"Never mind. It's a little late."

"But it's always good to have a golden finger."

As a social animal who likes to read novels, Lin Yuan is no stranger to chat groups.

After finding an empty space to sit down temporarily, he focused his attention on the chat group screen.

【Lin Yuan joins the chat group]

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Huh? There's a new member!"

Rukia Kuchiki:"It feels like it's been a while since a new member joined the group, welcome!"

Mine:"Welcome, welcome."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Welcome, new member."

Lin Yuan:"Good evening, everyone."

The avatars and names in the chat group are all based on the real names and appearances of the group members.

Therefore, after a simple greeting, Lin Yuan has confirmed the identities of everyone in the group.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Hmm~ The newcomers this time are so proactive."

Kuchiki Rukia:"Yeah, unlike Maine, who carefully hid for a week before showing up."

Maine:"Hey! Don't you two expose my dark history in front of the newcomers as if nothing happened!"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Sorry, sorry, Sister Maine, I didn't mean it."

Lin Yuan:"Then you did it on purpose."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Of course not!"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Ahem~ Okay, let's get to the point and introduce the chat group to you, the newcomer."

In front of the torii of the shrine, the girl in a shrine maiden costume who was sweeping up fallen leaves glanced around, stopped her work when she saw that there was no one else, and began to introduce it seriously.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"The full name of the chat group is the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group. It is a chat group that connects all the heavens and all the worlds....Platform, everyone in the group comes from different worlds."

Akira Nagisa:"In terms of functions, it can be roughly divided into three aspects: sign-in, tasks, and mall."

Akira Nagisa:"The first two are ways to earn points, and the mall is a place to spend points"

【Lin Yuan successfully clocked in and received 100 points. 】

Lin Yuan:"I've finished clocking in. There are so few things in the store. It doesn't match the group name at all."

Xiao Nagisa:"Uh......This is because the items in the mall in the chat group are all uploaded by ourselves."

I didn't expect Lin Yuan to adapt so quickly. Nagisa Xiao paused and continued to introduce.

Nagisa Xiao:"Although there are not many things, it is enough for newcomers." Nagisa Xiao

:"Except for Sister Mayin's side, the three worlds including mine have mature supernatural power systems."

Mayin:"Ahem...I think my sniping experience is pretty good. Newbies who don't like close combat can consider it."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Yours is too expensive. Newbies can't afford it. You should consider buying the Curse Training Manual. The basic version only costs 100 points, which is just right."

Kuchiki Rukia:"You two are too impatient. Wait until Nagisa finishes her introduction."

Lin Yuan:"No, I've finished it."

Lin Yuan's eyes swept across the shopping mall page in front of him.

【Curse Power Training Manual - Basics (Level 1): Curse power comes from the power of human negative emotions. By purchasing this item, you can obtain the first ray of curse power with the help of the chat group and master the basic method of extracting curse power. Price: 100 points】

【Shallow Strike (First Order): An item from Squad Zero. After being purified by the chat group and all backhands removed, the buyer can obtain his own Zanpakutō by injecting soul power and his own beliefs and will. Price: 1000 points】

【Marin's Sniper Skills (Level 1): As a professional assassin, Marin has sniped targets from a distance in countless difficult situations and retreated safely. By purchasing this item, you can learn long-range assassination skills (Level 1). Price: 2000 points】...

Lin Yuan:"What does the first level mean?"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Ahem, I was interrupted when I was introducing myself, so I forgot to mention this."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Because everyone in the group comes from different worlds, the powers they apply are all different."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"In order to help people in the group better confirm their strength, the chat group divides the strength into nine levels, from the first level to the ninth level. In addition, the chat group will give new members a certain amount of initial points based on the level assessment."

Kuchiki Rukia:"The first level is probably the level where one person can deal with a small army with sufficient preparation." Kuchiki

Rukia:"The second level destroys a city, the third level destroys a country, the fourth level sinks the land, and the fifth level destroys a star. If we go higher, we are far away from them." Kugisaki Nobara:

"I think the fifth level is already very far away. It is difficult for normal people to even reach the third level."

Kugisaki Nobara couldn't help but complain.

According to the chat group's strength division, the world's strongest sorcerer Gojo Satoru is at the third level.

Marin:"I think you are too confident. It is hard for normal people to even reach the first level."

Lin Yuan:"It sounds really hard."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Don't be discouraged, newbie. As long as you join the chat group, there is still hope to reach the first level in the future."

Kuchiki Rukia:"That's right. As the only second level in the group, I recommend that you buy the shallow fighting and spiritual pressure training manuals."

Kuchiki Rukia:"With the help of the chat group, entering the first level is basically not a problem. There is hope for the second and third levels in the future!"

Marin:"Ahem, practicing spiritual pressure does not prevent you from buying sniping experience as a newbie. If you don't have points, you can also consider getting started with basic long-range weapons."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"That...In fact, the spiritual training manual I uploaded is also good. If there are vampires in the new world, you can also buy some talismans for self-defense."

After Rukia spoke, the girls in the chat group competed to promote their products.

There are limited ways to gain points in the chat group.

In addition to the most basic daily check-in, the only two ways are to complete tasks and sell goods.

Members of the chat group can upload items and knowledge from their own world, and enter them into the mall after passing the chat group's appraisal.

As long as other people buy them, the person who puts them on the shelves can get the corresponding points.

For Rukia and others who are eager to gain more points to strengthen themselves, Lin Yuan's joining is equivalent to one more opportunity to gain points, so they naturally have to work hard to promote it. In response to this, Lin Yuan asked after a few seconds of silence.

Lin Yuan:"Do you know how to check your strength?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"This is easy!"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Just click on your own avatar, and you can view the corresponding information." Come to think of it

, she was so busy welcoming the newcomers and promoting products with Nagisa Akatsuki that she forgot to check the newcomers' profile cards.

The other party asked this, maybe he was not an ordinary person and could not use their products.

Thinking of this, Rukia clicked on Lin Yuan's avatar belatedly.


Looking at the profile card in front of her, Rukia, who was doing morning exercises, stopped swinging her knife.

Was there something wrong with the way she opened it?

After closing the chat group, Rukia rubbed her eyes, then opened the chat group again and clicked on Lin Yuan's profile card.

"six...Level 6?!"......

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