"I understand the situation."

After pulling out a detective hat from somewhere and putting it on his head, Sanyueqi put his left hand on his chest and his right hand on his chin, summarizing everything he had just heard in a very classic thinking posture.

"Save Lukia, add 20 points"

"Good people help her to the end, help her solve the inner ghost Aizen Sosuke who is colluding with the insect swarm, plus 20 points"

"Find out the potential hidden dangers, Antimatter Corps - Invisible Empire Branch, plus 20 points"

"Get rid of the traitor who plotted to murder the Spirit King, plus 20 points"

"Help the Spirit King fulfill his wish and use his own flesh and blood to build a new foundation for the Three Realms to stabilize the world, plus 20 points"

"The current total score is 100 points, but...The loopholes in this story are too obvious!"

Sanyueqi raised his hands and made a big cross on his chest.

"How could you possibly have time to do so many things when you only separated a few systems from us! 100 points will be deducted from you for dishonesty!"

"You are indeed the great detective, March Seven, who is very observant."

Lin Yuan"Three Zero Zero" clapped his hands and gave her a big finger:"Next time I will work harder and give you a reasonable timeline."

"I really can't do anything to you."

March Seven held his forehead, feeling a little helpless.

She listened so carefully at the beginning. But the more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong. Lin Yuan was really making up a story.

But this story should not be completely false. It might be something that Lin Yuan had experienced before.

Apart from other parts, at least about the introduction of the Spirit King, March Seven thought most of it was true.

As the creator of the planet, he guarded three planets from foreign invasion for millions of years, dedicated his life to his people, and at the last moment of his life, he used his body to become nutrients to feed all living things.

This experience was really too heavy.

If Lin Yuan really got the memory of the Spirit King, then no matter how powerful the light cone he created was, it would be understandable.

"Lin Yuan, what was the final outcome of those three planets?"

"Needless to say, of course, thanks to the efforts of the great hero Lin Yuan, the crisis was completely overcome and everyone lived a happy life."

"Um...It sounds a bit too dreamy, but I'll give you 90 points anyway. You can keep working hard for the remaining 10 points."

"Thank you very much."

Lin Yuan chuckled:"By the way, what's the matter with your outfit? Have you been slacking off and reading detective novels while working recently?"

"Do you think I'm you?"

Sanyueqi rolled his eyes and said,"I am working hard, Danheng can testify to that."

"Well, March only had two car accidents while driving the transport truck today, which is indeed an improvement compared to before."

"Oh, don’t mention this kind of thing!"

"That afternoon was just an accident. I have learned to drive now. I promise not to hit the wall next time."

You better not hit the wall again."

Facing similar speeches that he hears every day, Dan Heng sighed silently in his heart.

When San Yue Qi was doing well, he was always the one who was carrying the burden.

In order to avoid being discovered by the company, he had to take out at least several hours every day to help San Yue Qi clean up the mess.

From doing voluntary labor alone, to helping share half of Lin Yuan's voluntary labor, and then to helping San Yue Qi clean up the mess.

As tough as he is, he is also a little tired.

Can someone else take care of the child next time?

"Come to think of it, there seems to be a job of moving goods with a transport truck tomorrow."

Not knowing what Dan Heng was thinking, San Yueqi looked at Lin Yuan expectantly.

"Do you want to come along? I can teach you how to drive a transporter. It's fun!"

"Next time, I have other things to do tomorrow."

Lin Yuan declined March 7's invitation.

"Can't you have more confidence in me?"

Sanyueqi sighed helplessly:"I really got the trick this time, I'm not lying."

"I believe you, but I really have other things to do."

"You are a guy who slacks off every day and even has the mood to make up little stories for me. When you say you have something important to do, do you think I will believe you?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't lie to you this time."

Lin Yuan took out his cell phone and waved it:"I have something to do with Black Tower, so I'm going back to the space station."

Black Tower Space Station.

After solving the problem of the subordinate clerk as usual.

Estelle took her dog Pepe and took a walk in the space station.

Half a system time passed, and when she walked to the base cabin, she suddenly heard a very familiar voice coming from not far away.

"Hey! Black Tower, wake up!"

"If you don't wake up, I'll kiss you!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Open sesame!"

"Woman, don't challenge my bottom line!"


This is all a mess.[]

Esta held her forehead helplessly, and took Pepe to a closed room in the base cabin.

As expected, a very familiar figure was standing in front of the black tower doll, fiddling with it and making strange declarations.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, why are you here?"

"Hmm? Esta, you're here."

Putting the black tower doll held high in his hand back on the chair, Lin Yuan temporarily gave up the masturbation battle and replied:

"As you can see, I have something to do with the Black Tower."

"But she didn't reply when I sent her a message on her phone, so I just sent her a message back........."


Teleport back?

Does Lin Yuan have this ability?

Esther was stunned when she heard about this for the first time. She felt like she had just opened her eyes.

"By the way, Esta, you came at the right time."

Lin Yuan patted the girl's shoulder and said,"I have just walked around the space station."

"Including this Black Tower doll, all five Black Tower dolls in the space station are in standby mode. Is there any way you can help me contact her real body?"

"this...I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

Esther hesitated and replied:"The teacher seemed to have said a few days ago that the company wanted her help with something."

"If nothing unexpected happens, she should be busy with things at the company recently and has no time to return to the space station."

"That would be troublesome."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and asked another question.

"Estelle, do you know where Ruan Mei is?"

"I don't know."

Esta replied very honestly. Lin Yuan

's question was really too much. Ruan Mei was a typical loner. Even the members of the Genius Club might not be able to contact her.

It would be much more difficult to find out her whereabouts than to contact the Black Tower.

"Although the teacher often loses contact, she still takes time to check on the status of the space station every week."

Lin Yuan, if you are not in a hurry, you can stay in the space station for a few days."

"No problem."

Lin Yuan had anticipated this situation before setting off, so he was not too anxious.

"Is the room the same as last time?"

"Well, there are people cleaning there every day at 4-9 am. You can move in directly, Lin Yuan."

"If you need anything, you can tell me and I will find someone to arrange it for you."

"Things Needed...Come to think of it, it really happened."

Lin Yuan seemed to have remembered something and replied,"Please prepare two incense burners and two boxes of incense for me."

He had promised before that he would make a figurine for Fu Li Lao Tie and Yao Shi Lao Tie, and he kept his word.

Five days later.

When Heita's consciousness connected to the puppets in the space station again.

The first thing that appeared in front of her was the Fu Li wood carving and the Yao Shi wood carving placed on the table on the left and right.


What's going on? Is there a thief in the house? ps: The author is not good at writing, and there are a lot of things to do at home, so I won't update it soon. I'll keep a few chapters for emergency use, but each chapter will have more words. I'll try to increase the number of words from 10,000 to 110,000 or 120,000 words per day.

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