Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 660 I’m so lonely (finale!)

In the year 3557 of the New Human Era, the Pangu finally arrived near the galactic center.

After more than a thousand years of sailing, this battle star does not seem to have changed much, and its surface is still a wide ocean. Under the illumination of the internal light, the entire planet glowed with a light green glow.

But in fact, earth-shaking changes have taken place inside the Pangu!

The entire planet has almost turned into a super-sized computer. Because of shared data, each citizen is highly intelligent, highly rational, and has all the information accumulation of his or her family. It can be said that one person is a civilization.

Of course, due to some troubles on a philosophical scale, the new humanity has not yet taken subsequent steps such as universal virtual informatization and pure energy digitization.

Near the Pangu, there are 16 large and small spherical space fortresses, which serve as the main military force. The entire fleet is moving toward the center of the galaxy at 80% of the speed of light.

At this moment, a high-speed meteorite dozens of kilometers long appeared on the route. Within a second, a small black spot appeared on the surface of the meteorite, followed by a violent explosion!

The meteorite suddenly disintegrated in this explosion, and this hidden crisis was eliminated invisible by the black hole bomb.

The entire fleet seemed to have only done an insignificant thing, not even turning on the internal alarm, and continued to move towards the target...

The galactic core is the slightly convex part of the center of the Milky Way. Observed from a distant place, it appears as a bright sphere, about 20,000 light-years in diameter and 10,000 light-years thick. This region is composed of high-density stars and interstellar matter, mainly old red stars that are about 10 billion years old or more.

The activity of the silver core is very violent, and it is filled with various high-energy objects, plasma and high-energy particles. Due to the extremely high radiation and celestial activity, lower-level life is completely extinct here. Coupled with the disordered curvature of space, ordinary interstellar civilizations will not come to this extremely dangerous zone under normal circumstances.

Even because of the increase in gravity, the passage of time becomes slower...

Of course, as long as you don't get too close to the black hole, this "slowness" is still limited.

In this place, lower-level life has been completely extinct, and even the most tenacious microorganisms cannot survive here. However, the new humans already have enough technological strength to fight against a series of harsh environments.

At the center of the Milky Way is a giant black hole with a mass of 3.7 million times the sun. A large number of celestial bodies, including white dwarfs, neutron stars, etc., are orbiting this giant black hole at high speed. The material resources here are extremely abundant, and the high-speed friction between interstellar dust forms a bright annular accretion disk.

The destination of the new humans is a large star called "S2" near the black hole.

In this position, Pangu was almost surrounded by a massive amount of starlight. Yes, it is close to a black hole, but it is almost the brightest place in the entire galaxy. If you look at it from any angle, you can see billions of stars.

The mass of S2 is up to 7 times that of the sun, and it is also the entrance to the so-called "eternal world"!

It can be seen through the astronomical telescope that there is a large Dyson ring around S2, which is also the only artificial structure in this area.

"After two thousand years of sailing, we finally arrived at the center of the Milky Way!" Yu Yifeng thought happily.

At this time, the gravity radar on the Pangu suddenly received this message: "Hello, unknown civilization, welcome to S2."

"I am the manager of the entrance to the 'Eternal World' No. D113GF - Quinton 002. According to the regulations of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, the entire civilization needs 300 units of anti-entropy field to aggregate particles and abide by the corresponding multi-world rules and regulations to enter the eternal world. ”

"Your civilization can park here for free. Its location is as follows..."

Obviously, this signal is sent by S2.

Immediately afterwards, Pangu's gravitational wave broadcast also sent out this series of messages: "Hello, 002, we are a new human civilization. We do not want to enter the eternal world, but we want to visit the host here - Garp civilization."

Quinton 002 seemed slightly shocked when he heard this request. He was stunned for a few seconds before sending another sentence: "...the Garp civilization does have a clansman in the Milky Way, but since I took over this position, he seems to have fallen into a deep sleep and is in an unknown state. You can personally Come to S2 to check..."

While they were talking like this, Pangu had already arrived near the Dyson ring.

From a distance, this Dyson ring seems to be just a little bit like a ring, but up close, it is really spectacular! It is divided into a total of one hundred and sixty-four parts, which revolve around the star at high speed, and are connected to each other to form an organic whole, just like the pieces of a puzzle that can be connected to each other.

The Dyson ring is very big, really big. Its surface area is probably more than 100 million times that of Pangu, and it can accommodate at least one million planetary spacecraft!

The mass of S2 is 7 times that of the sun. For some reason, the intensity of light and the speed of internal nuclear fusion reactions are similar to those of the sun. The speed of nuclear reactions is inexplicably slower, which also means that it has a higher lifespan.

"An interesting star, it seems that some technology has been used to slow down the speed of the internal nuclear reaction, allowing it to slowly supply energy."

At the same time, because this star is near a giant black hole. Its unique geographical location means that it orbits the star almost every 16 days. In this kind of movement, the Dyson ring is moving and changing all the time. A series of functions emerged in Yu Yifeng's mind, and he was calculating the movement of these "puzzle pieces".

Soon, Pangu relied on anti-gravity means to slow down its movement and docked in a designated area. All the mechanical equipment here were of planetary scale. The Pangu has simply become a small thing here, as if it is staying in a serious port.

Before doing this, everyone might have been surprised and curious. However, the new human civilization at this time no longer shows that kind of surprised emotion. Instead, everyone feels that all this is natural and within the range of calculation.

If people are given enough time, perhaps such a project can be completed.

"Hello, distinguished guest who has crossed the weak barrier, you are the only one in the Milky Way for millions of years. I have been waiting for this one and only for a long time..." Quinton 002 seems to have very anthropomorphic emotions. In this series In simple electromagnetic waves, people can even hear a sense of joy.

Just relying on this skilled planet-level anti-gravity technology, 002 knew that this was definitely a genuine L5 civilization.

This really surprised him.

"Hello, 002." Yu Yifeng took the anti-gravity spacecraft and came to the standard planet where Quinton 002 was located.

002 was originally a huge statue hundreds of kilometers high. After seeing the diplomatic queue of the new humans coming out of the spacecraft, he reduced his size until he was the same size as the new humans.

He looked like a middle-aged new human steward: "It seems that your civilization has not yet chosen the next path. Yes, you need to be cautious at this juncture... It is very beneficial to communicate with more equal civilizations. Necessary. There are many similar L5 civilizations, such as the Crimson Civilization and the Amoeba Civilization, which have stayed at this threshold for a long time.”

"Yes, we come here to try to find more truth before we visit those civilizations."

Both parties greeted each other politely, as if they had known each other for a long time. In various logical analyses, the probability of conflict among high-level interstellar civilizations, except for cooperation, can be said to be almost zero.

Yu Yifeng just followed the probability and everything happened so naturally. Perhaps this was the tacit understanding between high-level civilizations.

A large number of holographic images appeared around 002, showing the entire appearance of the Dyson ring to Yu Yifeng and others.

He continued: "As you can see, except for some civilizations who want to enter the eternal world, almost no civilization has come here. So I have been sleeping, and I have not seen other intelligent life for a long, long time."

"One hundred thousand years ago, there was an L4 civilization that gathered enough anti-entropic field aggregation particles and entered the eternal world, but that was also a hundred thousand years ago..."

"I haven't communicated with intelligent life for a long, long time. Can you tell me about your experiences and stories along the way?"

"No problem, we will stay here for a while." Yu Yifeng smiled and nodded: "This is... a long, long story."

(What would happen if I finished the whole book here?)…

"By the way, we also want to ask some questions..."

002 seemed to see what Yu Yifeng wanted to ask, and said with a slight smile: "I may know some of the questions you want to ask, but not many. After all, I am just an artificial intelligence and do not have complete permission. So I have a request here to let your civilization become the manager of the Eternal World No. D113GF. By then, these problems will naturally be explained in the core database."

Yu Yifeng's heart moved slightly: "Why? Isn't the manager here..."

For no reason, as soon as he came here, he felt like he was about to get a super-large Dyson ring. Yu Yifeng's head felt slightly hot, and his calculations began to soar.

He quickly analyzed the various results. First, these advanced civilizations are so generous, and these external things are simply insignificant to them... This probability is very high!

Second, this may also be a reward for their entire civilization as the "winner of Homo erectus", or a reward for becoming an L5 civilization.

As a human psychological instinct, he still felt a slight feeling of pie in the sky.

002 smiled and said: "This Dyson ring belongs to the entire galaxy and was created in the era of the Sower. I am only a temporary successor."

"According to the agreement, my service period here is only for the last 20,000 years. By then, if I want to pursue my main civilization, I will no longer serve here..."

"But this Dyson ring must have a civilization above L5 to handle affairs in order to operate perfectly. Otherwise, it will gradually decline and be destroyed, which would be a pity. If your civilization is willing, this place can be handed over to you for operation. All Machinery and databases, including a large amount of science and technology, can be read at will..."

Yu Yifeng still felt a little uneasy, but he didn't see anything that might be a trap. Perhaps this is the way these advanced civilizations do things, and the new humans are not particularly used to it yet.

"I'm sorry, I alone cannot directly agree to this issue. The entire civilization needs to hold a meeting to decide..." Yu Yifeng finally replied.

002 didn't look discouraged: "No problem, you can discuss it for a while when you go back and then tell me the answer."

Yu Yifeng paused for a while and then said: "If possible, please lead us to visit the wise men of the Garp civilization."

"Please move to the room over there and wait for a while." 002 seemed to have a very good temper. This may be because the new humans have overcome the weak barrier.

Next, the planet beneath his feet moved rapidly, moving in the direction of the black hole. A few hours later, they had arrived at their destination.

"This is it. I don't dare to get too close to the black hole. I can only watch it from a distance..." 002 sent a prompt.

Yu Yifeng and others used electronic eyes to look into the distance.

Near the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, there is a very strange, stationary light group. The diameter of this light group is about three hundred kilometers and it is located on the infinite red shift plane of the black hole. It was very, very dim and could barely make out an outline.

"This is……"

He observed it for a while and found that this light group did not undergo a red shift. In other words, it was not sucked into the black hole, but was just suspended there inexplicably.

"As you can see, this wise man named 'Yuan' used the huge gravity of the central black hole to fix his own time and space." 002 explained: "It has no way of knowing our conversation. We also have no way of running away. Go to the black hole and wake it up."

"Why?" Yu Yifeng asked with some confusion: "In such a twisted space, time has stagnated, and its thinking can no longer move, right? In this way, what is the difference between dying?"

According to the effects of relativity, space-time near a black hole is greatly distorted, and the passage of time will slow down. At the location of the event horizon, the loss rate of time is almost zero, which means... one's own time is forcibly fixed.

"Because Yuan believes that he has reached the end of science and life has no meaning." 002 said politely: "Citizens of the Karp civilization plan their own philosophical systems and choose the goals of existence they want. And what it means The path I take is my own unique path..."

"When it discovered that the end of science existed, it felt that everything was boring, fixed its own time."

"I guess... in the very, very distant future, when even a small part of the black hole has evaporated, gravity will not be enough to maintain the event horizon. In this way, it may be able to wake up and observe the end of the universe."

"This is also the only truth it wants to see..."

Facing this kind of super civilization that has fixed its own time and has weird ways of thinking, Yu Yifeng will feel a little speechless for a while. At least so far, his thinking logic is still based on genetic philosophy, and he regards life and death as relatively important.

However, the philosophical system you created is like this in theory. In many cases, survival is not the most important factor.

"So, what is the end of science?" Yu Yifeng changed the topic and asked.

"I'm so sorry, I don't understand. My intelligence is fixed at 220, and the internal logic is all written in accordance with a set of universal philosophies... I don't know the thinking of this wise man." 002 said with a smile.

"However, according to the original agreement between the Garp civilization and me. Your civilization has crossed the weak barrier and has the power to take over this Dyson ring and learn more about the truth."

"You are a civilization born in the Milky Way, and you should serve the Galaxy for a period of time. You need to reduce the number of fallen people and help them indirectly or directly until the birth of the next L5 civilization... This is left over from the Sower Civilization period. Habits are also the source of power that ensures the continued strength of the Milky Way.”

002 continued: "If your civilization wants to take over this Dyson ring, it needs to abide by the rules and regulations of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, including the management of this eternal world. Taking over it is equivalent to joining the Anti-Entropy Alliance and needs to maintain the integrity of the galaxy. order to avoid some devastating disaster.”

"What will happen if you refuse?" Yu Yifeng frowned again and asked.

"Nothing will happen. It's all voluntary. The Anti-Entropy Alliance is a loose organization whose main purpose is to cultivate more interesting ideas. There are not many rules and regulations. Most of the members have even gone to the eternal world... You Just go after what you like.”

Yu Yifeng asked slightly curiously: "So, what about you?"

"I will continue to tutor you here for another 20,000 years..."

002 seemed to remember something: "Oh, there is also this piece of information. It is a letter that Yuan left specially for his successor. Please accept it."

After Yu Yifeng received this information with his brain waves, he immediately analyzed it. It is an extremely complex transcendental equation that is extremely difficult to solve.

Although he was a little confused, various numbers still flashed in his mind. This time it took a full hour of running before I could barely figure out an approximate solution with an effective accuracy of billions of digits!

He also conducted a series of analyzes on this approximate solution.

Soon, Yu Yifeng was surprised to find that this infinite non-repeating decimal... turned out to be a series of information codes!

"Interesting way of encoding information. An equation solution, using irrational numbers, contains a massive amount of information. This extraordinary information storage method can save capacity, but it requires strong mathematical abilities..."

It seemed to be written in the form of a diary: "What a powerful universe! It's not in vain that I traveled thousands of miles and spent countless time across the multidimensional membrane..."

"...I joined the Anti-Entropy Alliance, an interesting organization. Yes, we need more like-minded people and more thinkers..."

"It's a pity... This universe is just like ours, full of perverts, everywhere! Most civilizations can't even get past the first screening."

"In a galaxy, in millions of years, not even one can pass the second screening. The sinkers are flooding throughout the universe... Some even reproduce in large numbers, occupying hundreds of millions of stars... We can only destroy these damned ones. Come on, this kind of involutional civilization is not as potential as a lower-level civilization..."

"%......\u0026amp;amp;?x;()" is a series of invalid garbled characters.

"...The experiment of the Atlan civilization failed. So many counter-entropic field aggregation particles created a living, homogeneous high-level civilization. Haha, another Atlan civilization has exactly the same way of thinking. What's the point? ?”

"Homogenizing civilization will not be of much help to our path. It is just equivalent to cloning a few of us..."

"The universe is too complicated. We have adopted an unpredictable method and randomly spread anti-entropic field aggregation particles throughout the universe. Who knows what will be born in the future? This is so interesting!"

"...The Atlan civilization is really a fool. It has cultivated a third homogeneous super civilization. He might as well clone himself! Well, this kind of stupidity seems to be a good idea."

"@@#%..." The garbled code in the middle of this paragraph is tens of billions of bytes, and Yu Yifeng has not analyzed the specific information yet.

"The Sower is truly a great kindred spirit... an interesting thinker..."

"I made a bet with the Sower...unfortunately, I lost."

"They all ran away! I can only stick to the agreement in the Milky Way and wait patiently for the birth of the next L5 civilization. I still don't believe that under this base number, there will be a natural L5 civilization born..."

"It's so boring! I discovered a scientific fact that's so boring!"

"...Ah, it's so interesting that a young and powerful fringe civilization was born in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I was the only one to witness this powerful civilization with my own eyes. What a blessing!"

"It's a pity that the fringe civilization was not born in the Milky Way. I still have to stay in this corner and wait hard."

"The most proud creation of fringe civilization, Quinton, is also very interesting. A meaningful innovation."

"...I made a bet with a fringe civilization. It's so interesting!"

In these words, Yu Yifeng seemed to see a crazy and paranoid civilization, no, just an individual.

An individual is like a civilization, which is more advanced than the new humanity.

He seems very arrogant and very powerful, which is indescribable.

"Edge, this young civilization wants to help me. He actually thinks that war can give birth to a high-level civilization?! What a fool who has developed to a high-level."

"...Sigh, war will allow them to develop a little bit of technology, but it will not allow them to develop their minds. He will not succeed."

"However, we are willing to put in a little effort and do a galaxy-wide experiment. The water in this trip is too dead, civilization will always tend to involute, and some variables are indeed needed... We randomly modified a white dwarf star and restricted Its function is also equipped with a large number of Quintons developed by fringe civilizations. It is already an invincible existence in L4 civilization, but it has no threatening capabilities at L5... Alas, I still don’t believe that this kind of experiment can be successful. "

"At the same time, we have modified the intelligent genes in some areas of the galaxy..."

Seeing this, Yu Yifeng felt silent.

"The fringe civilization is gone. He doesn't agree with my scientific discoveries and doesn't care about the experimental results..."

"Actually, I don't care either."

"It's so boring, so boring. That answer tortures me all the time... I'd better wait until the end of the universe before coming out. Maybe by then, Atlan and the Sower will have found the ultimate answer, and they won't be able to tell me by then. Late……"

"...The successor will eventually appear. According to my formula, I seem to have seen that day! Haha, successor, if you see this paragraph, it means you have already appeared, right?"

"Treat the Milky Way well. This is also your hometown. Just as it can no longer produce great ideas, what is the meaning of its existence? Whether some war breaks out or develops peacefully, it is up to you to decide..."

Yu Yifeng let out a long sigh. His head, which had been experiencing higher and higher frequencies for a long time, seemed to have returned to a peaceful moment at this moment. Let him stop thinking too much and just want to be quiet.

The ball of light is still stationary near the Milky Way. It seems that the very small amount of energy evaporated by the black hole can provide it with enough energy. Only this kind of pure energy life form can be said to be real, and its intelligence has reached the peak of its clan.

In this regard, the new humanity still has a long way to go.

Next are dense formulas and various experimental data, which is the so-called "end point of science".

After half an hour, Yu Yifeng recovered his mind and continued to read on. However, these experimental results gradually made him feel dizzy and his scalp tingling.

This feeling has not appeared for a long time, so that his entire brain computing capacity has soared again!

He seemed to... see a very strange conclusion through these experiments...

This conclusion involves "meta", the scientific end point known.

This "scientific end point" looks very strange, but it is also easy to understand.

Take the simplest atom as an example. In addition to the nucleus, an atom only has surrounding electrons. In fact, 99.9999999% of an atom is vacuum.

But why does the ground or wall composed of atoms look solid on a macro scale?

This is because the electrons around the nucleus are moving at a speed close to the speed of light, forming an electromagnetic force field that creates the illusion that the atom is solid. It's like when an electric fan is working, you don't see the fan blades, but a circular plane composed of fan blades.

If two people hold hands, they are not really touching each other, but... the force field in my hand touches the force field of the atoms in your hand, and then the brain produces a series of hallucinations.

This is a series of physical phenomena derived from high-speed moving matter.

The wise man "Yuan" of the Kapu civilization believes that there is only one particle in the entire universe!

This particle moves at an infinite speed in a certain high dimension, so that a series of microscopic phenomena are generated, and the entire macroscopic universe is generated.

A series of finite things born from infinity, "matter" is just derived from the "self-collision" of particles. Yes, infinite speed can appear in countless places almost at the same time, which also constitutes various quantum uncertainties.

He wrote: "... everything we have may be just a part of the movement of particles."

Everything, including low-level civilizations, interstellar civilizations and high-level civilizations, are all derived from the movement of particles.

If all the movement distances of particles can be calculated, it is equivalent to the end of science.

"Through this inference, I vaguely see that there is a successor who will come here..."

Of course, Yuan did not complete this task. As long as infinity is involved, all problems will become very complicated. And this problem is definitely a higher-order infinity among higher-order infinity, and a complexity among higher-order complexity. Or it can be said that this is simply using the finite to infer the infinite, which is impossible to accomplish.

"The vast universe, thousands of civilizations, are actually derived from the high-speed movement of just one particle... In this way, is there only one... real me in the entire universe?"

"The infinite civilizations that are stuck in the selection again and again are just a part of 'me'. They are actually me, who are drunk and dreaming, and worry about a little survival problem. They are actually me. They fight and attack each other..."

"Because a little chemical can paralyze the nerves, because a little substance can sacrifice the soul, what a fragile life. But they are part of me."

"Saving them is saving myself..."

Seeing this, Yu Yifeng suddenly felt a burst of horror, and his eyes unconsciously moved to the dark and dim universe...

One planet after another, almost endless, and it is not too much to count billions of billions. But under the vast starry sky, there are so many vulgar hearts, but so few interesting souls!

The more advanced "I" is falling into a universal degeneration... This is another level of entropy increase.

He once again felt a pure thought, and the sense of bewilderment after each high-level civilization discovered a certain "truth".

We are really, so lonely...

(The end of this book)

Hahahaha, this book is finally over!

The author who has been coding for more than a year can finally take a break.

To be honest, I am quite satisfied with the ending of this book. There are not too many conspiracy theories, which is a relatively bright ending. Although Lao Yu has not agreed to be a manager yet, he will definitely agree, right?

Titanium, the author has appointed it, everyone rest assured!

As for why I don't continue to write, it's because... the author has no way to figure out the thinking of high-level civilizations. This kind of writing is already very high-end and classy! Anyway, that's what I think. It's already very grand and high-end!

There are already three advanced civilizations of this type, the Sower, the Edge, and this Cap. It's difficult to write, and I can't write more.

Some people say that there are still many holes to be filled, including the Green Light Civilization not visiting, the final battle with the Silicon Alliance not being fought, etc. These are all minor, right? The Green Light Civilization is just a minion, what is there to visit? Now the new humans are the managers of the galaxy, okay?

Can you be more generous and stop running in front of the ants to show off all day long. This book is not an illogical and pretentious article.

And the LLP Silicon Alliance, in the end, was just a subordinate, used to promote the development of the galaxy... If a battle was fought, wouldn't it be beating its own subordinates? Isn't it embarrassing?

As for the eternal world, it will be revealed in the next book, a world that is half materialistic and half idealistic, jumping out of the existence of this world... probably...

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