Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 648 The dividing line between humans and gods (5000 words!)

Although Professor Nakatamura gave some explanations, there are still a few people who are skeptical. The transformation of the brain chip is indeed only a little bit, and it does not involve the fundamentals. It assists the brain, but it is all-round!

We discussed this issue of self-awareness for a long time, but there was no good result, so we had to put it aside for the time being.

Yu Yifeng understood the overall opinions of this group of people. Except for a small number of people who expressed concerns, the vast majority of senior executives still believed that the ethical issues brought about by this technology were acceptable for the time being.

In other words: Silicon-based reformers are still citizens of the new human race.

After a while, another opponent stood up, thinking from another level: "Everyone, listen to me. The first generation of assistive brain technology for Li Ran is not mature and has not yet achieved intelligence. Exponential iteration..."

"It can greatly speed up the thinking speed, turn an ordinary person into a peerless genius, and can increase the intelligence from 100 to 200. We can think that there is no huge difference in the way of thinking between 100 intelligence and 200 intelligence, so it will not cause overall "Significant social change."

"But I think this conclusion is not completely correct, because in low-level civilized societies, ordinary people make up the vast majority. Even if Li Ran can stand out from the crowd, no matter how powerful he is, he can only follow the crowd."

"So... from this video, it seems that his personality has not changed significantly. This is probably because his personal attributes have been assimilated by the surrounding society."

"But what about us? If the vast majority of the population becomes silicon-based transformers, what impact will the sudden increase in intelligence have, and whether the entire society will change? This is unknown and unpredictable to us. …”

Yu Yifeng frowned and thought, it is indeed true that if silicon-based modifiers occupy the majority of the population, it is still unclear what will happen to the entire society.

But there is no doubt that society as a whole will undergo greater changes.

I only heard the middle-aged man continue to say: "...With the accumulation of technology, this auxiliary brain will become more and more powerful, gradually suppressing the physical instinct. After installing the auxiliary brain, we have enough ability, To study the next generation of auxiliary brains and achieve repeated iterations of intelligence..."

"I have two questions now: Will the long-term use of auxiliary brains cause a series of negative benefits, whether it will cause brain degeneration, physiological desire degeneration, etc. Will it cause people to become like robots? This change, in our view In terms of lifespan, it may be long-term and slow, and it may take several centuries to it is the first risk.”

"The second question is, if we continue to iterate like this and raise our intelligence to... 100,000 or 1 million! Will we become what we expected?"

"Will our society continue to be as stable as it is now? Will it turn into a group of robots, or will our thinking patterns undergo more drastic changes?"

The speaker's voice suddenly became louder: "Everyone, the way of thinking is absolutely different between an intelligence of 100 and an intelligence of 100,000!"

"If this series of technologies are widely adopted, can we still be regarded as new humans? Will our current desires, psychological activities, and ways of thinking still exist? Will the intelligence of 100,000 people still succumb to the current legal constraints? Will we still be able to survive? Surrender to the hormones and desires of the body?”

"At that time, will we still have the desire to reproduce and eat?"

"This technology may be devastating to our entire civilization. Its consequences are hard to estimate. They may be good, or they may be bad... We need to be cautious!"

These words made everyone present lively again.

This expert believes that if this technology is used, the future me may not be within the expectations of "me" now.

This kind of unexpectedness has brought about a very terrible result: "I" now, everything I care about now, including family, friendship, love, and the social system that I have worked hard to establish, etc., will be replaced by a stronger "I". "I" are just a bunch of stumbling blocks in front of me, and they might be abandoned in an instant!

When intelligence is greatly enhanced and all hormones no longer work, it is difficult to imagine what the future will be like.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Rimbaud stood up. He did not make an impassioned speech, but was very calm.

But the calm words contained firm determination: "So, everyone. I choose to become a god, not a little ant, and I will continue to exist like this without any restraint..."

"Are we free now? Yes, we are very free. We have unlimited scientific research resources and can do whatever we want within the scope of the law."

"But are we really free? We are still just slaves of genes. Instinct curiosity and desire are just part of the genes... most of what we do is limited to the shackles of the body."

“What an opportunity this is!”

His face flushed slightly and his voice became high-pitched: "...This is an opportunity that most interstellar civilizations would never dare to think of!"

"If my self-awareness is overwritten by the 'gods' of the future, my logic will not be the same as it is now. The future me may think that the past history is very boring and ridiculous, and the past me is very naive... I I am willing to do so and have no regrets!”

"Perhaps the cruelest truth about weak barriers is this: replace the old me with a brand new me..."

"Only when we abandon everything from the old days, including our thoughts as humans, can we usher in a real leap! Because what will be replaced will be a thought as a god!"

"When the intelligence iterates to the peak of the race, there will be a truly civilization!"

"Only one can be called a great existence in the universe!"

After saying this, he lowered his voice a little: "Everyone, throughout the history of the universe, the facts have long been before our eyes. It is basically impossible to understand knowledge above L5 with the simple brain of carbon-based life. We Either stay like this and stagnate, or bravely step over and cross this threshold... and become one of the very few in the universe."

"Is it really so important whether we restore our original selves? If it can make everything greater, what if our current existence disappears? So what if all our behaviors and habits are abandoned?"

Everyone was stunned, and there was almost silence in the conference room. The new humanity has developed to its current level, and all kinds of thinking can be said to be blooming. People generally become more charitable and have a broader mind to accept new things.

This kind of thinking, how should I put it... is still a little bolder and a little more advanced.

Dr. Rimbaud opened his hands and continued: "Everyone, think about it carefully. Just as the sower civilization said: What is our life? Is it some material that is difficult to part with, or some information that cannot be abandoned ? Only by upgrading can we ensure stronger driving force!"

"Why should we be so afraid of the disappearance of this present existence?"

"Wouldn't a group of gods with hundreds of thousands or millions of intelligences build a more powerful civilization that we can hardly imagine? Wouldn't they have a better society? Ridiculous... We, a group of ants here, are thinking about becoming giants. , whether it will cause chaos or collapse, it is simply unfounded worries!"

"It's just a matter of whether we are willing to pay, whether we are willing to take risks, and whether we are willing to abandon everything we currently have... At least, I am willing to bravely cross this threshold!"

Two hours later, everyone walked out of the large conference room, some excited, some worried, and everyone's mood was a little different.

Throughout the meeting, the advantages and risks of this technology were discussed.

For some more conservative people, the mere fact that the future is unpredictable is enough to bring fear. Yes, if the current "I" really dies, even if I inherit all the memories later, no matter how powerful and awesome I am, what's the use?

What does it have to do with "me"?

In other words, my future self has changed significantly, but where is my current self? Was it overwritten like a computer file?

In the future, I may think this period of history is as ridiculous as a child.

However, apart from the philosophical risks brought about by this issue, experts agree that the first generation of auxiliary brains is unlikely to bring about too obvious changes in thinking.

It can indeed increase people's intelligence, but it will not change in essence, just like Ge Yingsa's "Li Ran". The improvements brought by the first generation of auxiliary brains are limited and within the predictable range.

People are still people and cannot be separated from society as a whole.

If you want to make a qualitative change, you must update and iterate generation after generation: use the auxiliary brain of the first generation to develop the second generation; then use the second generation to develop the third generation... In this way, only after the intelligence becomes higher and higher, can A series of incredible changes in thinking and logic will occur.

But there is no way to predict which boundary is the red line for real qualitative change. Perhaps this is a gradual process...

The pace of time comes too fast. In almost an instant, people seemed to have touched that level...a threshold that they had never dared to imagine before! But this moment took thousands of years and countless coincidences to obtain.

When all the new humans worked hard and tried their best to truly invent the "auxiliary brain", everyone was a little timid again... It's strange, really strange.

But the progress of the times cannot often be blocked by human will. Compared with some unclear philosophical and ethical issues, the benefits brought by assisting the brain are simply too great! Just the huge increase in IQ is enough. What's more, its serious physiological side effects have not been observed yet...

"As long as the IQ is greatly improved, even if there are side effects, it can be solved with a smarter brain, right?"

"Yes, as long as we are smarter, what we can't solve now may be solved in the future."

With this kind of thinking in mind, open-minded elite scientists represented by Dr. Rimbaud have already been eager to give it a try. One volunteer petition after another was impatiently sent to Yu Yifeng's personal computer, which caught him off guard.

"It turns out that there are so many people who think like Dr. Rimbaud!"

"At least more than a thousand scientists have signed up!"

Late that night, Yu Yifeng and his wife were lying in the grass in the yard, looking at the huge and earthy "moon" in the distance.

His mood was very complicated. Just like the original national superhuman plan, it was actually a gamble.

If the bet is right, the whole people will make great progress; if the bet is wrong, the new humans may all become robots, or they may be divided due to chaotic thinking...

If you win a bet with a high probability, you will be slightly excited; if you lose a bet with a small probability, it will be difficult to make a decision.

Looking at the sky from the current perspective, the gaseous planet hangs quietly in the sky. It covers almost half of the sky and is more than a hundred times larger than the moon when you look at it from Earth.

In order to reduce the panic of low-level civilizations and allow students to gain an authentic experience of indigenous life, Pangu did not stop near a living planet, but stopped at a gaseous planet in the "Geyingsa Galaxy". So this moon looks like this.

Since the arrival of the Pangu, many new humans have moved out of the Noah to experience a new living environment. Of course, everyone's living area is still very concentrated, and there have been relevant exercises. Everyone can return to the Noah within an hour.

"Sometimes I think it would be nice to keep going like this. We are also willing to enjoy some beautiful scenery and do some stupid things. For example, lying on the ground and looking at the moon is actually a kind of laziness."

"Is this a kind of fun that only low IQ people can experience?" Yu Yifeng suddenly smiled.

"You see, when we were children, we were very happy when we were teased casually. When we get a new toy and can happily play with it for several days, is this something that only low IQs can experience? When our brains are fully developed, After experiencing more things, when you grow up, you won’t feel as inexplicably happy as a child.”

Yu Yifeng sighed: "If mechanical eyes are installed, coupled with auxiliary chips, maybe all kinds of infrared, ultraviolet, and all spectrums can be seen, which will not be beautiful. Maybe, we will be less happy. "

"Maybe..." Yuriko said very quietly, "But I don't agree with your statement. You see, Ling is also very smart, smarter than us superhumans, but why is she so happy every day like a child? "

"So I think whether we are happy or not has little to do with intelligence. Instead, it has a greater relationship with our desires, experiences, worldview, values, and the level of dopamine secretion in our brains."

" have a point."

Yu Yifeng thought for a while and changed the topic: "Sometimes I wonder whether this universe has a real self-will that is making things difficult for these intelligent beings..."

"You see, along the way, the more we develop, the more we keep fighting against our genetic instincts."

"From the beginning of the Great Filter, we had to overcome the instinctive short-sightedness caused by genes; to the later national superhuman plan, we abandoned the identity of earthlings we once cherished; now, even the identity of human beings has to be abandoned... …”

"Is this progress, evolution, or regression?"

Yuriko answered calmly: "Don't think too much about it for the time being. All of this is caused by natural laws, and it is not deliberately set by a special will... It's just that this is the solution we think of. I don’t know what other civilizations that have broken through weak barriers are like.”

"It's hard to say whether the nationwide silicon-based transformation will cause us to lose a series of desires... By then, it's hard to say whether the new humans will still be human."

"I think there is no need to be so pessimistic. The definition of human beings also needs to be broader and needs to be the first again."

"But I think this step must be taken. Every progress represents a more open philosophical scale, which means that our hearts will be broader and vaster... As a human being, we are really too small. , it is difficult to overlook the height of the entire universe. It is precisely because of this that we need to constantly transform ourselves to adapt to the entire universe, right? "

After saying this, the yard fell silent, and the bugs that were whistling in the grass suddenly stopped making sounds.

Yes, as a person, I am still too small...

We must get rid of some of our baggage before we can understand more and gain more...

But at the same time, a lot will be lost.

"So, are you willing to accept such a transformation?" Yu Yifeng suddenly asked.

"Yes." A smile appeared on her face, and she turned to look at Yu Yifeng: "Don't you want to experience a smarter version of yourself? What is it like to have an IQ of several million? I really want to see it..."

"This kind of curiosity is probably our biggest driving force today. If we lose even curiosity, wouldn't we become... a sinker civilization?"

"Furthermore, I think people with high IQs can understand the logic of low IQs. The sower civilization is so powerful, why don't they still talk to us? We can also happily watch a group of ants."

"As long as it's not extraordinary, it should still be within the scope of our understanding... we shouldn't be so afraid."

She smiled while recalling the scene of the conversation with the sower: "...They may think that what we do is actually very boring and very childish. But every civilization has such a period of history. We Childish and weak, hesitating at every fork in the road..."

"Will we, who are smarter, really abandon these things? No, after all, these are history, a beautiful process of progressing step by step."

"That's right..." Yu Yifeng said with a smile: "You are quite open-minded."

The brilliant starry sky, the beautiful moon, and inadvertently, the last peaceful day passed slowly...

Two-in-one, it won’t be updated tonight.

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