Today, Lin Yuan finally understood what it meant to be overjoyed and then be sad.

The path of exploration was upgraded, the path of memory was upgraded, and even the path of abundance was upgraded.

With the three great powers of the Order Envoy, Lin Yuan even felt that he was invincible.

But unfortunately, he was not truly invincible after all.

The hunting star god - Lan.

Facing the centaur who was staring at him from countless galaxies.

Lin Yuan dared not move now.

The gap between the Order Envoy and the Star God was greater than he had imagined.

Even with the power of the three major destinies in one body, Lin Yuan still felt tremendous pressure when facing Lan.

However...With his current strength, it should be no problem for him to withstand the next attack and then run away.

Lin Yuan opened the chat group with an idea in mind, ready to find someone to help send an invitation to temporarily run away.

But at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

The pharmacist who had just left appeared in Lin Yuan's eyes again.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he walked past Lan leisurely and walked away to the other side.

The next second, Lin Yuan could clearly feel that Lan's gaze moved away from him without hesitation.

He turned his head to look at the disappeared pharmacist, and his figure also disappeared from Lin Yuan's eyes the next moment.


Is this someone who came to save me?

Looking at the empty sky for two seconds, Lin Yuan suddenly felt his remaining conscience aching.

The pharmacist is a good friend. He really does come forward when something happens.

I will not make up stories about him anymore. After facing the Star God, Lin Yuan, who had just been showing signs of expansion, quickly became stable.

Now is not the time to be extravagant. He will spend some time to build the world channel.

By then, let alone taking a walk in front of Lan, he can even drive a mud truck to create him.

After returning to the temporary residence of Tycoon from the uninhabited deep mountains, Lin Yuan took out a translucent card.

This was the semi-finished light cone he borrowed from the messenger girl when he was doing a mission before.

According to the other party, as long as the memory is injected into this semi-finished light cone, the light cone will take shape and convert into power according to the amount of memory, increasing the holder.

Because there was only this semi-finished product in hand and there was no way to get the second one in a short time, Lin Yuan had not injected memory into this light cone before.

But now it is different. He has a suitable memory that is just suitable for making a light cone.

That's right, I'm talking about you!

The memory of the Spirit King!

Lin Yuan thought about it and injected the memory of the Spirit King into the semi-finished light cone.

The next second, the surface of the light cone began to emit an ice-blue light.

This light was inconspicuous at first, and the brightness was only the size of a firefly.

But as time went on, the light on the surface of the light cone became more and more dazzling.

Until finally, this blue light even filled the entire room and pierced out of the window.

The blue light lasted for a full minute until the light cone had absorbed all of the memories of the Spirit King, and then it began to slowly dissipate.

"Is this the finished product?"

Lin Yuan rubbed his eyes and looked down.

He saw that a tall figure holding a spirit bow appeared on the surface of the originally transparent semi-finished light cone.

Lin Yuan knew that face.

There was no doubt that it was the Spirit King.

The Spirit King was at his peak and his body was intact.

Knock knock ~

At this moment, two knocks on the door sounded in succession.

Then, March Seven's slightly hurried voice came in.

"Hello! Lin Yuan, are you there?"

"I'm here."

Lin Yuan raised his head:"The door is not locked, just come in."


The door opened, and Sanyueqi and Danheng, who were standing at the door, walked in one after the other.

After seeing Lin Yuan sitting on the bed intact, Sanyueqi was visibly relieved and patted his chest.

"I was scared to death. What happened just now?"

"what do you mean?"

"Of course it was the blue light." March 7 replied

"Danheng and I had just finished get off work and saw from a distance that your room was like a sun, shining continuously."

"Don't worry, I'm just trying to make a light cone."

Lin Yuan raised his hand to indicate the work in his hand.

"Here, this is the light cone I just made. I named it [Guardian of the Three Realms]】"

"Light cone?"

Dan Heng, who was standing aside, was stunned.

If he remembered correctly, light cone was not Liuguang Yiting's unique technology.

How did Lin Yuan, an envoy of the Order of Abundance, learn how to make light cone?

"You misunderstood, I just processed the last step."

Lin Yuan explained the origin of the semi-finished light cone.

Of course, the process still needs to be processed.

"So that's it, is this the gift that the messenger girl brought to you as an apology?"

Dan Heng nodded in understanding:"I heard a long time ago that Liuguang Yiting has a very strict control over the light cone."

"I didn't expect that the other party would send a semi-finished light cone that can be freely processed just to apologize. How generous!"

"Yes, yes, I'm so envious." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Sanyueqi nodded in agreement:"I'm obviously the victim of the host body, why should this unfinished light cone be given to you?"

"Maybe I'm more handsome."

"I think you are a bit too narcissistic."

After complaining, Sanyueqi turned her attention to the light cone.

When she was staying in the space before, she had heard about the existence of the light cone from Esta.[]

However, the light cones in the space station seemed to be the collection of the Black Tower, placed in a room that ordinary people could not enter. This was the first time she saw a real object.

"I heard that the light cone can increase the strength of the wearer. Lin Yuan, how is the effect of the one you made?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it yet."

"Then give it a try."

March Seven looked at Lin Yuan expectantly.

"No problem."

Lin Yuan, who was also ready to try the effect, took the light cone and touched it to his chest.

Ripples appeared from Lin Yuan's chest, and the light cone directly merged into his body.

The next second, a stream of imaginary energy appeared in Lin Yuan's body, increasing the total amount of imaginary energy from his memory of destiny by one-fifth.

The power in his body changed, and Lin Yuan, who had just broken through and could not fully control his power, leaked a breath from his body.

Being blown by this breath, Sanyueqi and Danheng even had the illusion of being unable to breathe for a moment, and their bodies subconsciously tensed.

But soon, the two came to their senses, and Sanyueqi stared at Lin Yuan with shining eyes.

"Wow! The effect of this light cone is so strong!"

"Compared to before, I feel that Lin Yuan, you have become ten times stronger!"

"Ahem~ That's your illusion."

Lin Yuan smiled politely but awkwardly.

"The effect of this light cone is indeed strong, but not that strong."

"That's true, you are the Envoy of the Order of Abundance."

Sanyueqi nodded in understanding.

No matter how strong the light cone is, it is impossible to make an Envoy-level strongman ten times stronger all at once. If the effect is really that good, Liuguang Yiting would have been invincible and dominated the entire universe.

"By the way, according to what you said before, the power of the light cone is linked to the memory injected into the semi-finished light cone."

"Lin Yuan, your light cone is so powerful, did you put in the memory of meeting the pharmacist?"

"Then you underestimate me."

Lin Yuan raised a finger and shook it.

"In addition to the memory of my first meeting with the Pharmacist, I also injected the memory of my eye contact with the Memory Star God Fu Li and my confrontation with the Hunting Star God Lan."

"Oh, and the memories of my second and third meetings with the pharmacist were also injected into the unfinished light cone."

"Hey, you are going too far!"

Sanyueqi narrowed his eyes and complained:"Do you think I don't know what you do on a daily basis?"

"While we were doing voluntary labor, you were either sleeping in your room or hanging out."

"If you can still see the Star God so many times in your current state, then the Star God is too cheap!"

"But it is true"

"I don't believe it! Danheng, please give us your opinion!"

"......As far as I know, the patterns on the surface of the light cone are often related to the memories injected into it."

In response to Sanyueqi's question, Danheng, who was still looking down and thinking about something, replied:

"Although I don't know whether what Lin Yuan said is true or not, but as far as I know, the figure holding a bow on the surface of the light cone just now is not the legendary Emperor Bow Siming Lan."

"Huh? So that's what's going on!"

Sanyueqi was stunned for a moment, then realized what was going on.

"Doesn’t that mean that the memories that Lin Yuan injected into the light cone have nothing to do with the Star God?"

"That's right."

Dan Heng nodded slightly.

In fact, this was the question he had been wondering about from the beginning.

Since the memory that Lin Yuan injected into the semi-grade light cone had nothing to do with the major star gods, who was that figure holding the bow?

To be able to create a light cone of this level, the other party could not be an unknown person.

"If you're curious, just ask me."

"After all, this memory is not something I need to hide."

Facing the expressions of Sanyueqi and the others who wanted to say something but hesitated, Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned out the light cone that had just merged into his body.

"Do you remember the name of this light cone that I mentioned to you before?"

"Um...I remember it was called [Guardian of the Three Realms], right?"

"That’s right, this name is actually used to refer to the Spirit King.

After briefly processing his own experience and the world background, Lin Yuan introduced everything about the Spirit King......


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