Ji Zi was very efficient.

After communicating with the Black Tower Space Station, she quickly obtained the login permission.

Under Pam's operation, the Star Train entered the space station very smoothly.

"Do any of you want to go to the space with me?"

Ji Zi asked the group of people in the hall.

""I, I, I!"

Sanyueqi raised her hand immediately.

Jizi had said before that there were many powerful researchers in this space station.

If she could find experts in the corresponding disciplines, she might have a chance to recover her lost memories.

"I'm also going to go to the space station to have a look."

Lin Yuan echoed San Yueqi.

"I won't go"

"I'm going to sort out the think tank's information and get off the bus later."

Walter and Dan Heng, who had just arrived, also gave their answers.

"Then I will take Lin Yuan and Xiao Sanyue with me and leave the housekeeping work to you."

"Hmm? What about Pam?"

Seeing Ji Zi make a decision directly, San Yue Qi looked at Pam who did not express her opinion not far away with some doubts.

"I can't leave the train, I can only stay here."

Pam shook her head:"If the March 7th passenger has time, can he bring me some special products from the space station?"

"Huh? That's a pity."

Sanyueqi patted Pam's head and said,"Don't be sad, I will definitely bring back a specialty that will satisfy you!"

"Don't touch my head!"...

"The train feels much more lively all of a sudden."

Looking at Sanyueqi and Pam playing not far away, Ji Zi sighed.

Before Lin Yuan and the others arrived, there were only four people on the train, including her.

Among these four people, Dan Heng was a taciturn person who didn't talk much.

Walter rarely took the initiative to start a topic on weekdays, and most of the time she chatted with others.

This lively scene was the first time since she repaired the Starry Sky Train and started sailing.

"Why are you suddenly speaking like you're bringing up a child? You're not that old, are you?"

"Discussing a woman's age is not a good topic."

Ji Zi turned and looked at Lin Yuan who was walking towards her, raised her hand and gestured to the table next to her:"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Of course, no problem."

Pour the coffee, turn off the taste system, and drink it in one gulp.

After completing the coffee drinking process with ease, Lin Yuan started talking about business.

"Jizi, I need your help."

"Oh? It's rare that you would take the initiative to ask for help."

What's the matter? Tell me."

"I want to meet the stationmaster of the Black Tower Space Station. Can you help me contact her?"

"Ester? Then you can just come with me to the main control section later. No need to bother."

"Not the acting stationmaster."

Lin Yuan corrected:"I want to see the real owner of the space station, the 83rd seat of the Genius Club, Black Tower"......

In the stationmaster's room at the Black Tower Space Station, a girl with long, smooth brown hair and a gorgeous black and purple dress stood in front of a sophisticated instrument, constantly adjusting the data inside.

"Um...That should be fine. The next thing is the lack of technology."

After an unknown amount of time, Heita finished adjusting the equipment and fell into a brief contemplation.

Simulating the universe.

This is a research project she set up not long ago.

Through code, she created a virtual universe to reproduce the secret history of the past and take the opportunity to master the secrets of the Star God.

However...She was now stuck in a bottleneck.

Even though she was a member of the Genius Club, Heita still couldn't complete the envisioned simulated universe with the technology she had.

To achieve her desired goal, there were only two paths before her.

One could slowly waste time and figure out all the technology needed to simulate the universe. Another could find a few partners who were also members of the Genius Club and complete the missing technology in one go.

"Let's just find someone directly."

Unlike Black Tower who wasted too much time, he made a decision directly.

Ding Ding~

Just at this moment, the remote communication prompt sounded.

Black Tower, who knew who the message came from, turned around and pressed the receiving button.

The next second, a translucent screen suddenly appeared on the wall not far away.

""Esther, I should have told you before, don't disturb me when I'm working."

But you didn't tell me when you would be working.

On the other side of the screen, the girl with light pink hair showed a helpless smile on her face.

"Sorry, teacher, I just received a special message and I feel the need to report it to you."

"Special news? Tell us about it"

"A Harvest Envoy boarded the space station not long ago."


Even someone as calm as Heita could not help but be stunned for a moment.

The Envoy of the Order of Plenty?

In her memory, the number of Envoys of the Order of Plenty was limited, and there were only a few of them, and none of them were normal people.

She usually stayed at home and rarely went out, and had no contact with those Envoys of the Order of Plenty.

Even if the other party was sick, he would not come to the space station.


"Is it the newly born Envoy of Fertility?"

"As expected of a teacher, you guessed the answer right away."

Esther reported to the other party what happened to Jizi and others not long ago.

"According to Ji Zi, the Envoy of the Order of Fertility on the train wants to see you, Teacher. Do you have free time?"

"The Envoy of Fertility...It's really rare. Since you're here, let's meet each other."

Heita replied in a tone as if he was looking at a rare animal.

The research on simulating the universe has just reached a bottleneck.

While there is time, let's take a look at this new Envoy of the Order of Fertility and see what he wants to see me.......

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