Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 84 The Beginning of the New Year

Time passes day by day, and this day is the last day of the first year of the new human calendar. After the last day of work, people will get a five-day short holiday.

Of course, some necessary department positions, such as hospitals, power departments, the military, etc., are still on duty. However, these departments adopt the form of shifts, and each staff member can take turns to rest according to the shift schedule.

At present, almost all the more than 50,000 people on the Noah ship have been transferred to their posts. There is no one who is unemployed, and a large number of positions are still lacking manpower. Scientists are preparing to use intelligent robots to replace these manned positions.

Jobs such as chefs and cleaners have almost disappeared, replaced by machines. A dish follows the procedure, and every process is accurate to the second. Although it is not as good as a special chef, it is more than enough than an ordinary chef... (Note: There is already such a machine, please search Baidu for details.)

Due to the shortage of population, some positions even include prisoners. They also receive a certain salary. If they perform well, their sentences can be reduced. This is a good opportunity for some people who want to repent.

However, before their sentences are completed, their freedom is still restricted and they can only move and work within a small area.

The 50,000 ordinary people on the Noah have experienced so many things, and it can be said that they are completely united. They are looking forward to the first year of their lives, and they also have a sense of joy.

After get off work, people happily light up neon lights and hang small gifts on the Christmas tree, making the New Year atmosphere even stronger.

Asians paste couplets and banners on both sides of the gate, and Europeans and Americans also celebrate New Year's Day customs. They sang hymns, prayed, blessed and confessed on the street, and some were hugging each other and saying hello to each other...

In short, this year has a feeling of a mixture of Chinese and Western things, and perhaps it will evolve into a new culture in the future, a unique culture belonging to the new humanity.

At six o'clock in the evening, there was a big party for both singles and families. This party was organized voluntarily by the people, with fine wine and delicious food, without too many ceremonies.

While people are enjoying the New Year's Eve dinner, they can sing and dance on the stage, which is really lively.

"... One cup is for hometown, one cup is for the distance... One cup is for freedom, one cup is for death..." Yu Yifeng was forced to go on stage, sang a song, and then picked up another glass of wine to pay tribute to all the people.

“This glass of wine is a tribute to all of you here, and a tribute to the fallen warriors.

Thank you all for your hard work over the past year. Thank you also to those who have sacrificed their lives for our tomorrow...

Okay, finally I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best! "

Yu Yifeng said a few words briefly and said hello to all the people. He felt that he had a big tongue and his head was dizzy. He must have been drunk!

That's right, there are so many business leaders and so many important officials in government agencies, none of them can be left behind. They accompany each one, and they are still high in liquor. There are also those guys like Xu Yunjin and Zhao Yao who deliberately tried to mess with him, so it’s pretty good that they survived until now. Even if he is a super human, he can hardly hold on anymore.

Yu Yifeng just wanted to go back to the dormitory and have a good sleep...

On this day of the Chinese New Year, the public entertainment facilities that everyone has been waiting for are finally opened, such as large libraries, Internet cafes, gymnasiums, fitness centers, etc., adding a large number of entertainment facilities to mankind.

From now on, Noah will implement a "six days and one day off" working system. For every six days of work, everyone will get one day of rest. This system has been warmly welcomed by everyone.

At 7:30 in the evening, after the party, some people drank too much and had to go back to the dormitory to rest, while the rest flocked to various entertainment venues.

"Zhao Chao, go to the Internet cafe to play? The price is not expensive, 1 Singapore dollar an hour." Wang Zhiyuan took a cigarette and started smoking comfortably. Because of the Chinese New Year, the prices of these luxury goods were all discounted, and they were finally affordable.

"Ahem!" Maybe it was because he hadn't smoked for a long time. Wang Zhiyuan was a little uncomfortable and choked and coughed.

However, he still insisted on finishing it. Even if this thing is discounted, it still costs 1 Singapore dollar each. It is very expensive and cannot be wasted.

His good friend Zhao Chao was also lucky and did not die from the Mars virus, and neither did his girlfriend Victoria. In this way, the relationship between the two people has taken a further step. Now they are living together and they don't know when they will get married.

"Go to the Internet cafe?" Zhao Chao scratched his head awkwardly, feeling a little sorry for his friend, and stammered: "...I promised Victoria, tonight..."

"Forget it, I won't disturb your good things..."

Wang Zhiyuan understood it as soon as he heard it. He said angrily and waved his hand. He is really a guy who forgets his friends after seeing sex...

Zhao Chao left, and now only Wang Zhiyuan was left alone.

Suddenly free, he felt at a loss. He felt that he was like a clockwork machine, busy all the time, and suddenly stopped, which made him a little unable to adapt. This is also the feeling of many people.

Or, go back to work? Is the project in hand not completed yet?

As soon as this idea appeared, Wang Zhiyuan couldn't help but smile. When did he become such a workaholic...

It's true that he really seems to have a tendency to become a workaholic... Whenever he produces scientific research results, he feels a sense of joy and accomplishment from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as this sense of joy and accomplishment came, he didn't care about any tiredness or exhaustion. He was so happy that he felt that all his efforts were worth it.

This feeling of promoting the progress of civilization is really great, so great that people can't stop at all.

No... everyone has signs of becoming a workaholic. Many people work overtime every day. If the government hadn't stipulated the latest overtime time, it is estimated that some people would work all night every day until they couldn't hold on.

This fanatical work passion has become an atmosphere that subtly affects everyone.

This influence is very far-reaching, because nowadays, work requires creativity. Mechanized work has almost been replaced by robots.

Creative work is generally very difficult, but the more difficult it is, the more people challenge it. Because difficult things are fun to do and the sense of accomplishment is great... The moment you finish it, it's like taking d.u.

Wang Zhiyuan shook his head and said to himself: "Damn... When did humans become so diligent?"

In his impression, humans are still a lazy creature. When did they work so hard?

It's really strange. When did this atmosphere appear?

He sat in the corner and took another cigarette. He began to think quietly. Perhaps because he drank some wine, he felt that his mind was particularly unrestrained.

Humanity has experienced too much in this year. One big project after another, one life-and-death crisis after another, which gave everyone a strong cohesion and centripetal force.

From the explosion of the earth at the beginning, to the food crisis, to the moon-earth collision crisis, and then to the Mars virus crisis, each time was at the level of world destruction, and humans...didn't they survive?

Now, many ordinary people have also known about the moon-earth collision crisis. Although they are a little scared, they don't blame the government for concealing the truth at the time.

After all, they all escaped and ascended to heaven, and all survived. People know that if the government told them the truth directly at that time, it would be bad. Instead, some people would be desperate and collapse...

After experiencing so many things, the credibility of the new government is really strong, and basically no one has much opinion on the new government.

Whatever the government says, people basically believe it unconditionally, and no one complains. In addition, the chief Yu Yifeng himself has too many loyal fans, which leads to the government's strong execution ability. Once an order is issued, people can support and execute it.

Wang Zhiyuan himself also believes that the current government is honest, fair, and efficient, the best in history, and there is nothing to be picky about.

Mr. Yu Yifeng is the best choice for the position of chief. If someone jumps out and says that someone is more suitable to be the chief. Then this kind of person is either crazy or stupid. Wang Zhiyuan guarantees that he will spit at him, and I believe that many people think so too.

Wang Zhiyuan thinks there is nothing wrong with this phenomenon of personal worship. In any case, it is better than worshipping singers and actors, right?

In this dangerous situation, human beings will all perish if they are not careful. At this critical moment, we should worship the wise and the strong.

Only the most intelligent and strong can lead mankind out of a way out...

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