In the lobby of the Starry Sky Train.

As Lin Yuan expected, after waiting for the news of his return, Ji Zi's expression became a little serious.

As the navigator of the Starry Sky Train, she attaches great importance to every passenger on the train.

Especially Lin Yuan, a new passenger who just got on the train and gave the highest praise to her coffee, she has a good impression of him.

Although Lin Yuan is powerful, according to the other party, he was just an ordinary person before he was blessed by the pharmacist.

Before he completely mastered that power, even if Lin Yuan would not be killed, he would inevitably encounter some unsolvable troubles.

"Pam, Lin Yuan's coordinates haven't changed yet?"

"No Pam."

In the train's main control room, Pam, who had been staring at the screen, gave the first answer.

"After arriving at the destination ten minutes ago, Lin Yuan passengers have not moved....Wait! He started moving! Pam!"

Looking at the two small dots of light on the screen that suddenly began to move rapidly towards the direction of the train, Pam quickly changed her words.

"It's good that you're okay."

Ji Zi's heart was relieved instantly.

The next step was to wait for the other party to return.

Back in the hall, Ji Zi took out coffee beans and a single-molecule saw and brewed coffee with her unique skills.

After a while, the door of the hall was pushed open. In Ji Zi's unexpected eyes, two figures, a man and a woman, walked in from outside one after another....

"I roughly understand what happened."

After listening to Lin Yuan's report, Ji Zi nodded thoughtfully, and looked at the girl who was curiously looking around.

"Since you have lost your memory and have nowhere to go for the time being, what are your plans for the future, March 7th?"

"Plan? Of course I don't have that kind of thing."

Sanyueqi waved his hand:"To be honest, I don't even understand the current situation. I was brought here in a daze."

"I understand. You can stay on the train for the time being."

Ji Zi helped to make arrangements:"Our next stop is the Black Tower Space Station, where there are many famous scholars."

"Then you can go with us and see if there is anyone who can help you regain your memory."

""Okay, okay."

San Yueqi nodded and agreed.

Although it was just an intuition without any basis, she could feel that Lin Yuan and Ji Zi were both trustworthy people. It was better to follow the two of them to search for clues than to run around like a headless fly.......

After leaving Sanyueqi to Jizi's care, Lin Yuan, who had nothing to do, stopped wandering around.

After saying hello to Dan Heng and the other man who had received the news, he returned to his room and focused on exploring his destiny.

"It seems to have improved a little."

But the improvement is a little small.

If the pioneering destiny in his body was 1 drop of water, then now it is 2.5 drops of water.

Compared with the vast power of the Order, this improvement is almost nothing.

However, Lin Yuan was not discouraged. For him, as long as there is improvement, it is a success.

As a rich order, what Lin Yuan lacks the least is time.

More importantly, what he lacks now is not power, but the control of power.

Taking out a handful of weeds from his pocket again, Lin Yuan injected energy into them one by one and began his daily energy control training.......

"Hello, hey, hey! Attention, passengers! Attention, passengers!"

"The train is about to jump! Please gather in the train lobby if you are ready!"

Immersed in the study and control of power, a day passed in the blink of an eye.

It was not until Pam's voice sounded through the radio in the train that Lin Yuan came back to his senses.

"Hmm? Is it already this time?"

Throwing away the experimental sample in his hand, Lin Yuan stood up and headed for the hall.

"Over here, over here!"

Noticing Lin Yuan pushing the door open, San Yueqi, who had already arrived at the lobby to gather, waved her hand.

At this moment, she was no longer wearing the green dress that Lin Yuan had knitted for her yesterday, but a white shirt and a blue short skirt. Her round and slender legs were exposed, and she was wearing a pair of black high heels.

"Lin Yuan! You got up so late!"

San Yue Qi narrowed his eyes and complained:"I have been waiting for you here for more than two hours, you are so slow!"

"That's impossible, I got up earlier than you."

Lin Yuan retorted confidently:"After all, I didn't sleep last night!"

"Eh? Can it still be calculated this way?"

"Just tell me if I got up earlier than you."

"That's true, but it's better to stay up less late. Jizi told me yesterday that lack of sleep will make your skin worse."

"Are you learning and applying now?"

"This is reasonable use."

March Seven raised a finger and shook it.

"Anyway, if you haven't slept all night, why are you here so late? Are you playing something fun?"

"You can also understand it this way, after all, I spent the whole night rubbing the figurine last night."


"Well, that's it."

Lin Yuan's palm swept across the table.

The next second, a group of emerald green March 7th figurines appeared on the table.

"Huh? Is this some kind of magic trick?"

March Seven's eyes widened, and he curiously grabbed Lin Yuan's sleeve and started to explore:"Where did you hide all these things just now?"

"I didn't hide it, I just put it in the storage device."

Lin Yuan casually took out a silver ring and threw it to San Yueqi:"This is the spoils I found on their warship after I killed the remnants of Feng Rao two days ago. I'm giving it to you."

"As long as you inject imaginary energy into it, you can open a 10*10*10 space and put things in it."

"Hmm~ I see, it's really magical."

Sanyueqi took the ring and looked at it for a while, then looked curiously at the...Figures���

For her who has lost her memory, figurines, which can be seen everywhere, are as rare as space rings.

But before she could ask about the details of the figurines, Ji Zi, who had been drinking coffee leisurely not far away, came over first.

"Lin Yuan, Xiao Sanyue, let's put our daily chat aside for now."

"The train is about to jump, find a place to sit, otherwise you may fall down easily"


Sanyueqi pulled Lin Yuan to the sofa not far away and sat down obediently, then looked around curiously.

"Strange, why does it feel like someone is missing?...Where is Danheng?"

"Dan Heng usually stays in the data room. He has his own ideas. Don't worry about him."

"Why does it sound like she is isolated?"

March Seven tilted her head in confusion.

However, after more than a day of getting along, she also realized that Ji Zi was not that kind of person, so she had to treat it as Dan Heng's characteristic.

Time passed, and several minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Just as Lin Yuan and Ji Zi patiently answered March Seven's questions, Pam's voice sounded again on the radio.

"The transition is about to begin, please be prepared! 5,4,3......"

As the countdown sounded, the originally stable train hall suddenly shook slightly.

At the moment the countdown reached zero, a blue glow instantly enveloped the entire train, and the starry sky outside the window became visibly blurred.

Is this a space jump?

Lin Yuan looked around curiously.

But before he could carefully observe the details and the use of the pioneering power, the blue glow faded like a tide.

"The jump is over, and the train has successfully arrived at the Black Tower Space Station"

"Eh? It's over already."

March Seven blinked blankly, a little confused.

She had been looking forward to it for a long time when she heard Ji Zi talk about how magical space jump was.

How come it felt like it hadn't even started yet, and it was over all of a sudden? It was too fast.

And......It doesn't seem to be dangerous.

Looking at Ji Zi who stood up and walked to a distance to communicate with the Black Tower Space Station remotely to obtain login permission, Sanyueqi nodded thoughtfully.

Maybe next time, let's experience the space jump while standing.......

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