Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 564 Mission Completed

Since the promulgation of the "Future White Paper Plan", everyone has been happy and encouraged. Such a large-scale planned economy has not appeared for a long time. In fact, even if 005 or Hicks Market are not willing to help, this new mothership still has to be built, it just takes a little more time.

Busy scientific and technological workers have another important task, which is to divide the original spacecraft design into two parts: the commissioned part and the self-built part.

And a lot of details need to be changed. After all, with so much technology gained, some of the original structures may be a bit outdated and need to be significantly modified to achieve better performance.

Fortunately, the spacecraft has not officially started construction, and the updates on the drawings are quite simple. If you wait until the spaceship is really built, you will have to break your muscles and bones if you want to update it, which is very troublesome.

Due to the vigorous development of computer science, modifications in this area are not difficult...

At nine o'clock that night, Yu Yifeng was sitting in the office, flipping through reports and checking various details. In just 12 days, even if 10,000 elites worked overtime, it was not enough to completely modify the entire spacecraft.

Suddenly, the communicator on the table rang. When he looked up, it was an urgent message sent by the military.

Yu Yifeng didn't dare to neglect and quickly connected.

"Report Captain, we have received an instant message from Hicks Trading Market!" On the screen, a soldier saluted and said.

Yu Yifeng was stunned for a moment: "Put it through!"

Immediately afterwards, the image of 005 appeared completely on the screen.

When she saw Yu Yifeng, she said with a smile: "New Human Civilization, I am here to report good news. I have completed your commission and successfully transported the goods to the base camp of Tiekui Civilization."

As she spoke, she sent a 3D video.

Yu Yifeng was also curious and clicked to take a look:

This is a bleak cosmic space with various colorful lights and shadows rotating back and forth. Vaguely, there seemed to be a dozen large and small circles, revolving around a particle in the distance.

Well... the content of this video is very weird, as if it were shot from the fourth dimension. The various strange lights and shadows that are reversed inside and outside and the massive amount of information make people dizzy. In just ten seconds, Yu Yifeng has a A feeling of vomiting like motion sickness.

For a superhuman like him, this feeling of vomiting is simply a bizarre event that has never happened before!

Just when he was extremely uncomfortable, the screen suddenly flashed, and all these strange lights and shadows disappeared, replaced by a normal conference room, where a group of Tiekui people were concentrating on the meeting.

They were also shocked when they saw 005 suddenly barging in. They shouted loudly and greeted him with various lasers.

Immediately afterwards, someone recognized that this was the famous "005" from Hicks Market, and it quickly became quiet again.

After the two parties exchanged a few words, 005 handed them the trunk loaded with perfection.

"Real or fake? Even if it's a video made with a computer, we can't identify it." Yu Yifeng muttered in his heart.

005 seemed to see Yu Yifeng's doubts, and quickly explained: "I have indeed completed the task! The first part is a four-dimensional image, the picture is chaotic, and it may be difficult to identify for three-dimensional life. The latter part... is from a few days ago What happened.”

"Their base camp is not in the so-called Orion Arm, but in the Southern Cross Arm. There is a man-horse cantilever in the middle. It was really hard for me to find. There are only a few confusing small spaceships in the Orion Arm."

"This is...their current coordinates. I don't know if they will change their location after being discovered by me."

When Yu Yifeng received the coordinates, he did not hesitate and immediately imported them into the astronomical database for comparison and found turned out to be a black hole!

It's six thousand light years away!

"What's the situation? Is the Tiekui civilization hiding near the black hole?" He felt a little incredible: "Can the black hole interfere with the gravity cannon?"

Black holes are not restricted areas for life, they just have a stronger gravitational force. Moreover, black holes emit Hawking radiation, which if controlled well, can also replenish matter. For interstellar civilizations, the smaller the black hole, the stronger the radiation and the better the effect. If it is a black hole with the mass of the earth, it is simply more powerful than a natural nuclear reactor.

"Have they left the Orion Cantilever? This move to secretly deceive Chen Cang is amazing..."

005 Seeing that Yu Yifeng didn't reply, he quickly repeated: "Now that my mission has been completed, as agreed, the 0.1 unit of reverse entropy field aggregation particles is mine..."

"No problem, your mission has been completed." Yu Yifeng didn't care about the 0.1 perfect factor and said quickly: "By the way, we have two more things we want you to help with..."

He briefly explained the "Future White Paper Plan" of the New Humanity, and also explained the scientists' laboratory demands for the Hicks civilization.

005 was stunned for a long time, simply stunned...

"0.4 unit of inverse entropy field aggregated particles!"

Her eyes were shining like a real money addict, and she couldn't react for a long time.

She whispered in her heart:

"0.4 units... is equivalent to 80,000 points. No, it is impossible to buy 80,000 points. In the hands of other civilizations, there is no big problem in replacing it with a relatively top-notch large spaceship. So this request is not too much. …”

Moreover, anti-entropy field aggregation particles have always had a price but no market, and now this opportunity fell on him!

This new human civilization is simply my blessing. After such a long time, so many civilizations have obtained the anti-entropic field aggregation particles, and they have all been hidden like treasures... This is the first time she has encountered one that has actually been used.

She hurriedly wanted to nod, but remained silent, as if there were some restrictions.

Yu Yifeng thought that she didn't dislike her enough, so he sighed and said: "It's a pity that we don't have more, these things are all picked up..."

"What do you think? If it doesn't work, forget it."

005 was afraid that Yu Yifeng would misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "It's okay to borrow the laboratory... as long as you have enough points. And the price is not very expensive. I suggest you, if you don't have trading items, You can directly sell some small spaceships to obtain these points.”

"As for the construction of the empty shell of the spacecraft..."

"Alas, theoretically, I cannot use the industrial system of Hicks Market to make profits. I'm sorry..."

At this point, she also felt very embarrassed, neither wanting to give up like this, nor wanting to deceive others: "The number of 0.4 units of anti-entropic field aggregation particles is indeed enough. You can let other civilizations help you build this spaceship. We You can be an intermediary platform and only need to pay a small amount of points..."

"Other civilizations?"

Yu Yifeng frowned. Instead of trusting other civilizations, he trusted the neutral 005 more. In terms of words and actions, she is indeed a very contract-abiding artificial intelligence.

"Don't you have industrial capabilities?"

Yu Yifeng asked curiously: "Since your body is so big, you should have some industrial capabilities. If you use your own industrial system, theoretically it will not violate the agreement with Hicks Market."

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