"I’m so hungry. I shouldn’t have traveled through time if I had known."

Lying on a barren land, Lin Yuan looked at the dark night sky above, counting the stars with dull eyes.

He was a time traveler. Before the time travel, he was just an ordinary worker. He didn't smoke or drink. He occasionally ran after work at night and got eight hours of sleep every day. The doctor said he was healthy.

But just two days ago, he traveled through time.

He didn't see the semi-trailer truck of the God of Time Travel.

When he lay in bed and fell asleep as usual, he opened his eyes again and came to an unknown world.

At first, Lin Yuan was naturally very excited. As a college student who had just graduated, he read a lot of novels on weekdays.

According to the development of the plot, he should awaken the golden finger next. After three years of forbearance, the Dragon King returned to his position. With a slant of his mouth, three parts of ridicule, three parts of coldness and four parts of carelessness in his eyes, he got rid of the gold digger and reached the peak of his life.

But unfortunately, Lin Yuan's perfect plan collapsed before it even started.

After a simple observation, he found that the place where he was after traveling through time was a deserted wasteland.

Not to mention humans, there was not even a living plant or animal.

And what's worse is that he didn't have a golden finger.

"Well, I'm not a bad person. The worst thing I've done is to take the toilet paper away when my roommate is using the toilet."

"As for throwing me to such a place to suffer, with nothing to eat and no water to drink, I can only starve to death, this is too much."

Looking at the sky that suddenly became very bright, Lin Yuan closed his eyes and thought he was hallucinating, and his consciousness gradually faded.

"If you want to survive, you must do more good things."

【need any help?】

"After the hallucinations, are the auditory hallucinations coming too?"

Lin Yuan sighed silently:"Of course I need help. I haven't eaten or drunk anything for two days. I'm almost dead."

【What do you need? 】

Lin Yuan replied with a smile:"Give me whatever you can give me, as long as I can survive."

【I understand. 】


A vast and magnificent sound resounded between heaven and earth, and a force full of vitality flowed into Lin Yuan's body, rushing through his limbs and bones.


Lin Yuan, who could clearly feel the changes in his body, was shocked. He opened his eyes and looked up at the sky in confusion.

The next moment, a sacred figure came into his sight.

The other person was wearing a white robe, had six arms, and exuded a kind and healing feeling.

Although it was only the first time they met, Lin Yuan still clearly recognized that it was a being far beyond human beings.

In fact, it was true.

After a brief moment of daze, Lin Yuan had recognized the other person's identity.

"......"The Abundant Star God Pharmacist?"

In the sky, the rich vitality condensed into a rain of life, which fell on the desolate and broken earth.

Under Lin Yuan's gaze, the sacred figure nodded slightly, looked at him, and then began to gradually dissipate.

【Let all sentient beings obtain what they desire】

【Child, I have cured you of the malaria called death. I hope you can keep your oath and see each other again in the future.

The pharmacist's last words echoed in Lin Yuan's mind, leaving him in deep confusion.

Oath? What oath?

Did he just agree with the pharmacist?

Trying hard to recall what had just happened, Lin Yuan suddenly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment after a while.

He seemed to have said something in his blurred consciousness just now.

【If you want to survive, you must do more good deeds.]

The emotional pharmacist heard what he said, so he took action to save him.

"No, that sentence at most attracted the pharmacist's attention."

"As long as the Pharmacist sees me, he will save me even if he doesn't say anything."

Lin Yuan directly overturned his own thoughts.

Obviously, he has traveled to the Star Dome Railway World.

As the famous God of Plenty, the two most famous qualities of the Pharmacist are selflessness and altruism.

As long as he sees someone in need, he will lend a helping hand equally.

Although most of the time he means well but does bad things, and even caused the remnants of abundance, one of the three major crises in the universe.

But no one can deny that the Pharmacist is definitely a good person....No, he is a good god. He will answer any request and give whatever you ask for. There is no star god more friendly than him in the whole world of Bengtie.

"It seems that my luck is not that bad."

After the life-and-death crisis, Lin Yuan instantly relaxed.

Looking at the grass full of vitality and the clear river around him,

Lin Yuan, who knew what the surroundings looked like a few minutes ago, half squatted down and pressed his palms on the ground.

"I always feel that my strength has increased a lot. I try it a little bit......." boom——!

""What the hell?!"

A thunderous sound shook the earth. With the position of Lin Yuan's palm as the center, the area within a radius of hundreds of meters suddenly sank downwards, forming a sinkhole.

Lin Yuan, who had never expected such a result, swayed and lay directly on the ground.

He stood up again and looked at the earth around him that had just revived for less than a minute and was destroyed again.

A question mark slowly rose above Lin Yuan's head.

He didn't use much strength. How much power did the pharmacist inject into him this time?

But this is a good thing.

The world of Star Dome Railway is too dangerous.

The Zerg, the Remnant of Abundance, the Antimatter Legion.

These forces with names resounding throughout the universe are all very unfriendly to ordinary people.

If you are unlucky, let alone ordinary people, even the powerful Destiny Walkers are no different from ants.

In such a dangerous world, the more power the better

"Try to get used to the power in your body first."

"Not to mention perfect mastery and application, at least we should not let it get out of control and cause great damage to our daily lives."

"Once you have adapted to the power in your body, you can find a way to leave this planet and find a planet where humans exist."

【Welcome to join the Wanjie chat group. 】

Lin Yuan:"?"

Isn't your golden finger a little late?

Looking at the translucent screen that suddenly appeared in front of him, Lin Yuan's expression became subtle.......

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