"Goddess Hestia, Lily believes that whether it is a big appetite or a love of staying at home, it cannot be used as a special skill"

"Ahem~ Actually, I still have other skills."

Faced with Lily's suddenly cold gaze, as if she was looking at non-burnable garbage,

Hestia scratched her head and racked her brains before finally coming up with a fairly practical skill.

"As the goddess of fire and the hearth, I can more easily master the secrets of cooking."

"As long as I work hard, I think I might be able to open a restaurant....Bar?"

"It doesn't matter, you've tried very hard."

Lin Yuan, who had been silent, raised his hand and patted her head.

"Why don't you consider becoming the leader of my clan?"

"Free food and accommodation, pocket money, your only job every day is to warm the bed, this is not as reliable as starting your own business"


Don't tell me, I'm really tempted.

Hestia hesitated and shook her head.

No! You have to hold back, Hestia!

You are a god. If you really agree to the conditions that are like being a pet, you will lose all the face of the god!

"Can I change my job?"

"I would like to change it for you, but is there anything else you can do as a parasite who only eats, drinks, plays and sleeps?"

"Ahem ~ Forget it, I’ll think about it and get back to you."

Faced with this question that she had no idea how to answer, Hestia coughed twice in embarrassment and prepared to change the subject.

On the way to the Soma clan, Hestia not only refused to join the Lin Yuan clan, but also talked about many other things with the two.

She basically knew about Dionysus's plan and the fact that Lin Yuan came from another world.

Hestia expressed some regrets about Dionysus's death.

He was her old neighbor, and it was a pity that he suddenly died.

But when she thought of what Dionysus was going to do, Hestia felt that Lin Yuan did a good job.

Let him die, and he will get rid of the harm to the people.

And to be honest, compared to the murder of Dionysus, Hestia was more curious about Lin Yuan from another world.

As a god in heaven, Hestia has always known that there are other worlds outside the world.

But the gods have limited exploration capabilities, and most of the time they are active in heaven and the current underworld.

It is the first time Hestia has seen the existence of a real other world.

"Lin Yuan, do gods like you who come from another world have the same divine power as us?"

"I think you may have misunderstood something."

Lin Yuan corrected:"I am indeed from another world, but I am not a god."

"Eh? Then what's your divine power?"

"After analyzing your god's power and life data, I simulated one of his abilities."

""I see, it's a very convenient ability."

Hestia was surprised.

He was just a strong man from an unknown world, but he could do things beyond imagination.

"By the way, Lin Yuan, do you have any other purpose for coming to our world besides saving Lily?"

"Will he lead his army to invade the New World and take the lower world as his own territory after discovering it, as shown in the comics?"

"If it were a company or the Antimatter Corps, they might indeed do such a thing, but I wouldn't."

Lin Yuan replied:"I will only explore new worlds, save people from suffering, collect precious memories and pursue happiness."

"By the way, your world is quite special. In addition to the above four items, I will also collect the life data of the gods."

"Eh? Didn't you just say you had already collected them?"

"I only collect Dionysus's"

"He alone is not enough, I need more life data from other different gods"

"Only by collecting enough life samples can I meet my needs and fuse them to create a perfect body."

In fact, this is why Lin Yuan brought Hestia to the Soma clan.

By exploring Dionysus's memory, Lin Yuan confirmed one thing.

There is also a gap between gods.

Among the gods in heaven, they can be roughly divided into three levels according to their levels.

Ordinary gods, superior gods, and great gods.

There is no need to introduce ordinary gods too much. Most gods are at this level, and there are a lot of them. What really attracts Lin Yuan are the superior gods and great gods.

These two levels of life are more powerful and have a higher level of life, which is absolutely not comparable to ordinary gods.

Collecting as many god templates as possible at these two levels can help Lin Yuan build the body of the star god.

""I see, you're interested in my superior god body."

Hestia realized it belatedly.

Although she stayed at home a bit in heaven, her strength was unquestionable.

Like Dionysus, she was also a superior god, and even one of the few superior gods close to the great gods.

Lin Yuan would not let go of such precious life data that was delivered to him.

"Really, you should have explained this matter earlier." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You kidnapped someone before, which really scared me. I thought you were going to do something."

"This is to save time."

Walking into the headquarters of the Soma clan, Lin Yuan ignored the Soma clan members who were still in a coma and walked all the way to the second floor.

"According to Dionysus' memory, Lily's main god Soma is also a superior god."

"More importantly, he and Dionysus have similar priesthoods."

"I want to quickly collect his life data for comparison, to confirm whether the priesthood and divine power will have an impact on the life data of the gods."


Hestia accepted this reason.

As an old house girl, Hestia, who often makes friends with various strange gods, has a good temper.

Although she was frightened before, she immediately forgave Lin Yuan after receiving a reasonable explanation.

"By the way, how do you collect data about gods? Is the process difficult?"

"It's not troublesome, on the contrary it's very simple."

Arriving at the deepest room on the second floor, Lin Yuan raised his hand and pushed the door open, walked in, and looked at the man who was brewing wine inside.

Then, under Hestia's puzzled gaze, Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned his Zanpakuto, swinging it straight down.


A crisp tearing sound rang out, and the sword emitting cold light instantly pierced through Soma and nailed it to the floor.

"That's about it."

After doing all this, Lin Yuan looked at Hestia who was stunned and explained:

"Through the Zanpakutō as a medium, I can absorb Soma's divine power to prevent him from triggering the repatriation mechanism and returning to heaven, while injecting the power of abundance into his body to quickly collect the god's data."

"Even for a high-level god, it only takes three seconds to complete the collection of life data in this state. Isn't it fast?"


This is not a question of speed!

Looking at the soma that was constantly groaning in pain and pressing both hands on the sword to try to pull it out of her body.

Hestia's body began to tremble constantly.

At this moment, Hestia recalled everything Lin Yuan had said before.

Killing Dionysus, collecting Dionysus's life data, and kidnapping her to save time and improve efficiency...


A dull sound echoed in the room.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Hestia knelt on the ground without any warning, hugging Lin Yuan's thighs with both hands.

"Please, don't kill me!"

"I can do anything!"

"......Did you kneel down too quickly?"

Although he did want to scare Hestia at first, it was really beyond Lin Yuan's expectation that the other party would kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Get up first, I won't cut you."



Hestia: V is so good, you worked hard to survive today.......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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