In the Black Tower Space Station,

Lin Yuan, who still didn't know how much trouble his uploaded gadget had caused Urahara Kisuke, was communicating with Himeko.

"Can we set off at any time?"

Ji Zi looked at Lin Yuan with some surprise:"Didn't you say a few days ago that you wanted to stay at the Black Tower Space Station for a few days? How come you changed your mind so quickly?"

"The research speed of the Black Tower is faster than I expected, and I have gained a lot from it."

"Even if I leave here now, I can return alone after receiving the news from the Black Tower."

Lin Yuan patted the Zanpakutō on his waist.

After the Shikai, one of the two swords, Pibang, can leave a space anchor point at any location.

As the Envoy of the Order of Abundance, what Lin Yuan lacks the most is the imaginary energy and the recovery speed of the imaginary energy.

After two days of training, he has completely mastered the power of Pibang.

Now, as long as he wants to come back, he can use the space anchor point left in advance to teleport back across the distance between galaxies.

"Completed a galaxy-level space jump by himself?"

Ji Zi's expression became surprised, obviously she didn't expect Lin Yuan's promotion to be so great.

But soon, her expression returned to calm, and she congratulated Lin Yuan.

For Ji Zi, the members of the train are more than relatives.

It is worth celebrating that her family members have been promoted.

"Since there is no need to postpone, the official departure time will be set for three days later, is that ok?"

"no problem"...

"Eh? Lin Yuan, you are with Ji Zi, I was wondering why I couldn't find you anywhere."

Just when Lin Yuan and Ji Zi finished discussing the departure time and the topic gradually turned to some gossip in the space,

March Seven's lively voice suddenly sounded not far away.

The two turned their heads and looked at March Seven who was walking not far away.

The other party seemed to have encountered something good, with a faint smile on his face the whole time, and his pace was much lighter than usual.

"What's wrong, Little March?"

"You're in such a good mood, what happened?""

Jizi asked curiously

"That's right! I have awakened my superpowers!"

After giving the answer, San Yue Qi did not immediately explain, but looked at Lin Yuan expectantly.

Seeing the expression on his face, Lin Yuan cooperated and asked:

"What superpowers have awakened?"

"Ding ding~ That's it."

Sanyueqi raised his hand and summoned a small ice sculpture of Lin Yuan, and handed it to the two of them.

"After waking up this morning, I suddenly remembered that I seemed to have some special abilities."

"After trying it a bit, it turned out like this"


Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, took the ice sculpture and looked at it carefully.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this ice sculpture?"

Ji Zi asked

"There is nothing wrong with ice sculptures, but...The power fluctuations on this ice sculpture look familiar to me.

Lin Yuan glanced at Sanyueqi and said,"When I found Sanyueqi before, the ice coffin that sealed her was made of the same ice as this ice sculpture."

"Huh? Is this true?"

Sanyueqi suddenly realized:"Are you trying to say that I summoned the Six-phase Ice Seal myself?"

"It's just a possibility, but it's not certain."

Lin Yuan replied:"What I can be sure of now is that the ice coffin is also made of six-phase ice."

"But you have to know that Six-phase Ice is not necessarily an ability exclusive to you alone."

"It is also possible that your acquaintances or friends manipulated the six-phase ice to create an ice coffin and seal you in."

"But if they are acquaintances and friends, why would they do this? I don’t understand it at all!"

Sanyueqi knocked his head in distress:"Lin Yuan, Ji Zi, you are all smarter than me, help me think about why!"

"Give up. No matter how smart I am, I can't make up an answer for you without complete evidence."

Lin Yuan spread his hands and said,"There's no need to worry too much about this kind of thing. Even if something unexpected happens, I will find a way to help you solve it."

"Well, then I won't think about it anymore."

March Seven stopped thinking.

Her greatest strength is that she listens to advice.

Since she can't get an answer by thinking about it any further, it's better to focus on the present.

"Lin Yuan, do you have time now?"

"Yes, there is, what's wrong?"

"I want to learn how to make figurines!"

Sanyueqi made another Lin Yuan figurine:"Look, I have tried several systems, and every time there are some problems with the proportions."

"The figurines you made of me the other day were so exquisite, you must have some secret technique, please teach me!"

"Then you may have misunderstood."

Lin Yuan calmly replied:"I don't have any special secrets. The body proportions are restored purely because of my good memory." Better memory?

San Yueqi was stunned for a moment, then seemed to realize something, and a blush instantly appeared on her pretty face.

"this...Don't talk about this kind of thing casually!"

"Even I would be shy!"

"But if I don't tell you the truth, I can't make you a manual to make figurines out of thin air."

Lin Yuan shrugged:"Anyway, I can't teach you how to make figurines. You should ask someone else for advice."

"No...No! My principle is never to suffer a loss!"

"Since you have confirmed your secret book with your own eyes, I want to confirm it too!"

Sanyueqi gritted his teeth, grabbed Lin Yuan's wrist and ran to the back aisle.

"Ji Zi, I'm borrowing Lin Yuan first and will return it to you later!"

"It's okay if you don't return it."

Ji Zi drank a sip of coffee with some emotion.

The young people nowadays are really having fun.......

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