Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 658 RSGC Star Territory

How to create one's own, most beneficial philosophical system is a difficult question. After discussing it for a long time, people did not get very good results for the time being...

Two hours later, Yu Yifeng walked out of the conference room with a serious face, but he was not discouraged. For now, if the third-generation auxiliary brain is popularized on a large scale, it will be enough for a long time.

And after entering L5, people also need enough time to settle.

There are still some differences between theory and practical application. Many designs look perfect, but when used, there are always miscellaneous problems. These scientific instruments still need time to test before they can be further improved.

"Today's new human race is developing too fast. In just thirty years, the light battleship has been updated for several generations. Such a foundation is would be better to slow down a little. At the same time, people are also thinking about a series of more Complex philosophical issues will help you better prepare yourself for further iteration of your intelligence in the future.”

It is true that climbing the philosophical tree can only be carried out when science becomes very simple.

This statement is absolutely true.

“People have to think through the real answer to the question ‘What is the purpose of my existence?’ and then write it into the core of the future so that it can breed more instincts.”

After sorting out his thoughts, Yu Yifeng immediately started a speech to the whole people, announcing a series of decisions just discussed.

This speech is sent directly to everyone's mind through the brainwave Internet.

"Dear new human citizens, here I have an announcement."

"About a comprehensive change in the direction of future research..." As soon as this broadcast came out, except for some unreformed children, almost all citizens received this message. One by one, they connected to the Internet.

"...Our current genetic philosophy system, especially the various feedback effects of the body, can no longer withstand higher and higher intelligence. We are becoming more and more rational, and the original instinct of the body is slowly fading."

"But it is undeniable that before establishing a new system, we cannot remove all the body's desires, that is, the content of genetic philosophy. Otherwise, unpredictable and disastrous consequences will occur."

"This philosophical system derived from nature is exquisite, wonderful, breathtakingly beautiful, and so simple that nothing can be deleted. We have not yet deciphered all its contents..."

"... After discussion by the Scientific Committee, for now, there are two ways to achieve higher wisdom. First, continue to use the genetic philosophy system, but the feedback benefits, such as the hormone production conditions and neurological Adjustment, etc., require a series of deletions. We can follow suit and create a new body reward mechanism..."

"Second, create our own philosophical system and follow our own path!"

"This path is difficult and even more illusory, so in the future, each of us must take time to think about this issue. All choices can be made by everyone, whether it is genetic philosophy or It’s something else…”

Such a national brainwave conversation would be simply unbelievable in a low-level civilization. Even in the interstellar era a few decades ago, it would have been a bit sensational. But after crossing the weak barrier, it seemed to be a natural thing.

The status of citizens became more equal. Even in the not-too-distant future, after the establishment of a shared database, everyone will be able to master all the knowledge of their own race, and one person can represent a civilization.

Soon after he finished his speech, some experts added additional explanations on the Internet. Then some people had direct conversations with Yu Yifeng through brain waves to discuss their thoughts.

Yu Yifeng even talked to dozens of people at the same time.

At the same time, the brain waves in the space intersected with each other, and people began to discuss in the distance.

After finishing this speech, someone quickly took action.

If you want to get rid of the original system, you must first understand it thoroughly. Biologists are trying to answer why the philosophy in genes is just "survival" and "reproduction". Can it add more?

They quickly fabricated a "LK-type mouse" creature and added the "burrowing" attribute to its genes. In other words, digging holes is of higher importance to "LK-type mice" than survival and reproduction, and has a higher level of happiness.

But soon, the "burrowing" attribute gave rise to various strange and inexplicable actions that even new humans cannot understand, such as eating one's own tail, digging holes on the backs of companions, etc.

All these rats soon died of exhaustion because they had to dig holes without eating or drinking... endlessly. Even if your body can't bear it and you're hungry, you still have to dig a hole. Of course they were all dead.

Immediately afterwards, the scientists modified the basic properties of the "LK-type mouse" gene, equating "digging" with "survival" and "reproduction". As a result, this group of rats still couldn't survive well, and still had various strange behaviors, so that they failed in their struggle for survival in the natural environment.

Only in an artificial breeding environment can they barely survive. No, it actually couldn't survive. After generations of reproduction, the "burrowing" attribute was filtered to a level close to 0 and was forcibly eliminated.

"In other words, this kind of randomly added attribute is incompatible."

People lowered the weight of "digging" lower than "survival" and "reproduction", and modified its basic physical attributes, so that the mouse gradually became active. But after generations of screening, "digging" is still screened to a level close to 0...

Soon, some people questioned that this kind of experiment would not be very helpful to the future direction of new mankind.

Even if a "burrowing" attribute is successfully added and the mouse can survive well, what's the point?

"'Digging' itself doesn't make much sense, and it doesn't make the mice progress any further."

So, how to create a more meaningful attribute?

What is the meaning itself?

Is it more creative? Or endless progress?

Such abstract concepts such as "creation" and "progress" are not as simple as "digging holes". How can they be added to genes?

On the other hand, some people have suggested that even if in the future, people establish a new philosophical mechanism, a philosophical system that transcends "survival" and "reproduction", for new humans, it still needs to be established within the framework. Still not true freedom.

As long as there are constraints, there can be no true freedom. But without restraint, there is a high probability of self-destruction.

After all, to build a moving building, you need to dig the foundation; to create a cell, atoms and electrons are always needed; as a person, every move must be meaningful to you, otherwise it will be different from a robot.

"What is the truest freedom?"

The smart new humans, facing this series of abstract problems, also feel the slightest difficulty. They are contradictory and complicated, and they seem to have no solid foundation. No matter what it is, it seems to be right, no matter what it is, it seems to be wrong.

If mathematics is built on a solid continent, backed by logic, it is not easy to collapse; then physics is built on a floating island in the ocean, which can only seem to be relatively stable; what about philosophy? It is equivalent to being a creation of the void. Everything is empty and is like duckweed in the void. A little bit of solar wind can blow it over.

"What is this new system? How do we find ultimate truth and freedom?"

"Perhaps the big red bird in Hicks Market is also thinking about this issue..."

Time flies, and while thinking like this, the Pangu finally arrives at the scheduled meeting place agreed with the Tiekui Civilization: the RSGC star field on the Southern Cross Cantilever.

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