After giving away his heart, Lin Yuan's life in the space station returned to normal.

Neither Ruan Mei, who was immersed in studying the new harvest, nor the black tower, who was preparing to start simulating the universe, contacted him again.

After Lin Yuan was free, he spent all his time in the water group and cultivation, except for accompanying San Yueqi to go around, chatting with Esta, and drinking coffee with Ji Zi.

Three days later, the Starry Sky Train stopped at the station, and Lin Yuan and Ji Zi returned to the train.

""Mum! Danheng! Uncle Yang! We are back!"

As soon as he got back to the train, San Yueqi, carrying a lot of bags in his hands, greeted the people who stayed on the train happily.

"Welcome back, March 7th Passenger"

"It seems you had a great trip, Xiao Sanyue."

"Good morning."

Hearing her voice, Pam and others who were doing their own things turned around and responded.

After a conversation, March 7 ran to Pam, put down a bag and handed it to her.

"Mum, this is the space station specialty we agreed on before, take a look and see if it fits you!"

""It fits?"

Pam opened the bag and looked at it in confusion, and found that it was actually a set of silver clothes with a futuristic technology style.

Looking at the size of the clothes and the two holes on the hat that could be used for ears, Pam was moved.

"March 7, Passenger, did you ask someone to specially make this dress for Pam?"

"Well~! This is all thanks to Lin Yuan!"

Sanyueqi nodded:"If he hadn't had a good relationship with Station Master Esta, he would have asked her for information."

"It's not certain that we can find someone who can make clothes just by the two of us."

"Did the passengers in Linyuan also contribute? Thank you, Pam!"

Pam put away the clothes.

Thinking carefully, it has been a long time since he received clothes.

After the train departed, Walter and others would occasionally bring him some specialties.

But they were all local food or pendants.

Clothes and the like, this was the first time

"Don’t just be moved, go change and see!"

March 7th pushed Pam towards the back car and said,"Although Pam in the conductor uniform is cute enough, I still want to see a different style of Pam!"...

"It's rare that you would show such an expression."

After watching Sanyueqi and Pam go away, Jizi turned her head to look at Lin Yuan, who was staring at the corner of the train in a daze, looking like he was thinking hard.

"What happened? Did you suddenly remember that something was left in the space station?"

"No, I just found something interesting."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly, and then continued to look at the corner of the hall.

There, a mirror with cracks on the surface and faint starlight flowing inside was standing quietly. That was not something on the Starry Sky Train.

At least when Lin Yuan and others got off the train a week ago, that thing was not on the Starry Sky Train.

Of course, if it was just that, it would not attract Lin Yuan's attention. What really made him care was the girl who came out of March Seven's body as if no one was around and went directly into the mirror after getting on the train.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan walked straight to the mirror, raised his hand and touched it.

Well, it went straight through.

But this is normal, after all, this mirror is just a meme entrance and exit created by the messenger of Liuguang Yiting when he moved.

"Are you sure you can't come out?"

"Or are you going to use up all my patience and let me destroy this exit?"

Vast imaginary energy surged in Lin Yuan's body, and a lightning flashed from his palm, emitting a creepy aura.

"wait..."Wait a minute, I'll be right out!"

As if realizing that Lin Yuan was really capable of destroying the passage, a girl wearing a white hood and a blue mask on her face jumped out of the mirror.

"Huh? Who are you!"

"What a strange smell, I didn't notice it before"

"There is...The direction Lin Yuan just looked at?"

Although there were no strange phenomena such as the sky falling, golden lotuses emerging from the ground, dragons and phoenixes, unicorns celebrating, bright moons rising from the sea, and stars shining in the sky.

However, the large-scale surge of imaginary energy at the level of the envoy still attracted the attention of Dan Heng and others at the first time.

In addition, the girl came out in a hurry and failed to erase herself from the memory of Dan Heng and others.

At this moment, as soon as she appeared, she was surrounded by Dan Heng and others.

"Mirror, the girl who suddenly appeared...These characteristics, could it be that you are the messenger of Liuguang Yiting?"

After staring at the girl for two seconds, the knowledgeable Walter recognized her identity.

"To prevent you from doing something stupid, let me tell you first."

Lin Yuan dissipated the thunder in his hand:"Don't try to interfere with our memory, hide your whereabouts."

"If I find out, even if I can't kill you now, I will definitely find a way to get rid of you in the future."

"Ahem~ Don't be so serious."

The messenger girl withdrew the imaginary energy in her body with some embarrassment.

She had just thought about clearing the memories of Dan Heng and others, and then slowly talking to Lin Yuan.

But since Lin Yuan said so, she had to give up.

Unless it was necessary, she didn't want to offend a powerful envoy easily.

Especially a special envoy like Lin Yuan who was full of secrets.......

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