Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 565 Building a Spaceship

"Huh? I only have some simple industries..."

005 said with a red face, as if he was at a loss: "I'm stupid... I may not be able to process things that are too difficult..."

"Simple industry?"

Yu Yifeng was stunned, and suddenly felt a little anxious, but thinking of her character, maybe such a thing is really possible.

He thought for a while and then said, "Let's do this. Send us the specific standards and industrial capabilities, and we'll take them for reference."

At this point, he added: "After all, we have had successful cooperation before, and we don't want to change partners casually... I still trust you more."

With a contradictory attitude, 005 thought about it again and again, but couldn't resist the temptation and agreed.

With the completion of this conversation and the acquisition of a large amount of data, the enthusiasm of all scientists was aroused.

This simple industry mentioned by 005 is actually...according to L6 standards! It completely exceeded Yu Yifeng's imagination.

Her body is a thousand kilometers long, which is exactly the size of a small planet. This body is much larger than "Ling", and its theoretical industrial capabilities have far surpassed the new human civilization.

"But her intelligence is not very high. All high technologies are instinctive, and she doesn't like to learn. She can only rely on perfection factors to improve her IQ. Can we..."

All sorts of rumors about using Perfect Elements to abduct her began to spread again.

"No...she will have to serve here for more than ten thousand years. It is impossible to abduct her out..." A scientist regretted: "Ten thousand years later, when we have enough strength, With the ability to communicate on an equal footing, let’s think about this issue again.”

After a rigorous discussion, the new human government decided to let 005 carry out this project, and by the way, a better relationship could be established.

After all, it's just building a ship hull. It's really not too difficult. Just the ability to copy materials should be enough.

In this way, a few days later, full of hope, the diplomatic team and the person in charge of Hicks Market began the second wave of conversations...

In the blink of an eye, three months passed by.

"This batch of robots will work faster!"

"The new parts in area B3 will arrive soon. Let's check the qualification rate of the parts first."

"...Yes, we need to assign more welding robots!"

Engineer Zhang Kai shouted loudly into the communicator, his face turning red. He is the general person in charge of the Third Industrial Group.

"Have the modified drawings for the C4 area been released? Without the design drawings, how can others produce it?! I have to work overtime today to get it out!"

But in this roar, everyone is full of energy and energy.

Because the construction speed... is so fast!

In just three months, the new mothership "Future" already has a preliminary framework, including various keel structures!

Even the new humans themselves were a little surprised by the construction speed.

"It's only been three months..." Zhang Kai murmured to himself. Such a huge spacecraft is equivalent to the area of ​​the former municipality of Shanghai, and has a total of sixteen floors in height, which is several times higher than Mount Everest. Such a huge amount of work is no longer something that people on earth could imagine in the past.

Huge magnetic construction systems are lined up in rows, and gravity-free areas are replaced by electromagnetic force, which is indeed more suitable for the development of super heavy industry.

Building a new generation of motherships is an exciting thing, and all engineers are full of motivation. According to the scheduled plan, the new mothership will be completely completed within two years.

This speed is simply too fast. Based on past productivity, how could it not take decades of construction?

"The main reason is that the top government officials and the managers of Hicks Market have reached certain agreements." Several engineers stood together and discussed for a while.

Zhang Kai is not sure what the specific agreement is. Anyway, a large number of parts will be continuously transported to this hidden interstellar port, and then they engineers will only be responsible for assembly.

Assembly, of course, is hundreds of times faster than producing it yourself. Coupled with the new construction robot, it is even more powerful.

Also because of this time, a large number of parts of unknown origin caused all kinds of gossip to fly in the sky: including "Dr. Rimbaud of the diplomatic team betrayed Hue"; and "Yu Yifeng is the last survivor of the fringe civilization and obtained the title of 005" "Care" and so on, all kinds of nonsense.

When Yu Yifeng heard these strange news, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Well, these gossips can be regarded as a kind of fun in the era of great construction, and he doesn't have the time to pay more attention to them. Anyway, it will stop after a while.

"Hurry up, don't talk nonsense there. We will finish all the work in the B3 area today, so we can work overtime for a few hours, okay? We have a holiday tomorrow, and I'll treat you tonight!" Zhang Kai stopped people's random discussions and said loudly.

After shouting this sentence, the dozen or so middle-level leaders below all laughed softly.

There is always an extraordinary sense of accomplishment in building your own mothership.

Even if I work overtime, I don't seem to be tired anymore.

Moreover, such a large construction project, which seems to have not been carried out for a long time, always brings greater excitement.

"Brother Kai, you have to drink old wine when you treat me. I have to get you drunk!" A burly man said with a smile.

"Who is afraid of whom?" Zhang Kai patted his chest and said with a smile.

In this era of extreme affluence, all basic daily necessities are free of charge, and "treating guests" is just a ritual that represents friendship... Of course, the new government still pays wages, which is the new human currency. However, because material resources are free, these "wages" are symbolic, and in fact they are not of much use. They just give people a kind of psychological comfort.

As the general person in charge of the Third Industrial Group, Zhang Kai led 16 working groups with a total of nearly 3,000 engineers. The entire construction project implements an eight-hour working day and three shifts system.

They receive up to two million tons of parts and materials a day!

These are all finished products, all made of high-end nanomaterials.

There are twenty-seven such industrial groups in total!

Zhang Kai was secretly shocked that with such powerful industrial capabilities, at this rate, the entire spacecraft shell would be completed in less than a year, no, in nine months... How could it take two years?

At the same time, the industrial factories inside Noah are working overtime to produce various cutting-edge supporting equipment, such as engines, energy rooms, main control systems, life support systems, etc.

Due to various safety issues, these cutting-edge equipment cannot be entrusted to 005. They all need to be produced by themselves, and the consumption of material resources is also unimaginably huge.

Fortunately, people have the Gaia creature "Ling" and can barely keep up with external progress.

"The construction of this large spaceship will probably use up all the resource inventory. Ling's industrial capacity can actually be increased, but our water resources are still too small, which limits her development. To So far, her body is still inferior to that of Dige 114. It would be great if there was water on the planet."

"In three months, we have received 6 billion tons of parts and materials, which is almost 40% of the total project volume, and the parts qualification rate is almost 100%. The progress of ship hull construction is much faster than expected."

"Next is the progress of the self-built part. The completion rate of the large fusion reactor is 25%, and the antimatter main gun..."

In the captain's room, Yu Yifeng was reviewing this statistical document.

005 can't understand the too complicated drawings, and there is no way to help the new humans build a hull directly. However, it is not a big problem to disassemble it into simple parts and manufacture them in batches.

"That's fine... disassembling it into parts and then assembling it will make it safer." Yu Yifeng held his chin and nodded. "I didn't expect her industrial capabilities to be so strong... The parts we designed and built ourselves have actually been slowed down. We have to work harder!"

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