Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 93 Longevity Conjecture

"There are a lot of things to do..." After completing the construction of the steelmaking blast furnace, Yu Yifeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

These quickly refined steels are all crude steel in quality, and the quality can only be said to be mediocre and barely usable. But people don't care, as long as the output is up. These machines are mass-produced, and they don't care about packaging and taste. It doesn't matter if a few are broken.

Besides, the oxygen content on Mars is very low, and there is no need to worry about rust or anything. The biggest disadvantage of crude steel has been avoided. After the robot breaks down, it can be disassembled and recycled, and the raw materials are not afraid of being lost...

In the next period of time, both Noah and major mining areas are in full swing.

In the factory, the assembly lines are copied and increased one by one, and the industrial capacity is constantly increasing.

In the mining area, the number of excavators and robots is also increasing. Once their number increases, they have the ability to move mountains and seas. One mine after another is mined, and large mine pits appear on the ground.

And the supporting steelmaking blast furnace has increased to five! The power consumption of the entire spacecraft has greatly exceeded the plan. But it doesn't matter, people have plenty of uranium mines, just build a few more nuclear power plants.

Yu Yifeng feels that the entire new human civilization has a kind of "runaway" rough beauty.

Plans can't keep up with changes. Many engineering projects have exceeded expectations and completed ahead of schedule. What should we do? We can't just wait there. We can only make a temporary plan and let them continue to work.

Like super excavators and super trains, the production of these machines requires a lot of steel, and the original plan is impossible to predict, so we can only temporarily increase steel production.

In this way, one temporary plan after another, the original forecast plan is useless. The entire industrial system is getting bigger and more complex day by day. But overall, it's just that resources and electricity consumption are seriously exceeded, and the overall industrial production capacity is still relatively fine and orderly.

In Yu Yifeng's mind, it's no problem for resource consumption to exceed the standard. Even if it's a little extravagant, it's no big deal. With the continuous supply of massive excavators, there are plenty of resources, and they have been piled up into large mines...

In the spacecraft, the area of ​​the industrial zone far exceeds the residential area, with a total area of ​​260 square kilometers!

The lights were bright inside, and there were many machines. A large number of conveyor tracks were laid in it to transport different materials for various assembly lines. Many staff members shuttled back and forth, busy.

Now, the main job of the workers is to be responsible for the maintenance of related monitoring and automated machinery, as well as some bug correction work. If it reaches the later stage of factory construction, even the final maintenance will be the responsibility of the robots themselves.

Yu Yifeng was satisfied, but also had a headache.

From now on, with the completion of the first few phases of the Kinov Industrial Factory, many laboratories have begun to free up their hands to study what they like. As a result, the technology line on the Noah is a bit messy, which makes him feel too busy.

A large number of technologies are developing in parallel. How can he manage it alone? He can only have a rough understanding. If it is not the technology of black shellfish, he will not care too much and let the scientists do it themselves.

There is no need to say much about other small technologies. Generally speaking, there are several major directions to go: automatic industrialization, research on perfect elements, exploration of longevity viruses, research on new space shuttles, and manufacturing of space war weapons.

For some reason, he always feels a little scared. Although this feeling has lasted for a long time, it has become very obvious recently.

The Kinov Industrial Factory can already produce automatically, the excavator can also go down to the ground to mine smoothly, the resources accumulated in the Noah are increasing day by day, and people's living environment has also improved... What else can be worried about?

Yu Yifeng frowned tightly, he really couldn't think of it.

"Could it be the biotechnology that humans are studying? Could it be that humans have touched the black shell?" Yu Yifeng pondered and opened a report at random, which was sent by Professor Constantine.

"The complexity of the longevity virus is far beyond our imagination. Its nature is very strange, its vitality is low, and its reproductive capacity is also low. I don't know why it can survive until now..."

"After it invades the human body, it will die soon because it cannot adapt to the environment."

"Its genes contain a large number of strange sequences with unknown meanings, and there are many redundant fragments..."

This is the report written by Professor Constantine to Yu Yifeng. Seeing this, Yu Yifeng frowned deeply again.

What humans dislike most is this kind of thing that cannot understand the principle.

"Ordinary Martian microorganisms are only slightly more complex than Earth viruses, and human science can still analyze them. But the longevity virus is extremely complex. Compared with ordinary Martian viruses, it is like the difference between a rich king and a poor beggar..."

"We are puzzled by this phenomenon. How could a group of ordinary microorganisms evolve into extremely complex species?"

Seeing this, Yu Yifeng was deeply worried. Is it the longevity virus that he is worried about?

But the temptation it brings to humans is so great that it is impossible to give up directly...Many great scientists are over 50 years old. In a few years, their health will go downhill. If there is a longevity virus, how great it would be to extend life by 50 years!

But this temptation may be accompanied by a fatal crisis, which really makes people dilemma.

Continuing to read, Constantine explained in the report: "We suspect that the long-lived virus is evolving in the direction of bacteria, which makes it extremely complex... Perhaps, it will become the first bacteria on Mars!"

This explanation makes some sense, and Yu Yifeng nodded in his heart.

"But... the genius of our research team also proposed another possibility. It is due to an unknown reason that advanced organisms degenerated to the current stage... We have never seen the degeneration of life. Maybe this is just a bold move. Guess!"

Degradation from high level to low level? If this is really the case, then something extraordinary must have happened on Mars.

Obviously, Professor Constantine was also full of doubts. He wrote at the end, "We want to prune out the redundant genes and keep only the core parts to see if we can still stimulate the activity of stem cells..."

Yu Yifeng was silent, pacing back and forth in the captain's room. He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart. Scientists are very cautious about longevity viruses. As long as they are strictly controlled, there should be no disasters like biochemical crises.

He has made up his mind not to allow any human experiments until the mechanism of action is thoroughly understood. Anyone who has been infected with the Mars virus must have a physical examination every three to five days, including himself, of course.

I'm in a bad mood, and the score is very poor. It may have to be put on the shelves if it has less than 3,000 collections (QAQ)... This subject is still too niche, and no one will read it.

My head is a bit empty. I sat in front of the computer for a long time and couldn't type out a few words. Please allow me to relax for a few days. Of course, I am not going to the palace. I can only update once a day these days... I'm sorry, I really can't write. what. After a few days, I accepted the fact that I was on the street and updated twice a day...

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