Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 659 Heading towards the Galactic Center

The RSGC star field is a huge star-forming region, with about 50,000 stars concentrated in this place. From a distant perspective, the brilliant orange nebula seems to have bred a bunch of densely packed glowing pearls.

The most famous signs are more than a dozen super-large red giants. These constantly expanding super-red giants are at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of the volume of the sun!

People have even observed a red giant only millions of kilometers away from the black hole. It is pulled by the gravity of the black hole and spins wildly, forming a super-large orange-red accretion disk.

More than 50,000 stars are concentrated in a small place, which greatly increases the curvature of space and affects the normal movement of curvature navigation. If you blindly move at superluminal speed in this area, you may be pulled off the route by the chaotic gravity.

It is very dangerous to deviate from the route in this place. Maybe some meteorites and comets will hit the spacecraft head-on, causing a major accident.

Under these conditions, even the advanced Pangu has to break away from superluminal motion and fly cautiously at subluminal speed.

"It is indeed a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. At least the white dwarf war star cannot rush over directly at superluminal speed... This gives the troops stationed here a certain amount of reaction time." Yu Yifeng is commanding a space robot to explore the surrounding starry sky environment.

This consciousness connection technology is not a special science. It can directly control the machine with human brain waves, and then travel freely in the universe. Of course, the feeling you experience is the same as flying yourself.

However, due to the limitations of the speed of light, this robot cannot fly too far, otherwise it will be directly interrupted due to too large signal delay...

"At this level, we have not yet figured out the tachyon technology. The difficulty of L7 is really well-deserved... If we don't iterate intelligence upward, it may take a long time to dig." A series of thoughts emerged in Yu Yifeng's mind.

After watching the beautiful space scenery for a while, he felt a little bored and directly disconnected the consciousness connection.

Now, whenever he sees any scene, the reason for its formation will emerge in his mind, analyze various spectra, and even predict its movement in a few years. After analyzing a large amount of data, various beautiful landscapes are no longer interesting.

To be honest, the new humans no longer have much interest in the meeting organized by the Tiekui civilization. It's just that this place is closer to the center of the Milky Way, and they just happened to pass by.

In the past, perhaps the entire civilization would have considered it, and with a certain desire to survive, they could form a military alliance with the Tiekui civilization, but now... why bother?

The gravity cannon that was once feared by everyone is just a simple technology... The new humans have already cracked it.

If it weren't for the energy level of the Pangu, it wouldn't be difficult to make one exactly the same.

And this possible military alliance, except for the Tiekui civilization, which still retains a certain degree of vitality due to the peculiarity of the system, most of the Homo erectus system is actually a fallen civilization...

They are drunk and dreaming, and are stuck by this threshold. It's just that a little external pressure forced them to unite and resist.

"The starry sky is too rich and too easy to degenerate and corrupt. Entropy increase is an eternal theme."

"How many people can really climb to the end?"

As he sighed, Yu Yifeng felt a strong sense of self-mockery. Even they only managed to cross the weak barrier with the help of other civilizations.

Without a large amount of perfect elements and the Noah spacecraft, the final result is still hard to say.

"Even if it can be successful in the end, it will take tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. But there is a high probability that we will be buried in the dark universe."

As for the war between the LLP Silicon Alliance and Homo erectus, people have long had reasonable speculations... an experiment, an experiment to fight against this ordinary depravity.

"Let's go, let's go, leave here and head towards the center of the galaxy... there are more truths there."

With this idea in mind, Yu Yifeng also specially convened a meeting to consult everyone if they had any other opinions.

As a result, everyone generally believed that there was nothing to do with this kind of interstellar meeting, and going directly to the center of the galaxy was the most important thing.

People finally understood why civilizations above L5 did not play with low-level interstellar civilizations.

Because the issues that the new humans are considering now, including the new philosophical system, etc., ordinary interstellar civilizations will not consider or understand them at all. Ordinary interstellar civilizations only know how to consider their own "survival" and "reproduction". All their actions are meaningful within the genetic philosophy system and will not make any more breakthroughs.

The new humans have begun to consider their entire future philosophy system and have begun to try to "fabricate" their own development direction.

In this case, what else can the two sides communicate about?

Do they want to show off that they have crossed the weak barrier? Or rush forward and fight a battle with the LLP Silicon Alliance to prove their strength?

This behavior is too naive and meaningless...

"Let's go, let's go, head towards the center of the galaxy!"

Yu Yifeng is already impatient to communicate with a more advanced civilization. He feels that only this kind of dialogue and communication is more meaningful.

There are not many such advanced civilizations in the Milky Way, but there are also quite a few, and almost all of them are much older than the new humans. For example, the Crimson Civilization, which is also troubled by "philosophical problems", or the "Kapp Civilization" in the center of the Milky Way, which has developed to a higher level. People are eager to see more extensive thinking and more vast thoughts. "Yes, there are too many answers we want to know, and there is no need to delay here!" Is there anything that humans can't think of at all? For example, a philosophical concept "x" is very useful, but people just can't think of it. Even if they think of it, they will ignore it and have no way to summarize it. Are there more natural numbers between 2 and 3? Why not? Why is 1.01 not 1? What is the end of the microcosm? What is the end of the macrocosm? How to sublimate your own logic, how to use high-order logic to completely replace first-order logic to bypass Gödel's incompleteness theorem? These seemingly crazy questions are exactly the series of directions that the new humans are currently thinking about. At this point, with the insight into more laws and rules, and the opening of philosophical standards, many things have gradually become open-minded. The new human beings began to become highly pure, and many issues that were previously important became irrelevant. Including their own survival and reproduction, all are just secondary goals.

What people generally want is to seek the ultimate truth and the final answer.

"If there are more collisions of thoughts and sparks of thinking from different angles, perhaps we can receive more enlightenment."

Just like the original Seeder civilization, in the detector of the Tucker civilization, it was written: "We are eager to communicate with the real wise men, and we have more doubts. In the vast galaxy, such wise men may exist or not..."

"Perhaps the real wise men are among the endless low-level civilizations, and perhaps we should look for greater civilizations in the galaxy clusters..."

In this way, Pangu bypassed this star formation area and slowly sailed towards the center of the Milky Way.

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