Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 547 The Birth of the Blue Star People

As time went by, he became more and more cautious, thinking long and hard about every move he made. If he blindly smashes meteorites, promotes the movement of tectonic plates, or creates major earthquakes and tsunamis, he will only cause a mass extinction of life and destroy the results of his painstaking efforts.

"What's the use of being strong..." He muttered secretly, a bit complaining about this weird setting.

He began to rely more on natural evolution, in a peaceful way.

As the environment changed, a series of evolutionary processes made him realize more and more... the connection between "accidental" and "inevitable".

Life is tenacious, and life is fragile. Two simple genetic philosophies govern all aspects of life. On this basis, let them evolve into various more complex actions...

Some things that seemed to be "outrageous" wrong turned out to be correct and even indispensable in the subsequent history!

It has been evolving smoothly, but there will not be any big achievements.

This also made Yu Yifeng feel more and more inadequate in his own wisdom.

For example: By chance, cyanobacteria entered a certain cell but were not digested. From the perspective of that time, the two cells were in a symbiotic state, competing for nutrients. As a result, this cyanobacteria turned into... a necessary chloroplast for plants in the future! This strange symbiosis gradually blended in and became the ancestor of all plants!

By chance again, nitrifying bacteria entered a certain cell and inexplicably turned into... mitochondria that are essential for almost all cells? !

"???" A series of questions came to Yu Yifeng's mind. The whole process is really amazing and incredible.

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise." He felt this sentence deeply during this evolution.

He has no ability to control these causes and effects.

Predation and being preyed upon, disease and hunger, satisfaction and enjoyment, anger and despair, life begins to become more and more complicated...

This unparalleled evolutionary power made him feel truly shocked!

He has completely assumed his role. Most of the time, he just watches, and only a few will intervene.

Although his God's head has been greatly strengthened, it is impossible to control every aspect of the world, and can only control some macro-level situations.

"God made stars, but he has no way to interfere with evolution, and he doesn't know what will happen in the future. It's too complicated." He thought secretly in his mind.

Soon, he laughed at himself: "But God can control the climate and bring indirect effects. God can also easily destroy you!"

Anyway, a few threats can be regarded as psychological comfort.

This world did not have a long dinosaur age. Under the care of Yi Feng, the climate was stable and there were not many asteroid attacks. From the beginning...crustaceans dominated the world.

However, because of the high oxygen concentration, these crustaceans are huge in size and look like huge tanks with a height of only two or three meters.

"Hey, what is this?! Carapace craze?"

Yu Yifeng sighed while observing with relish... "The mantis versus the scarab beetle".

The battle between the two bugs, with various jumps, rolls, and splashes of sand, was like two tanks colliding together.

A... war in which either you die or I die.

Any life here can easily kill tigers and lions on the earth in an instant, and the fights are very enjoyable to watch.

However, it seems to be a bit contrary to his original intention. Moreover, these bugs tend to become larger and stronger, which makes Yu Yifeng very anxious.

Any species is transparent in front of him.

After careful analysis, the brain structure of these insects is very simple, and there is no tendency to evolve intelligence at all.

And the environment began to become increasingly stable...

"Cockroaches have been dominant for too long. It's been hundreds of millions of years, and it's still like this? Alas."

This gave Yu Yifeng a headache, and his patience disappeared little by little.

Stability means that the species does not change much.

"What's wrong with the lack of intelligent life? Can these bugs understand the Big Bang?"

"Want intelligent life!"

Yu Yifeng stood on the highest peak of the planet and looked at the sun in the distance. In the whisper of time, the setting sun leans on the peak and gradually sets in the west amid aimless clouds and mist. Day after day, it seems like forever.

Looking at the time, it seems that four billion years have passed.

In 4 billion years, the sun and the blue star have become very mature. it's time.

He gritted his teeth and activated an asteroid, hoping to attack the planet forcefully!

A ten-kilometer asteroid comes from nowhere!


Blue Star is fine, the bowl is a big scar. But the huge impact caused overwhelming dust that spread all over the world. This dust lingers in the atmosphere, blocking sunlight, causing temperatures to drop significantly. Plants lack photosynthesis and die in large numbers.

This series of chain reactions led to the extinction of most species...

Yu Yifeng felt a little distressed, but he also knew the principle of "no destruction, no establishment".

"The brains of reptiles are all muscles, and there is basically no possibility of evolving intelligence."

Meteorites did not kill all species. With a massive biological foundation, there is no need to struggle as before.

Once the dust settled, life quickly recovered from the asteroid impact, and oxygen levels returned to normal. The struggle for survival begins again, and with the living space vacated by reptiles, new species take over.

As a became reptilian creatures that dominated the world again.

"Are you going to turn into a dinosaur?" Yu Yifeng felt a little unhappy, "But the life on the planet has not yet recovered its vitality. Another meteorite seems to be too much to bear."

He could only hold it in and endure it for the time being.

"Let's get some sleep first." Yu Yifeng thought for a while and simply went to sleep.

To his surprise, after 100 million years, Yuyou woke up and suddenly discovered that a kind of lizard-like warm-blooded reptile seemed to have... given birth to wisdom!


Well, Yu Yifeng doesn't care whether the intelligent life is a mammal or a reptile, as long as it is an intelligent life!

Yu Yifeng looked at these little things as he looked at his own children, with surprise, surprise, joy, and all kinds of emotions coming up at once.

At this time, two beeps suddenly sounded in my mind, and a "dialog box" popped up, which was an evolutionary path option. Yu Yifeng thought for a while and simply turned them...all into the appearance of Homo erectus.

"The evolutionary path of Homo erectus is determined."

It seems a little more pleasing to the eye, but it is optional anyway. The dialog disappears and the world returns to normal.

"It should slowly evolve into human form... Alas, I can no longer tell whether this world is real or fake." Yu Yifeng sighed.

Of course he has also tried the New Humanity video game, and there are also games similar to this type of evolution...

"But there's no comparison at all."

Yu Yifeng once controlled the flow of time and carefully observed a life. Starting from the fertilized egg and developing from childhood to adulthood, not a single step was skipped!

"Is this really just a game?" He was a little panicked. This reality added some psychological burden to him out of thin air.

"Oh, let's go on. For now, we have finally taken a small step."

"The premise of the entire topic is the birth of intelligent life, which is called... Blue Star Man!"

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