Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 91 Longevity Virus

Not long after, all the personnel gathered in the captain's room. Yu Yifeng first read the report to all the unsuspecting people.

Although people's faces varied, the general reaction was more indifferent than he expected. Except for a few older people, most people looked surprised and quickly calmed down.

This reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation. Yu Yifeng thought about it in a blink of an eye and understood.

Yes, the average age of the people on board Noah is 28 years old, and they are all still in their young adulthood. The oldest scientist is only a little over fifty, less than sixty years old, and is still at the peak of his career.

Under such circumstances, those who are strong and healthy generally have decades to live, and people rarely consider life span.

Extending life span is just something new and curious to them, and it is just a possibility and has not really been realized.

So this great thing is not something that makes people jump with excitement. It is not even as exciting as the super excavator.

We are all young people, who thinks about things like old age and death? It is too simple to live longer. Smoking less, drinking less, eating less junk food, and exercising more... These activities can prolong life and allow people to live a few more years.

However, these longevity activities can generally only be remembered and implemented when you are older...

Well... Yu Yifeng was really dumbfounded by people's reaction. When we were on earth, those leaders and rich people invested money like crazy to study the perfect element, wasn't it just to get a longer life?

When they were on the verge of death, they would all risk their lives to conduct perfection experiments in an attempt to gain good luck one last time... although they all failed in the end.

There is great fear between life and death!

Fortunately, now that there is something that can really extend lifespan, people are only slightly excited, maybe because they are not yet old...

"Everyone, I think you all know that although the Martian virus is also a carbonyl organism, its genetic structure and protein structure are completely different from those of Earth organisms. We can use the Martian virus to fill in the missing content in biology and find More scientific inspiration.”

"Now, Professor Constantine's scientific research team has some new results. Please explain them in detail." Yu Yifeng waved his hand and gave a brief introduction to everyone present.

Constantine is a young professor in his early thirties who has also participated in the research on Mars viruses. His two dark circles were very large, giving people a feeling of over-fatigue, but his eyes were bright and clear, and they were obviously being supported by a force.

Talking about his scientific research results, Constantine said very excitedly: "There is not just one kind of Mars virus. So far, we have discovered 3,325 different types of viruses."

"They are actually more complex than viruses and can survive independently, but we still habitually call them viruses..."

In Constantine's research, twelve species can cause disease, and the rest are not suitable for long-term survival in the human body. Their research team is tracking and observing these viruses.

"After more than 400 patients recovered, we conducted strict physical examinations on them. Something strange happened. After being infected by the Mars virus, the comprehensive physical score of many people increased by 1.6%!"

"Although this number is not large, it is completely beyond our expectations. We originally thought that people's physical fitness would decline after a serious illness, but instead it increased." Constantine took out a chart that listed various data. .

Before people explore Mars, they generally have to undergo strict physical examinations, so all kinds of data are very detailed.

"There must be a reason, and we want to find the reason..."

"After three months of experiments, we finally discovered a virus that is beneficial to humans, called a longevity virus!"

The people below became a little restless. The name "Longevity Virus" sounds very weird.

"After the longevity virus invades cells, it can reactivate the activity of human stem cells, allowing them to divide more times! It repairs telomeres at the end of DNA..."

Constantine used a set of scientific terms to explain it, but he was afraid that what he said was unclear, so he said it again in layman's terms.

What is aging? What is the nature of aging?

For life, aging is an eternal rhythm.

Hair turns white, teeth fall out, and wrinkles appear. This is visible aging, while the decline in internal organ function, slow response, poor memory, and weakened resistance are invisible aging.

The essence of human aging is cell attenuation, and cell attenuation is mainly caused by the attenuation of stem cells.

People can live to be 100 years old or longer, but individual somatic cells often do not live that long. For example, epithelial cells are replaced every 27 to 28 days, and intestinal mucosal cells are replaced every 2 to 3 days.

The body's mature somatic cells will die due to aging or injury, and their replacements need to be produced at any time, and stem cells are the source of these replacements.

However, stem cells also divide a number of times, which is affected by DNA telomeres. Scientists have discovered that with each round of DNA replication, a segment of DNA is lost at the end, which is the telomere.

Like a safety hat, it ensures the integrity of the DNA sequence through self-sacrifice.

But without this compensation mechanism, DNA will eventually shorten or even disappear after thousands of generations of replication, causing two consequences - aging and tumors. Therefore, the number of divisions of a stem cell is limited.

"Longevity virus can repair part of the telomeres at the end of DNA and reactivate the activity of aging stem cells..." Professor Constantine said enthusiastically, "According to experimental data, it can increase the number of divisions of stem cells by 30%-50%! "

"In other words, it can greatly increase human lifespan. If it is controlled well, 50% is possible!"

His voice became louder and louder, obviously he was deeply proud of this discovery, "By then, the rate of human aging will be greatly slowed down, and the average life span of people will reach 110-130 years!"

"Humans will not age significantly until they are 100 years old! There is not much difference between a 20-year-old and a 50-year-old."

At this time, everyone understood, and their hearts beat twice hard. This is a visible benefit. Human beings have such good luck!

Although this life-extending effect is not worth mentioning compared to Perfection, it was invented by humans with their own technology and can be used by all people!

Yu Yifeng suddenly sighed, things are really unpredictable. There is such a thing on Mars! If the high-ranking officials and wealthy people on Earth knew this news, they would probably build a big spaceship and fly to Mars...

There are many solutions to extend life, the most powerful one is Perfect Su, but people on earth have spent so much manpower and material resources that they have not been able to achieve it. Now, a long-lived virus has inexplicably done it...

Although the effect is much less, it can extend life for forty or fifty years, which is already very good!

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