Inside the lobby of the Star Train

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Ji Zi came over with the freshly brewed coffee and asked the messenger girl sitting not far away.

"As the messenger of the memory star god Fuli, I have long lost my body and cannot eat any food.

The messenger girl declined the dangerous drink.

"What a pity."

Ji Zi shook her head and sat down opposite

"In this case, let’s get straight to the point."

"Miss Messenger, may I ask why you are lurking in Xiao Sanyue's body and following us on the Starry Sky Train?"

"this...Mainly for memory acquisition"


"Well, as messengers of [memory], we give up our physical bodies and travel through the universe in the form of memes in order to collect the most precious memories among the stars."

"I have heard about this matter."

Walter pushed his glasses:"But this reason still cannot explain why you sneaked into the body of Little Sanyue."

As the last person to board the train, Sanyueqi not only lost his past memories, but also had no special adventure experience.

From the memory alone, Sanyueqi did not meet the standard of precious memory in the other party's mouth.

This is very suspicious.

With the experience of sparring with Otto, Walter subconsciously began to think about conspiracy theories....

"Miss Messenger, could it be that you took away Xiao Sanyue’s lost memory?"

"Eh? Is that so?"

San Yue Qi, who was sitting aside and watching the show, was stunned.

"It's none of my business."

The messenger girl shook her head:"Mr. Walter, I know what you are suspicious of."

"To make it easier for you to understand, I will first tell you what I really want to gain memory from."

The messenger girl raised her hand and pointed at Lin Yuan who was sitting next to her.

"Mr. Lin Yuan here is my target."

"Lin Yuan?"

Walter was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

If it was Lin Yuan, then it would be understandable.

Accepting the blessing of the God of Plenty Star Pharmacist, he turned from an ordinary person into a powerful Envoy of Plenty in one day.

This kind of thing is rare in the entire universe, and it does meet the standard of precious memory.

However, under normal circumstances, even if Liuguang Yiting abandoned the messenger of the flesh, it would not be easy to explore the memory of the powerful Envoy.

In order to achieve the goal, the best way is to lurk around Lin Yuan and try little by little.

"After my observation, Miss Sanyueqi is the closest to Mr. Lin Yuan and often stays together."

The messenger girl pointed at Sanyueqi and said,"Plus, her power is relatively weak, so I chose her as the object of possession."

"Hey! Did you say something rude just now?"

March Seven slapped the table and said,"I am a superpower who has mastered the mysterious six-phase ice. I am not weak at all."

"Well, that's what happened anyway."

The messenger girl ignored March Seven's rebuttal and looked at Lin Yuan.

"Although my behavior is a bit offensive, I really have no ill will towards the Star Train, please don't misunderstand me."

"You know whether it is a misunderstanding or not."

Lin Yuan did not completely believe the messenger girl's words.

The other party wanted to obtain his memory, which might be true. But the possession of March Seven was to get close to him, which was pure fabrication, and Lin Yuan could only believe half of it. Did he think he had never done the legendary mission of March Seven? You kid definitely has a big problem.jpg But


"I will let you go for now."

Lin Yuan did not pursue the matter to the end.

He could vaguely feel that the messenger girl in front of him was not simple.

Being able to lurk beside him for so long without leaking any breath during the whole process was not something that ordinary recallers could do.

Before you have enough strength to control the other party, it is a good option to remain friendly for the time being.

In addition, there is another reason for Lin Yuan to choose to stop.

There is a familiar breath on this messenger girl.

How familiar is it?...Lin Yuan glanced at Sanyueqi beside him.

Well, about 70% similar.

Lin Yuan was not sure if this was caused by the possession for too long, so he planned to observe for a while.

"Huh? Is this the end?"

The messenger girl, who was ready to face all kinds of questions, was stunned for a moment, and her tone was a little disappointed.

She had just racked her brains to come up with a bunch of excuses, but now all of them were useless.

"Since Lin Yuan judged that you are fine, we will naturally not ask you to the end."

Ji Zi and Walter on the side looked at each other and continued

"The Starry Sky Train welcomes every guest on board, but please stop sneaking around and possessing Xiao Sanyue."

"Whether it is to obtain memories or possess someone, please negotiate and get permission before doing it."

"No problem.

The messenger girl nodded and agreed.

Although the current situation was not quite what she expected, as long as she could stay on the Starry Sky Train, everything would be acceptable.......

Everyone on the Starry Sky Train has their own secrets.

Because of this, Walter and the others would not easily explore other people's secrets.

After a brief exchange, they confirmed that they could not get more information and that the messenger girl would not pose a danger to the Starry Sky Train.

Lin Yuan and the others dispersed on the spot and continued to do their own things.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, please stay."

The messenger girl caught up with Lin Yuan who was about to leave.

"Can we make a deal?"


"Huh? I haven't told you what I'm going to do yet."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Lin Yuan knocked his head and said,"Don't even think about it. Your transaction must be related to my memory."

"Although I don't mind exposing my secrets, I don't like others sharing my memories."

"If you want to take my memory, you should ask Fu Li to do it. You have a better chance."

"No matter how much I want your memory, I can't do that."

The messenger girl complained.

But after this exchange, the messenger girl understood Lin Yuan's idea.

Of course, she was not going to give up.

After thinking about it, the messenger girl reached into her body and took out a translucent card with nothing on the surface.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, do you know what this is?"

"Do you know what this is?"

Lin Yuan clenched his fist and said,"If you keep me in suspense, I'll punch you."

"Wow, I just spied on you for a few days, and I didn't do anything bad, so your attitude shouldn't be that bad."

The messenger girl shrank her neck and gave an answer:"This card is a semi-finished light cone, which can only be produced by Liuguang Yiting."......

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