Lin Yuan:"Why are you asking questions like that? Didn't I tell you that the Envoy of the Order of Plenty has the ability to create Plenty Citizens?"

Lin Yuan:"Although I can't be as powerful as the Pharmacist, it's not difficult for me to let you live a few hundred years longer."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Is there such a thing?"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Hmm...I thought about it carefully, and it seems that Brother Lin Yuan has never mentioned this matter."

Kuchiki Rukia:"

This is the first time I heard of it too." Lin Yuan:"Maybe I forgot."

Lin Yuan:"Wait a minute...Done, open the product search [Blood of the Envoy of the Order of Plenty], then click to redeem it."

Lin Yuan:"To prevent accidents, I didn't add too much power of abundance, and the effect of increasing life span is only a few hundred years."

Lin Yuan:"But it's safer this way, you don't have to worry about danger when using it, just eat it directly."

Lily Luka:"You can even do this, Lord Lin Yuan is amazing."

After a day of dungeon adventure, Lily hurried back to her rented cabin and opened the mall to check

【Blood of the Envoy of Plenty (Level 2): This blood contains a lot of fertility power. After taking it, one can improve physical fitness, gain a certain degree of self-recovery ability, and extend life by 300-500 years. Price: 10,000 points】

"10,000 points...It's a bit expensive, but I can accept it!"

Looking at the latest products in the mall, Lily's somewhat numb eyes showed excitement and expectation.

This is it!

As long as she has this item, she can improve her physique and gain stronger power!

This is much more reliable than buying equipment directly.

As a low-level adventurer who can only survive by stealing, Lily knows very well that buying equipment 450 to strengthen herself is not suitable for her.

Once she is careless, she may be robbed by stronger adventurers.

But buying this drop of blood will not happen.

When the time comes, she will improve her physique and gain stronger power, and she can do her own thing. Something I've always wanted to do.

Recalling the treatment she received in the clan, Lily's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

If she endured it a little longer and saved some more points, she would be able to turn things around soon.

Collapse of Iron World.

After uploading a drop of blood following the topic in the chat group, Lin Yuan returned to Tycoon through the chat group's time-travel function.

Just like last time, as soon as he landed, he felt a resonance between himself and the path of pioneering.

The next moment, a huge amount of imaginary energy rushed in from the path of pioneering like a tide and poured into Lin Yuan's body.

The body that was originally overdrawn suddenly recovered and began to further strengthen.


Lin Yuan was stunned.

Why is the improvement so great this time?

Compared with the last time he returned from the world of Slashing Red, the power Lin Yuan gained this time was at least ten times that of the last time.

He could clearly feel that the power from the Path of Exploration in his body was now faintly showing a tendency to surpass the Path of Abundance.

This was completely at the level of a Commander.

"Could it be that...Is it because he has completed the positioning?"

Lin Yuan guessed thoughtfully.

Just like the time in the Akagi World, he only completed the first three steps of the exploration in the Death God World.】、【Understand] and [establish】

(bhbj) As for the final [Connection], he had to at least create a channel connecting the worlds to complete it.

However, compared to the situation in the Akagi World where there was no progress, Lin Yuan's progress this time was not zero.

Not only did he complete the positioning, he even established the Silver Track.

At least he completed the connection of 1.

This is a breakthrough from 0 to 1.

Perhaps it was because Lin Yuan took this step that the pioneering destiny granted him the power equivalent to the level of the Commander.

"In any case, becoming stronger is a good thing."

Lin Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and then focused his attention on his third destiny, the memory destiny.

From the beginning, he could always feel the memory destiny actively transmitting resonance to him.

The memory destiny was longing for a certain item on Lin Yuan's body, which was the memory of the creator of the three realms, the Spirit King.

"It really works."

Lin Yuan was not surprised by this.

He specially extracted the memory of the Spirit King for a reason.

According to his understanding of the Memory Fate these days, the Memory Fate is a very special fate.

It grants the power of the Fate Walker through exchange.

The Fate Walker collects precious and unique memories and uploads them to the Memory Fate.

After that, the Memory Fate will score the uploaded memories.

The more precious the uploaded memory is and the fewer people know about it, the higher the score of this memory will be.

After the evaluation is completed, the Memory Fate will grant the Fate Walker power according to the score.

"Since you want it so much, take it."

Lin Yuan shared the memory of the Spirit King with the memory path.

A few seconds later, a cold gaze swept over from the depths of the vast universe and fell on Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan looked up, and a sacred figure emerged in his eyes.

His body seemed to be made of ice crystals, with an ice-blue crown on his head, solemn and majestic.

The memory star god Fu Li.

The moment he saw the other party, Lin Yuan couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and finally remembered a serious question.

It is different from the destiny of pioneering destiny, which has lost its master and can obtain power at will. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fu Li, who remembered the destiny, is still alive and well.

It is impossible for him to upload such precious memories as the Spirit King without attracting the other party's attention.

Fortunately, as a pure existence in the world that embraces all memories, Fu Li has no concept of selfish desires.

Even if he noticed that there was a breath of pioneering destiny and abundant destiny on Lin Yuan, he still didn't care.

After casting a glance at Lin Yuan, his figure disappeared from Lin Yuan's sight.[]

The next moment, a wave of power no less powerful than the one that opened up his destiny before surged into his body like a tide.

"So generous?"

Lin Yuan was a little surprised.

But on second thought, this was understandable.

Who is the Spirit King? The creator of the three realms of the world of the God of Death, the supreme god born a million years ago.

Even if he voluntarily became a sacrifice and turned into a wedge of the three realms, his eyes were still fixed on the three realms.

After millions of years, his memory can be said to be a history book of the three realms, knowing all the major events from ancient times to the present.

Uploading this memory to the memory destiny is equivalent to uploading a history book that lasts for a million years.

More importantly, this history book uploaded by Lin Yuan is unique! It is out of print! After obtaining this memory, Lin Yuan's status in Fu Li's heart will probably rise sharply, even higher than most memory envoys.

In this case, the other party will naturally not be stingy and directly give Lin Yuan the power that matches the value of this memory.

"Now, the power of the Fate of Abundance is the weakest."

Lin Yuan glanced at the distribution of power in his body, his expression was a little subtle.

It was obviously his original power, but now he was overtaken by the latecomers.

Lin Yuan was also a little helpless about this.

There was no way. He could improve the Fate of Exploration by exploring the other world. He could also obtain the memory of the other world and upload it for exchange.

Only the Fate of Abundance, he has not found a way to improve it yet.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Yuan turned around and prepared to find a quiet place to adapt to the new power in his body.

But at this moment, the familiar eyes fell again.

"Hmm? Why is he here again?"

Thinking that the Memory Star God had something to talk to him about, Lin Yuan subconsciously looked up.

Unexpectedly, the person who appeared in his eyes this time was a figure wearing a white robe, with six arms, and exuding a kind aura.

Damn! Why is the pharmacist here!

Lin Yuan felt a little guilty.

Could it be that he teased the other party too much and was heard?

【I have learned everything from Fuli】

【Even in a different world, he still practices the way of abundance, using his own body to build a paradise and save the world.】

【You kept your promise, and I am very relieved. 】

The voice of the pharmacist sounded in Lin Yuan's mind, and the next moment the power of abundance in his body increased by several times.

Then, before Lin Yuan could open his mouth to communicate with the other party, the pharmacist disappeared in front of him again.


So sudden?

Lin Yuan, who was still feeling a little guilty, scratched his head and prepared to go back and make a figurine for Fu Li and put it in the room for worship.

This is simply the reincarnation of his godfather, and it is a great help.


Just when Lin Yuan thought that everything was finally coming to an end, another pair of eyes suddenly fell on him.


Who is it this time? It can't be the dead Achieveri.

It's not impossible. Anyone who gives him strength is his father.

Lin Yuan raised his head expectantly and looked in the direction where the pharmacist appeared just now.

This time, what appeared in his eyes was a centaur holding a purple bow and exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

"Ah this......"

Lin Yuan, who was smiling, was stunned.......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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