles is very weak, making it difficult to detect its existence. If it’s difficult to even detect it, let alone “image” neutrinos.

"Hey, how do you know? It only takes two days of preparation to complete! But let me state in advance that this machine is only for trial use and there is no guarantee that it will be found!" The final answer came from the other side of the phone, which was Professor Ding Yidong's voice. .

Suddenly, these biologists breathed a sigh of relief.

Two days passed quickly, and more than a hundred high-level government and military personnel, including Yu Yifeng, hurriedly came to a large instrument measuring ten kilometers in length.

The structure of this big thing is extremely complex and the size is astonishing. In addition to the ten kilometers of the main body, it is also connected with the internal nuclear reactor and the Large Hadron Collider. The whole thing adds up to a complete neutrino detection device.

Yu Yifeng finally understood why the bigger the spacecraft became, the more powerful it was, because the instruments and equipment inside were getting bigger and bigger... The space occupied by the instruments was far larger than people's living space.

Theoretically, neutrino detection technology can completely detect the overall situation of the underground. Whether it is 100 kilometers, 1,000 kilometers or 10,000 kilometers, it can basically be seen at a glance like X-rays.

"But there are so many things underground, and all the images are superimposed together, and it is not easy to distinguish...A lot of things have to be ignored. How about we only look for the thickness of one kilometer on the surface?"

"Okay, let's do this for now."

Ding Yidong and several other experts are confirming the final parameters.

"These Chiyanjiao people have special scales on their bodies, and the scales contain metal elements, so we specially debugged certain frequency bands to focus on detecting these scales."

"Ordinary organic matter is actually very difficult to detect..."

Yu Yifeng is watching the detailed instructions of this device.

Due to power constraints, this device cannot detect the entire planet at once, but can only explore it part by part.

"The neutrino beam is the decay product of secondary particles. It cannot be produced by direct targeting of the primary beam. In order to increase its intensity, special focusing equipment is needed."

As for this neutrino detection device, a large number of neutrinos are collected from the nuclear reactor and then emitted to the rated area like a radar.

"Let's get started." Yu Yifeng couldn't wait to say after seeing the debugging work completed.

With today's instruments, the amount of work required is getting larger and larger, and it can no longer be completed by one scientist overnight. The huge hadron collider has turned into a single component. It is not too much to spend more than ten years on such a highly complex thing.

This also made people lament that the difficulty of the technology tree has skyrocketed.

We have a new cute protagonist again, thanks to book friend "A Potato Flower"!

So today is a two-in-one chapter at noon, and we will update it as usual in the evening.

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