Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 92 Ironmaking Blast Furnace

Viruses and bacteria are not necessarily harmful, and quite a few are beneficial.

For example: Endogenous retroviruses are beneficial to the human body. They are an important basis for immune cells to produce antibodies.

There are many retroviruses that can be used as vectors for DNA recombination.

There is also vaccinia virus, a virus that causes mild lesions of cowpox in cattle. People used the cowpox virus to eradicate smallpox.

In addition to these beneficial viruses, there are even more beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, yeasts, etc., which are beneficial to human life and health and indirectly affect human life span.

Therefore, a normal person is a mixture of human cells, viruses, and bacteria, which are in a symbiotic state with the entire human body.

So, this "longevity virus" may really make people live longer, at least in theory...

What people are worried about is whether the reckless introduction of this virus will cause diseases such as gene collapse and chromosomal aberrations. After all, it is something on Mars!

This is a "human genetic modification project", and the possibility of black shells is very high! Yu Yifeng and other experts are very aware of the risks involved. Isn't this how the biohazard and loss viruses in the movie were created?

So, like taking chestnuts from the fire, this is something where risks and opportunities coexist...

Although many big scientists, especially biologists, were excited, they were also extremely calm. They were a little worried and carefully inquired about the research results, various data, and various experimental conclusions of the research team.

The discussion lasted for more than an hour, and the report was read over and over several times.

It was only then that these big scientists said that there was basically no problem with the accuracy of the report, but there were still more data that had not been fully verified.

They believe that the basic principles of longevity viruses have not yet been understood, and the genetic sequence has not yet been tested. There is still a lot of experiments to be done, because the genetic sequence of this virus is particularly complex, and it is impossible to produce any results at least in the short term.

Seeing this, Yu Yifeng felt relieved. Of course, he hoped that scientists would be more cautious. In fact, he would not rush into human trials even if scientists were talking about it.

Does anyone know how long the incubation period of this virus is? What if after a few years, people get sick collectively? We must at least understand how the virus works and conduct some animal experiments before we can consider it.

Such caution is still necessary!

So in the following time, he focused on industry while paying attention to biological sciences. Whether it’s perfection factors or longevity viruses, they are all very important and cannot be careless...

The machines roared, the motors roared, and the fully automated Kinov Industrial Factory was completed, finally demonstrating its daunting industrial capabilities!

Many scientists and engineers cheered tremblingly, shocked and moved by the miracles they had created!

Ivanovich burst into tears, this is the super industry he longs for!

Each mass-produced super excavator adopts driverless technology. After digging a carload of ore, it will be automatically transported to a place, where the ore will be dumped on the conveyor belt, and then transported to the super train by the conveyor belt.

Finally, the super train carried the ore directly to the Noah. This series of processes does not require manpower and is automatically completed by the program.

Driverless driving is very convenient. One person can sit in the office and monitor a hundred units. These machines usually do not make mistakes. Once there is an error, there will be a lot of feedback prompts so that people can deal with it in time.

The excavators are more than three hundred meters apart. If they get too close to each other due to system bugs or other reasons, the alarm in the main control room will sound, and supervisors will be asked to operate manually.

This kind of operation was a bit frequent at first, but then it only happened in two or three days, and became less and less.

Because researchers will analyze the specific causes based on these errors and make improvements. With each update, there are fewer and fewer vulnerabilities in autonomous driving...

People are still studying automatic maintenance machines, so that maintenance can be completed automatically by the machine.

A big problem lies in front of Yifeng, that is, the production of steel cannot keep up... The worries of those smelting workers have come true!

At the beginning, people were studying procedures and building factories. The consumption of resources was not large, and the steel production on the Noah was more than enough.

But now, the program has been studied and the factory has started production. Excavators, trains, cutting machines, etc. all require a large amount of metal materials. As a result, the steel production on the Noah is not enough.

These super machines are too big and have too many consumables. The current large material gap is completely supported by inventory.

"There are only 1.3 million tons of steel in stock now, which is only enough for one and a half months of consumption. Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Yu Yifeng frowned and approved the construction of a steelmaking blast furnace.

This steelmaking blast furnace is huge, seventy meters high! More than six thousand tons of steel were used. Of course, it is still built inside the Noah.

In order to build this blast furnace, engineers specially opened an unmanned room in the spacecraft. They took the lead in laying various pipelines inside, such as raw material inlet, slag outlet, ventilation outlet, etc.

Then, people used various machines to piece the blast furnace together piece by piece, such as falcon joints, seamless welding, etc. It took about another month.

If it is officially put into operation, the production of this blast furnace is also fully automated, and various transmission tracks and robots have been laid inside.

If it is in outer space, this blast furnace will definitely not be used, mainly because of the heat dissipation problem. Its heat dissipation is too large, and using ice can only lower the temperature in the room, but it cannot cool down the inside.

If the huge heat cannot be dissipated, the blast furnace pressure will become higher and higher, and it may explode!

But now we are on Mars, the temperature on Mars is minus 60 degrees Celsius, and the atmosphere is relatively thin, but the atmosphere is enough! More than a dozen exhaust fans continuously draw cold air in to dissipate heat, and then exhaust the hot air.

With such an air cooling system, this blast furnace can barely be used.

Of course, there are no fossil fuels such as coal and oil on Mars, but some combustible ice such as methane has been discovered, mainly located in the lower layer of several ice lakes.

But people don't expect to use carbon reduction to make steel at all, they still use electrolysis. According to this set of processes, the refining methods of iron and aluminum are similar, both of which melt the minerals into liquid state and then electrolyze.

The iron produced has a low carbon content, and after another set of procedures, it becomes a crude steel with good quality.

Such blast furnaces consume a lot of electricity, so people have built nuclear power plants to supply electricity for blast furnaces. The huge power consumption also leads to extremely high output. It can produce 20,000 tons of steel a day and 600,000 tons a month! In other words, almost two steelmaking blast furnaces can make up for the material gap.

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