Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 649 Civilian Reaction

In this way, amid the heated discussions among high-level government officials, the idea of ​​assisting the brain gradually spread among the people. When the matter has reached this point, it is no longer possible to hide it. What should be reported must be made clear.

This news was like a bomb being dropped into a calm lake, exploding almost with a bang. All the ordinary people were discussing with a fanatical attitude. Some were surprised, some were skeptical, and there were all kinds of emotions anyway.

Continuous discussions can be heard everywhere in the streets, alleys, elevators, shopping malls, canteens and other places. Various news reports are bombarded almost 24 hours a day, introducing the entire technology in detail.

"Oh my god! This black technology is really..."

The alien "Black" stared at the TV dumbfounded, falling into a sluggish state.

He also heard some rumors at first, but he didn't care too much. His original race had naturally extremely high racial values ​​and higher talents, but they had not yet cracked the mystery of the brain, let alone other civilizations. Even if the new human group was transformed by Perfect Prime... he didn't think it was feasible.

But now, the facts are before our eyes, such a huge formation cannot be fake. The beautiful female host on TV was constantly reporting and explaining, causing waves of trance in his head.


"It really worked!" Suddenly, he came back to his senses, a surge of ecstasy surged from the bottom of his heart, and every cell in his body trembled! As a veteran Star Citizen, he really knows what it means!

"What's there to think about? Everyone should use it quickly!" Hei screamed loudly, more excited than anyone else.

His mind is very open. After some transformation, he is still not "me". Does this issue still need to be considered? "Even the memories are coherent, of course I am me..." That's what he thought anyway.

"Use it! You must use it!"

"If it doesn't work, let me be the experimenter! Let me do it!" Black shouted at the top of his lungs.

After a few minutes, when he was tired from shouting, he took a big sip of beer and almost choked himself.

"Brother, what you said is too rough. We don't even know if there are risks or not!" Inside the bar, another big man frowned and said angrily: "The senior management must have their reasons for having concerns... You Listen to me first..."

It seems that he is a relatively conservative citizen.

"What? Risk? Are you kidding me?"

Hei himself was very unhappy because he had such technology and was so hesitant, and the two of them started to argue with red faces...

Not only them, almost everyone in this small bar is discussing whether assistive brain technology will bring about epoch-making qualitative changes, as well as a series of ethical issues involved. Some people even think that compensation should be made to Ge Yingsa people who have made contributions; others think that there is no need for compensation at all, and improving IQ is already the best compensation...

Two months later, Zhang Ruien, the first experimenter, has completely adapted to his current state.

He doesn't feel too good at all!

All day long, it can be said that I am full of energy and full of energy. One or two hours of sleep a day is enough. Moreover, both the learning speed and working speed are far beyond normal people.

To give a simple example, his maximum text reading speed per minute is about... 120,000 Chinese characters!

As soon as the screen flashes, the electronic eye can fully read it, and the brain can process the information normally.

As for ordinary new humans, they can read one or two thousand Chinese characters in one minute, which is already considered good. If you are reading difficult literature, you can read at most a few hundred words per minute.

This is indeed a huge change.

Coupled with the super memory ability and the auxiliary storage device of several hundred ZB, the brain capacity is even improved. Some unimportant memories can be stored in the chip and can be read at will. These are things that ordinary people cannot do...

The terrifying human-computer interaction ability that assists the brain is completely beyond the brain chip by several orders of magnitude!


Zhang Ruien wrote these two words heavily in his report.

Yes, he spends a little time every day writing reports on assistive brain based on his own personal experience. After all, only he, the client, knows the true feelings...

The changes in life are not too big for the time being. The most important function of assisting the brain is reflected in the substantial improvement of scientific research capabilities...

With the development of new human civilization, scientific research has become very, very difficult. Even on some basic things, without several years or even decades of research, no results can be produced at all. It is not unusual for a scientific research result to be a paper of thousands of pages. Because almost all the simple and easy ones have been excavated, or are being processed by affiliated civilizations.

As a result, this Zhang Ruien completed four important scientific research results in his own field in two months!

It takes almost 2 weeks to produce a paper with thousands of pages!

To be specific, six thousand pages! Two million words!

The speed of this scientific research is simply jaw-dropping.

The new theorems and mathematical formulas seem to be worthless at all, oh, they don’t require any brain at all...

Even the experts who reviewed the paper looked down upon it. Often before this paper is fully understood, the next long paper appears again.

This is new knowledge, and it was created so easily! But in his own report, Zhang Ruien believed that it was very basic and not a highly complex paper...

In response to this unexpected situation, the government department even set up an additional team of experts to review his paper. Compared to Zhang Ruien, who had been transformed by siliconization, the others seemed to have become complete idiots, and their speed of understanding could not match the speed of others' creation.

At the same time, more professors, including Nakatamura, Roman and other authorities, had to re-evaluate the function of the auxiliary brain. Because this level of intellectual growth has greatly exceeded expectations...

Three days later, the conclusion came out, which was a bit dumbfounding: this is normal. Objectively speaking, the members of the new human race are originally smarter than the Ge Yingsa people, and the assistive brain technology they use is also more advanced.

Subjectively, as a scientist, Zhang Ruien himself is more diligent than other Ge Yingsa people in terms of personal qualities.

The author has become weak and fat due to long-term coding. Yesterday, his family took him out and forced him to run.

But while running, I actually got heat stroke!

It’s also really spicy!

The body is the capital of revolution. I hope everyone will not make the mistake of sitting down all the time, as the author did, but should exercise regularly.

Don’t worry, I won’t ask for leave today…

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