At the same time that Lin Yuan and the others were heading to the Soma clan,

Filweiss, who had left the basement earlier, arrived at her first destination.

Looking at the tavern with a sign that read"The Hostess of Abundance" in front of her, she pushed the door and walked in.

"Dear customer, it's not opening time yet, meow~"

The cat ears on the top of his head twitched twice, and Anya, who happened to be passing by not far from the door, turned her head and looked over.

"I'm not here to eat."

Fairweiss swept her eyes across the tavern.

The next second, she looked at the green-haired elf who was also wearing the tavern uniform and was cleaning the place not far away.


Noticing Fairweiss's gaze, Liu paused for a moment and looked at her.

"My fellow countryman, are you here to see me?"

"That's right."

Filweiss nodded and said,"Lion, please put down your work at 180 and come with me for a while."

"......I'm not Leon, you got the wrong person."

"The name doesn't matter."

"In short, I don't want to waste too much time. Please prepare for the battle as soon as possible and settle the old grudges with me."

Settle the old grudges?"

Liu paused, and her expression became complicated.

Although she didn't know Fairweiss, if the other party said so, there was only one possibility.

Fairweiss was one of the relatives and friends of someone she killed when she went berserk five years ago.

Now the other party has finally tracked down her location and came to seek revenge.

"Can't hide after all?...I understand. Please wait here for a moment. I will go and tell Mia's mother and then I will go with you."

""Eh? Wait a minute!"

After listening to the conversation between the two, Anya, who was a little slow to react, finally realized what was happening and widened her eyes in surprise.

"This guest, is he here to cause trouble?!"

"Is someone looking for trouble?"

"Hey, don't treat us as if we don't exist!"

"That's right! If you want to bully Liu, you have to get past us first!"

"Liu, you step back, I'll handle this guy."

Hearing Anya's voice, the staff who were originally scattered around the tavern rushed over and surrounded Filweis.

The members of the tavern are all one family.

No matter who wants to bully Liu, they must get through them.

Facing this scene, Filweis was silent for two seconds, and finally realized the fact that she was not good at talking.

"You misunderstood me."

"Liu Liong, what I really want to say is that Ja Luo is not dead yet."


The cleaning broom slipped from Liu's hand and hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Looking at Filweis who suddenly made a heavyweight statement in front of her, she showed an expression of disbelief on her face.

"This is impossible! I killed him with my own hands!"

"You should chop off his head and use magic to blast his body completely out of this world."

"......Is he really not dead?"

"Not dead, he has been hiding in the man-made maze"

"An artificial maze?"

"That's right, that's where we're going next."

Filweisi raised her hand and patted the wooden sword at her waist:"Thank Lord Lin Yuan, Lu Liong"

"If he hadn't asked me to take you with me, you would have missed the chance to kill your enemy forever."

Who is Lord Lin Yuan?

A hint of doubt flashed across Liu's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

It doesn't matter who Lin Yuan is, what matters is the news that Ja Luo is still alive.

"Do you have evidence to prove that you are not lying?"

"No, but I don't need proof."

Filweiss replied calmly:"I am just following the instructions of Lord Lin Yuan and giving you a chance to take revenge yourself."

"It doesn't matter if you don't cherish it, because after today, that man-made maze full of sin will disappear forever."

"Whether it is Olivas or your enemy, Chara, they will become nutrients for the new paradise."


The other party was not joking.

Looking at the eyes of Fairweiss filled with murderous intent, Liu, who had felt something was wrong from the beginning, finally realized the truth.

"I understand. Please give me a few minutes."

"Go ahead."

Fairweiss leaned against the door and closed her eyes. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although she didn't say anything, the people present still felt the gradually increasing terrifying momentum from her.

After looking at her deeply, Liu turned around and greeted the girl with short blue-gray hair beside him.

"Xier, I'll leave it to you to ask for leave from Mia's mother."

"I need to leave for a while, time to come back...uncertain"

"Eh? Do you really want to go straight with her?...."

Xi'er was stunned for a moment:"Why don't we be more cautious? It would be terrible if it's a trap."

"No, this can't be a trap."

Liu replied firmly:"Her eyes are exactly the same as mine five years ago. We are the same kind of people."

"Anyway, I'll leave the matter of asking for leave to you. I'm leaving now."......"

This guy is still as reckless as ever.

Forget it, she will find a way to cover for him.

"We are here, Master Lin Yuan."

In an empty courtyard, Lily introduced Lin Yuan beside her.

"This is the territory of the Soma clan!"

""Oh, it looks so big!"

Hestia, who had been put down, stood on tiptoe and looked around in amazement.

"Lily, when you introduced it before, didn't you say that the Soma clan was just a small clan?"

"Are all the small clans in the underworld so wealthy?"[]

"God Hestia, you need to understand one thing"

"The little family has no money"

"Eh? Is this still possible?"

"Of course."

Lily raised her hand and pointed to a warehouse not far away:"Although the Soma clan is on the guild side, they are registered as exploration clans."

"But in fact, the Soma wine brewed by the god Soma is very famous in the whole of Orario."

"As long as you sell some of the inferior Soma wine you make on a daily basis, you can easily make a lot of money."

"So that's how it is. This is a good way to make money. 2.5"

Hestia showed a look of sudden enlightenment on her face.

"By the way, Goddess Hestia, do you have any special skills?"

Lily asked curiously:"If you have abilities like brewing, forging, and medical skills, you can definitely use them as a selling point to recruit new members."

"Ah this......"

Hestia, who had been asked similar questions by many people today, paused and replied with a evasive look.

"I have a big appetite"


"Yeah, I have good patience too."

"As long as I have a place to stay and food to eat, I can stay still for a long time."

"If I had some comics or something to kill time, I wouldn't have a problem staying in my room for a year."


Isn't this total rubbish!......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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