Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 85 New Atmosphere

So, when did this fanatical atmosphere appear? The more Wang Zhiyuan thought about it, the more interesting it became.

Although he is the most ordinary member of the new humans, he prefers to think independently. He feels that this problem should be traced back to the beginning.

Perhaps during the time when Project Noah was implemented in the moon base, there were some signs.

At that time, almost everyone was working hard just for their ideals and for the stars and the sea in their hearts. When those comrades in Asia, Africa and Latin America heard that they were going to step into the starry sky, they were crazy about buying it.

Some people know the inside story, and they work hard to escape. But many people don't know the specific situation at all. They are fighting and fighting based on their ideals and passion!

Next, after the Noah set off, this fanatical atmosphere not only did not disappear, but became stronger.

The new government was established and large-scale project construction was launched. Wild Wolf Design Bureau and Tesla Research Institute took the lead in setting off a wave of scientific and technological research. They compete and confront each other, and they also affect ordinary people to a certain extent.

In Noah, the distance between ordinary people and great scientists is very close. After all, there is only such a small area in total. You can't see them when you look up.

Technical experts go out early and come home late, and they work so hard. Why can't an ordinary person work hard?

Yes, by this time people have become somewhat accustomed to high-intensity work.

Next, the Mars virus incident and the sounding of the industrial horn of the third revolution officially gave this fanatical atmosphere its substance and inspired everyone.

Ding Yidong, Felix, Ivanovich... all of them are either great engineers or great scientists. They have very different personalities, but they have one thing in common: they are extremely enthusiastic and passionate about their work.

These role models get up at six o'clock in the morning and go home at ten o'clock in the evening. Their roars and arguments could be heard everywhere in the corridors, elevators, and cafeterias.

This kind of roaring is not a quarrel, but a debate, which is red-faced because of different opinions on scientific research...

This enthusiasm of the upper class directly inspired a large number of middle-level cadres.

The middle-level scientists and engineers are influenced by the upper levels every day, and each one of them becomes crazy. This behavior in turn drives the grassroots people...

Wang Zhiyuan frowned. This phenomenon has a scientific basis. In psychology, it is called the "law of imitation."

French sociologist Talde was the first to study imitation. He believed that people from the lower classes tend to imitate people from the upper classes.

Moreover, in the absence of interference, once imitation begins, it grows exponentially and spreads rapidly.

This is social psychology. The situation on the Noah ship is similar to "imitation". Everyone is imitating the upper class, and once they start, they can't stop at all.

Thus, the era of national workaholics magically arrived...

"New humans, amazing! Yu Yifeng, amazing!" After analyzing so much, Wang Zhiyuan felt that his idea should be closer to the truth, and he only had admiration in his heart.

"Yu Yifeng is indeed the son of God... If the government hadn't strictly prohibited it, there might have been some kind of religion..."

He felt the "sun" deep in his heart, which was always shining with warm and practical light.

This kind of warmth dispels the uneasiness and fear deep in my heart. Although he didn't know what the situation was, he was already used to the existence of this "sun".

Sometimes, he still misses his hometown and his lost wife and daughter, but this longing and sadness will no longer affect his work. Without the comfort of this round of "sun", one year might be a little short of effort, and recovery would not be so rapid.

Yes, time flies so fast, it has been one year since the earth exploded...

Wang Zhiyuan walked alone on the street, but he did not feel that lonely. Frequently, acquaintances would greet him and he would respond.

People's faces are filled with happy smiles and they are mentally satisfied. The entire new human civilization is like a real big family.

Wang Zhiyuan enjoyed this atmosphere very much.

The new human civilization seems to be simpler, the relationship between people is more simplified, and there is no such and such entanglement of interests. Making money seems to be less important.

People's minds have also become clearer, and nasty things such as deception, blackmail, and robbery have basically not happened.

Yes, there are only a few people in total. Even if they don't know each other, they are familiar to each other. It's difficult to commit a crime...

The most important thing is that in the workplace, this kind of thing rarely happens.

As long as your professional ability is strong enough, you can quickly be promoted from an ordinary researcher to a team leader level. If you are more awesome, you can quickly be promoted from a team leader to a supervisor.

"Those who are capable work hard, and everyone does their best." This is how Wang Zhiyuan feels now.

Scientific research really requires strength, and people who are just pretending to be useless will soon be discovered. Once they find people above who have high ambitions but low ambitions, the people below are disappointed and they will run away immediately.

Anyway, there are jobs everywhere on the Noah. Since you are not good at it, why should I be angry with you? If the leadership is not good, the people below will work elsewhere.

Only true technical masters can have strong appeal and be leaders.

If you are good, just go up, there is no need to be humble. If you are not good, just come down and study hard. There is no shame in it. There is such a trend now, and it is becoming more and more obvious. People begin to admire wisdom and knowledge.

At first, this downgrade was a bit embarrassing. A supervisor was suddenly downgraded to a researcher level, which would definitely make him feel a little uncomfortable. However, once this situation became a trend, no one cared about it. Everyone has their own specialties, and it’s normal for them to be demoted if they do things outside of their specialties.

The people who have high ambitions and low abilities are gradually disappearing. Everyone knows how much they have, and if they still dare to do it if they have no ability, wouldn't they be asking for embarrassment?

Wang Zhiyuan has already done three projects, once as a team leader, and twice as the most ordinary researcher. If he still had to stay up there if he wasn't capable enough, he would feel embarrassed and might get cancer.

Of course, if he is qualified, he will not refuse...

This era is so good! What a passionate and energetic era!

However, there is still something missing...

Wang Zhiyuan thought about it carefully, yes, there is still a girl missing. He is still young, only in his early 30s. There is still a long way to go in life. He will always have to start a family...Okay, he shook his head again and stopped thinking about it. This kind of thing depends on fate. , couldn't force it, didn't Zhao Chao find Victoria inexplicably?

"It's only eight o'clock now. I don't have anything to do anyway, so I might as well go to the Internet cafe and have some fun."

This newly opened Internet cafe has four to five hundred machines, which is actually quite a lot. But for the current flow of people, four to five hundred machines are simply not enough. There are already a sea of ​​people inside.

Fortunately, the Internet cafe lobby is connected to the gymnasium, it is large enough, and there is free LAN. Many people simply moved tables and chairs out of their dormitories, took out their laptops, and crowded into the Internet cafe lobby to play games, just to have fun.

This scene reminds Wang Zhiyuan of the time when he was still in college ten years ago, sitting in an Internet cafe five times in a row, playing games such as Dota and LoL all night long, and having a great time.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. He hasn't touched a game for a long time, and his heart is slightly moved.

Since he no longer had a seat, he moved his laptop from the dormitory in a decent manner, sat in the lobby of the Internet cafe, and then connected to the LAN.

He found that there are all kinds of games, such as Warcraft 3, StarCraft 3, Red Alert 3, lol2, dota3 and so on.

Anyway, the earth has exploded, and there is no such thing as copyright. These games have been cracked by technology experts and provided for free download. It is simply a case of piracy for everyone...

"Hey, buddy, how about killing a game of StarCraft 3?" A young man sitting opposite said to Wang Zhiyuan with his mouth full.

Is StarCraft already on its 3rd generation? When will it be released, just in 2019?

It's a pity that Wang Zhiyuan has never played before, so he can only shrug his shoulders and say: "Brother, it's not me who refuses. I have never played before. If you don't mind me..."

The young man shook his head. He had never played before. Isn't this a form of abuse? He didn't want to do this.

"How about I teach you?"

"Forget it, let's each play our own games."

Wang Zhiyuan's eyes lit up and he had seen an old game - "Red Alert".

By the way, this is still a well-known game developed by Calvin, and it is in its third generation. But since he was captured, there have been no more fourth-generation works.

Click on the game and open the LAN interface. There are really many people online.

Wang Zhiyuan randomly found an opponent named "lvy" and started fighting.

Both sides chose the Soviet Union by coincidence. Wang Zhiyuan felt a little funny, because at a glance, most of the people playing Red Alert were choosing the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union has a powerful war weapon called the "Kinov airship", which is a war airship that can drop bombs on the ground. And their new human civilization has a "Kinov Industrial Factory". Perhaps because of the overlapping of the three words, everyone is choosing the Soviet Union.

At the beginning of the game, Wang Zhiyuan habitually unfolded the base vehicle and built a dog to explore the road, and then discovered that... the opponent did not build troops, but chose to develop technology and combat laboratories? Do you want to directly build a Kinov airship?

Wang Zhiyuan almost died laughing, there is such a rookie...Wanting war without building troops, developing peacefully? He just built a bunch of cheap tanks and crushed them. Because the opponent had few soldiers, they were bulldozed in less than 10 minutes.

That Ivy seemed unconvinced and sent another invitation to challenge. As a result, history repeated itself and it was bulldozed again in less than ten minutes.

"Why are you so unreasonable?" The other party sent a bunch of messages.

Wang Zhiyuan was completely confused. Why should he be reasonable while playing a game? I can only type a lot of "???".

"If you don't build a Genov airship, why are you playing Red Alert?" the other party said.

Well, there is another way of saying this... Wang Zhiyuan politely sent a "sorry", and the two parties started the game again.

Now everyone has agreed that this is a serious technology climbing competition, but there are also things to pay attention to when climbing science and technology. You have to develop the economy first, and there is a certain order. There are many ways to do it.

Wang Zhiyuan is not bad at playing. He has studied various tactics before, and he is definitely better than the rookie opposite him.

When the opponent built three Kinov airships and attacked complacently, they found that their base was surrounded by more than a dozen Kinovs...

"Come again!" Ivy said angrily after losing again.

Then... lost again.

"Come again!"

Lost again...

"Come again!" "Come again!" "Come again!"

After winning seven or eight games in a row, Wang Zhiyuan felt something was wrong. He was embarrassed to win, but he was still being held by his opponent. It was too tasteless to run away after winning someone else's victory. He didn't know what to do.

He had a headache. How could he still be such a stubborn person? He finally decided to let go and get rid of this annoying guy.

In the last game, after his base was blown up due to intentional leaks, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Damn, I can finally go back to sleep."

And a blond girl sitting not far in front suddenly jumped up with excitement, and her excited screams broke through the sky, "Yeah! I won! I finally won!"

Then, she met Wang Zhiyuan's surprised gaze...

(Well, I discovered that I still have a talent for writing about daily life.

History has proven that when playing games with girls, you must give way to them.

I am a kindhearted person, and every supporting role is assigned a girl for them.

The protagonist's wife? You guess...)

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