Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 548 Teaching Primitive People

After completing this step, another voice sounded in his head, "Brain development ability activated."

He discovered...that his abilities had finally evolved! The discovery nearly brought tears to his eyes.

"Finally, he is no longer the stupid, powerful 'God' who can only move meteorites and cause natural disasters."

"You and inject thoughts at will!"

Yu Yifeng clenched his fist fiercely.

This ability is so powerful that he can directly inject the thought "The universe was created from the Big Bang" into a primitive man.

"What the hell...can't you just complete the question directly?" Yu Yifeng felt happy, but also had some doubts in his heart.

With this mentality, he would definitely give it a try.

Soon, like cheating, he injected the idea of ​​"Big Bang" into a primitive man who was looking for food.

As a result...a scene that made people laugh and cry happened.

At this moment, this primitive man had some strange thoughts.


"Wei Xu digs rice dogs? Explodes... Explodes?!"

He made a strange sound in his throat, looked up at the sky, and then looked left and right. The primitive man found that there was nothing around him, and there was a puzzled look in his eyes. Then, he touched his belly and felt a little hungry.

He could only continue to look for his food as if nothing had happened.


Yu Yifeng was silent, a little confused.

Then read his thoughts.

"Fuck!" After knowing the truth, Yu Yifeng hugged his head and almost grabbed a handful of hair.

This primitive man has no idea what the universe is or what the big bang is. All he thinks about is eating... and... mating!

They haven't even developed a real language yet!

Therefore, after injecting this knowledge about the "Big Bang", primitive people cannot understand it at all!

"...It shows that this kind of 'injection' is not omnipotent. It can increase knowledge out of thin air, but it cannot forcibly change a person's thinking, and it will not make him smarter." Yu Yifeng thought in his heart.

He thought for a long time, but he couldn't find a loophole that could be exploited.

Moreover, "injecting thoughts" consumes extremely much physical energy, even more than pushing a meteorite, and he is suddenly in a state of near exhaustion.

Yu Yifeng frowned, and then let out a long sigh: "The question of marginal civilization is really not that easy. There are no bugs to find. Just brainwash the whole nation and believe in the Big Bang. It seems that it will not work. The physical strength is not enough. ."I can only brainwash a few people."

Next, we can only develop step by step.

In order to make the operation more detailed, Yu Yifeng specially changed the speed of time from the original "one second = 100,000 years" to "one second = 10 years".

I don't know why, but his brain seems to be able to accept so much information.

"The information of the entire planet. This should be what is called...intelligence has been developed to its limit. The ability to receive and process information has been greatly improved, and the ability to operate has been enhanced. I didn't expect it to be realized in this place."

Slowing down the passage of time has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can control it more carefully. The disadvantage...means that his physical recovery has also slowed down significantly, and it is impossible to rest for tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years like before.

Yu Yifeng frowned and pondered secretly: "The setting of the physical strength value means that most social evolution can only rely on natural evolution. I can only pry at a small number of key nodes to achieve the butterfly effect. The best way is to change some key figures..."

He figured out the key points. Of course, finding out is not necessarily the best thing you can do.

The evolution continues…

After the birth of intelligent creatures, tribes based on clans were quickly formed. With Yu Yifeng's small amount of thinking injection, higher-level social interaction and language emerged. These two subjects can further stimulate brain development and enhance their intelligence.

The appearance of these beings has also begun to look closer and closer to Homo erectus than the original reptiles.

It has to be said that the body shape of Homo erectus was still very powerful in the primitive era.

On the one hand, the claws have degenerated and evolved into fingers, which are more suitable for using tools; on the other hand, fighting in an upright state makes it easier to gain an advantage and allow for a farther and more comprehensive field of vision.

For example, when animals such as tigers, bears, orangutans, and dogs fight with the same kind or other opponents with strong fighting abilities, they always strive for a higher position and attack from top to bottom.

Therefore, although the environment in the greenhouse of modern society has produced a large number of weak otakus, in primitive society, the fighting ability of Homo erectus was not weak. Although it can't defeat top-notch animals like silverback gorillas, it is not difficult for adult Homo erectus to defeat wolves, leopards or other lightweight creatures alone.

Time passes, time passes...

After witnessing scenes of jungle fighting, Yu Yifeng's faint worries about the inappropriate evolutionary path gradually disappeared.

"What an insidious fringe civilization. If you randomly choose a jellyfish-like evolutionary path, you might become extinct halfway because you can't adapt to the environment. There is a reason why Homo erectus can stand out..."

Then came larger tribes, stone tools, tires, spears, bows and arrows...

One hundred thousand and two hundred thousand years later, the original Blue Star people began to occupy a larger territory. The further development of stone tools allowed them to gradually move to the top of the food chain.

Sometimes, because these people's living environment is so good and they don't seek flexibility, Yu Yifeng will cause a series of natural and man-made disasters, forcing them to move to farther areas.

"Wisdom is to cultivate higher wisdom."

Over hundreds of thousands of years, this civilization began to flourish, and the Blue Star people's footprints were spread almost all over the world.

"It's good to have a large distribution area, at least not all of them will die just because of a plague." Yu Yifeng thought.

However, these Blue Star people still have the bad qualities that intelligent life usually has, which is a big trouble point.

Then, towns appeared…

Drainage channels appear...

The text appears.

Next comes math.

And then there’s slavery…

The entire civilization became more and more blossoming, and was not as ignorant as before. Yu Yifeng began to cautiously restrain his strength and carefully protect this development.

The ancients were very stupid. If some inexplicable natural phenomenon occurred, God would immediately appear again.

The overall atmosphere of "science" is not like "language and writing", which can be forced to inject ideas, but is a humanistic phenomenon caused by the social environment. Until now, he still hasn't created it.

"But there's no rush for now... take it easy for a while."

After careful calculation, he, the "god", can only inject thoughts once every one or two hundred years. With full stamina, it can be injected five to six times in a row...

With the massive increase in brain capacity, he has been able to infuse more and more profound knowledge.

Therefore, Yu Yifeng decided to calm down and accumulate for a period of time to give each place independent development time.

Then there is a one-time injection of large-scale thinking, which is powerful.

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