Black Tower Space Station, Lin Yuan's room

"Sanyue, haven't you finished yet?"

Lin Yuan, who was only wearing his underwear, crossed his arms and looked helplessly at the girl in front of him who was touching him all over.

"Half a system hour has passed. Logically, even a pig should remember my body proportions."

"How can there be such a smart pig!"

Sanyueqi retorted confidently

"I think there is.

Lin Yuan shrugged:"In my memory, there is a kind of pig that likes to eat lollipops and is smarter than you."

"Huh? Is this true?...No! Don't divert my attention!"

Sanyueqi came to his senses and said:"It's because you always interrupt my train of thought with your words that I have never been successful!"

"I just want to tell you through this incident that talent does exist."

Lin Yuan looked at the rows of little ice sculptures on the ground that were basically the same, and reminded him tactfully.

"You've done a pretty good job, you can stop now."

"Huh? Is this already pretty good?"

"Please don't ignore my first sentence."

"Don't worry about the little details."

"Since you think it's okay, Lin Yuan, let's do it this way for now."

San Yue Qi retracted her hand and scanned the ground.

After a few seconds, she grabbed an ice sculpture that she thought was the most perfect and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"Here, this is for you."

"......Can I refuse?"

"Eh? Why!"

"If you put a model of yourself in your room, others will think you are a bit narcissistic."

"How is that possible? This is clearly facing the real me!"

March Seventh stuffed the ice sculpture into Lin Yuan's hands and said,"Take it quickly. This is the result of my hard work for half a day."


Lin Yuan put the ice sculpture into the storage ring.

Anyway, Sanyueqi only told him to accept it, but didn't say where to put it.

Unless necessary, this will be its permanent home. After putting away the ice sculpture, Lin Yuan put on his clothes and looked at Sanyueqi who was still staring at him.

Although the other party didn't say anything and didn't seem to have any intention of saying anything,

Lin Yuan still vaguely understood the other party's thoughts.

"I really can't do anything to you. If you want something, just tell me no."

Lin Yuan raised his palm, and the power of abundance continued to gather.

Under the gaze of Sanyueqi, a branch rose from the ground in Lin Yuan's palm, and then began to twist continuously.

After a few seconds, a Sanyueqi figure with a bun and a sword in his left and right hands was successfully formed.

"Here, take it."

"Then I won't be polite."

Sanyueqi took his wooden figurine, looked at it curiously and asked

"Lin Yuan Lin Yuan, what planet is this costume from? The style looks pretty good"

"Um...These are the clothes of the Xianzhou Alliance. If you have the chance to travel there in the future, you can buy two sets to wear."

"Okay, you go with me then."

Sanyueqi put away his figurine with satisfaction.

His goal was achieved, and he could show it off to others when he got back on the train later....

Black Tower Office

"I didn't expect you to be the first one to arrive."

Looking at the woman who walked into the room under the guidance of Esta, Heita's eyes flashed with surprise.

"The Envoy of Fertility is not a Star God, so why is he so attractive to you, Ruan Mei?"

"I just thought you took this very seriously, so I came here early to keep the appointment."

Ruan Mei replied while looking around, and then her eyes fell on a test tube filled with blood not far away.

Even at such a long distance, Ruan Mei could still feel the rich vitality from it.

This is a pleasant surprise.

I will think of a way to get it during the negotiation later.

"Let's think of a way to get that tube of blood during the negotiation."


"Don't look at me, you're almost writing your thoughts on your face."

Looking at Ruan Mei who finally looked at him, Heita said unhappily

"After all, you accepted my invitation, so at least you should focus on me first."

"Sorry, that was a bit rude."

Ruan Mei apologized decisively.

For Ruan Mei, who was emotionally indifferent and always kept calm, such rude behavior should not have happened to her.

But...The Abundance Order was too attractive to her.

If she had the chance to touch his blood, it would be very likely that her research would temporarily break through the bottleneck and make further progress in a short period of time.

Her eyes once again passed over the test tube not far away, and Ruan Mei temporarily regained her composure and focused her attention on the black tower.

"Is that Harvest Envoy still on the space station?"

"Currently still"

"I want to see him"

"I can convey your wishes, but whether we can meet depends on his opinion."

"That tube of blood......"

"Give up, it's impossible to give it to you"

"......Can't we discuss it?"

"This is the agreement between me and him. I don't like to break promises."

"All right."

The exchange about the Envoy of the Order of Plenty ended in a few words.

After understanding the attitude of the Black Tower, Ruan Mei temporarily gave up the idea of meeting the target directly and decided to investigate privately later.

As for now......

"Let's discuss business first."

Ruan Mei asked,"You mentioned in the communication before that you wanted me to do you a favor. What is it?""

So you know this is the business.

Heita glanced at her and took her to a precision machine not far away.

"Let me give you a brief introduction first. In order to explore the past history and study the new project set up by the Star God, I simulated the universe."......

【Ding~ Lily Luka joins the chat group]

In the luxurious room, Lin Yuan, who had just collected the"practice work" that Sanyueqi forgot to take away, turned his attention to the chat group.

Is there a new person?......

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