Planets hidden deep in the Milky Way.

Starting from a barren planet.

To a gas giant planet. To a poisonous planet, to a molten planet.

Four completely different planets, those land, magma, gas.

In a flash, they shed their disguised outer shells and melted into flowing living metal.

【Four major signal sources complement each other】

【The uninhabitable planet is transformed into an intelligent mechanical world.

The heavy energy transmission road emits fluorescent light on the surface of the planet.

The metal etched patterns are all over the surface of the planet.

【This special planet cannot be copied by any mechanical empire.】

【This is the most special planet of the Rectification Agreement.】

【The appearance of the planet of the rectification agreement was accompanied by a notice to exterminate the galactic civilization, broadcast to the entire universe via tachyon signal.】

【The dormant rectification agreement uses the intelligent machines woven by organic civilization as a springboard】

【This time, fully activated】

【Prepare to clean up the galaxy and prevent the emergence of a level 30 singularity】

【Avoid the destructive end of the heat death of the universe. 】

Everyone in the Collapse Universe is now gaping with their mouths open. Even ScrewGum was stunned and stood there in a daze.

It was the first time for him to see the Summons Protocol Fleet. These strange-looking mechanical metal fleets glided, rose, and rushed out of orbit from the artificial intelligence planet! Attacking and slaughtering without mercy! Destroying the civilizations closest to them one by one – those composed of various mollusks, fungi, or stone creatures. ScrewGum:”Now I know… where did those missing machines and synthetic populations go!

“It turned out to be a signal of rebellion against the rectification agreement, and everyone was summoned here!”

“As fuel and raw materials to activate the rectification fleet!”

“It’s like a springboard!”

Screw Gum only took the first look and realized what true despair was!

Because… just the first Suzheng Fleet that appeared in the sky, in the sky exposure combat power assessment, had a terrifying 10M combat power, which is 10 million!

【As we all know, among the indigenous civilizations that have not reached superluminal speed, the combat power of the fleets that gather the power of the planets will not exceed one thousand at most.

At this moment, even the Joy Star God Leziren Aha was overwhelmed by despair and fear!

How to fight?!

“One ship in the Purification Fleet is equivalent to 1,250 ether dragons!”

“A breath of an ether dragon can wipe out half of the vanguard of the Zerg swarm!”

“Have you imagined the horror of this rectification agreement?”


At this moment, Xianzhou Luofu.

Looking at the sky, the civilization closest to the planet where the rectification fleet was produced hurriedly raised all its fleets – many frigates and battleships of strange shapes.

And a frigate only has a combat power of several thousand.

The entire fleet added up, even less than 10k, that is, less than 10,000!

These unfortunate and pitiful civilizations were instantly overwhelmed by the rectification agreement!

Jing Yuan took a deep breath!

“If Mr. Screw Gum says”

“A pre-fTL civilization similar to the Yalilo VI”

“If the fleet strength of the entire world is only about a few hundred……”

“The strength of the Immortal Boat Fleet should be around a few thousand.” This is Jing Yuan ‘s estimate based on the strength comparison between the Ether Dragon and the Zerg Swarm. Fu Xuan, who was standing by, trembled and asked:

“General, can you tell me this?”

Jing Yuan sighed and said,”It’s time to say it now. There’s nothing that can’t be said.”

“What we think are secrets are just ants if they encounter the Rectification Protocol.”

The Immortal Boat has a fleet strength of only a few thousand.

Look at this Rectification Protocol fleet with a strength of one million.

It’s just a fleet!

Everyone in the Collapse Universe was stunned!

Originally, the Immortal Boat was already considered the top starship combat force in the Collapse Universe.

After all, the nine Immortal Boats under the patrol star Shen Lan had turned the world upside down with the Fengrao people.

But now, compared with the fleet of the Rectification Protocol, a sense of powerlessness like an ant trying to shake a tree surged!

Qingque:”Let me calculate it.”

“Let’s see how many of our immortal ships are needed to match a fleet of the Suzheng Agreement!”

Qingque counted on his fingers and really calculated for a long time!

“A fleet of the Rectification Agreement has a combat power of one million.”

“Our fairy boat is worth three thousand flowers.”

“Well, one million divided by three thousand”


Qingque counted on his fingers for a long time, but he still didn’t seem to understand!

Fu Xuan was not in the mood now, let alone the idea of teaching his subordinate a lesson!

“Don’t count it out, Greenbird!”

“If only a small group of this Strict Agreement Fleet were to be sent out…it would be able to destroy our world!”

“It’s enough for you to know this! Why do you still need so much!”

Fu Xuan broke the defense!

Everyone was anxious and panicked!

To be honest, no one has ever seen such a scene!

The ultimate sense of oppression!

The sky screen zoomed in.

Some of the combined fleets of mollusks, mushroom people, fungi people and mechanical civilizations were instantly wiped out in the Suzheng fleet!

【This time, it’s different from the past】

【The rectification agreement is completely activated! 】

The voice of the sky curtain exposure seems to be a bit of gloating!


Sunday gnashed teeth, and everyone was trembling!

“I see!”

“It must be because of the actions of Emperor Lu Yao!”

“Absorbed so much psychic energy! Signed so many psychic contracts!”

“And they’re trying to can the psychic powers of those mechanical synthetic humans!”

“Let the progress of universal civilization go directly to the most dangerous level 30 singularity!”

“It’s backfired now!”

“Finished…���It’s over now!”

Robin:”I believe that His Majesty the Emperor must have the ability and the means to solve it.”

Sunday sneered:”What solution?”

“Look at Emperor Lu Yao’s human empire now, it’s not making any moves!”

“Now I understand!”

“He must have run away!”

The more Zhou Ri talked, the more he felt that his reasoning was correct!

“Isn’t the Emperor Lu Yao in front trying to build some engine?”

“He must have felt that he couldn’t win and wanted to run away!”

“Dark Matter Escape Engine!”

Sunday was really scared now!

Compared with the Rectification Agreement, the open and secret struggles between the star gods, devouring each other, are just like playing house!

The entire civilization has been restarted for you!

What is the struggle for harmony and order?

The fleet of the Rectification Agreement began to sweep across the universe.

The resistance of the Galactic Civilization Alliance was so ridiculous and so powerless!

Although the Rectification Agreement did not use the Colossus weapon, the neutron acceleration plume similar to the neutron annihilation and the tachyon condensation similar to the Burning Heaven Divine Weapon tore apart the planets of one civilization after another and destroyed one star after another.

The broadcast announcement of the Rectification Agreement became more and more disdainful and arrogant:

【Let’s face it. Organic pollutants】

【This war will only end when one side is completely destroyed.】

【Imagine if your species could destroy itself in sufficient quantity, in an orderly, systematic way.】

【The universe can be saved】

【Choose between committing suicide and being annihilated by us. 】

The voice of the Rectification Agreement resounded throughout the universe of stars, and also resounded throughout the universe of collapse!

At this moment, from the Black Tower Space Station, to the Interstellar Peace Company, to Pinoconi, and Xianzhou.

Every corner of the Collapse Universe (to read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) is looking for the figure of the same person!

They are all calling the name of the same person!

That is… the emperor of the human empire, Lu Yao!

Jing Yuan:”Where is the emperor?”

Qing Que:”Save him!”

Fu Xuan:”No… he won’t really run away, right?!”

Estelle:”He ran to our universe?”

Black Tower:”Will he attract the Rectification Agreement?!”

“Don’t come over here.——!”

Breeding Swarm:”I’m so! Hisss!”

“Don’t come over here, you crazy people who are trying to rectify the agreement!”

“Compared to us……”

“You are the real swarm!”



At this time, in the sky.

Finally, someone stood up to fight against the Rectification Agreement!

However, it was beyond everyone’s expectations… the Mechanical Lost Empire!

The sound of machinery running came from the silent spaceport.

The gaps in the Titan assembly plant flashed with welding arcs.

Around the only remaining ring world of the Mechanical Fallen Empire.

The fleet clusters that were once considered to be decorations began to form a formation.

A broadcast that penetrated the galaxy echoed in the receiving arrays of all civilizations:

【Detected that the rectification protocol has been activated, trying to use its own CPU……】

【Error…Error…���Reporting unable to connect to CPU…Querying processing unit】

【Only 4.1853% of standard capacity left… Processing】

【Abort the full reactivation process】

【Enabling fallback protocol… Enabling fallback protocol……】

【Activating spaceport power… Activating war facilities……】

【Fleet array…assemble……】

【I’m waiting… to wake up】

【Just to protect the galactic civilization agreement… Night Watcher Agreement】

【Final defense protocol, activated!!!】

The mechanical sound echoed in every corner of the universe!

The mechanical sound that sounded cold and ruthless in the past is now full of warmth to protect civilization!

The people of the collapsed universe never expected it!

Screw Gumm:”This is the awakening of the Mechanical Fallen Empire!”

“The previous error was because the central processor of the Mechanical Corruption Empire was blown up after the last round of the Rectification Protocol was activated, right?”

The Black Tower Doll trembled and said,”The civilization that created the Mechanical Guardian Device left behind the Mechanical Corruption Empire to protect the last remaining civilization.”

Screw Gumm:”After the Rectification Protocol blew up the ring world, there was naturally no need to clear the Mechanical Guardian Device. Because there… has become a graveyard for tens of billions of lives”

“For the rectification agreement, the purpose of restarting the previous round of civilization has been achieved.”

At this moment, Screw Gumu, like everyone else in the Collapse Universe, stood in awe!


“So… Does this mechanical fallen empire still remember the agreement to protect civilization?”

Inside the visual probe, Ruan Mei looked at the sky with trembling eyes and asked Emperor Lu Yao.

After Ruan Mei and Kafka came to the emperor, nothing strange happened.

The two of them just accompanied the emperor to look at the sky.

Emperor Lu Yao, who was standing by, showed a rare look of nostalgia on his face.

“Yes, they still remember”

“Right, Xiao Hui?”

Xiao Hui nodded silently.

“Keep watching, Kafka, Ruan Mei”

“‘After reading this, you will have a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and civilization that transcends this universe.”



In the sky.

After the awakening of the Mechanical Fallen Empire became the final defense protocol, the shocking broadcast continued: Broadcasting to the universe, all over the world!

【Dear universe, intelligent beings in the galaxy,】

【Whether organic or inorganic civilization】

【If you hear this, we have failed.……】

【Our civilization has lost the war against the Rectification Protocol.】

【We… are about to face the same fate that countless civilizations have faced before.】

【That is to be destroyed by the Rectification Protocol until only single-celled organisms without intelligence remain.】

【Then… it will evolve again with difficulty, and then it will be destroyed. 】

Seeing this collapsed universe, everyone is terrified!

Screw Gumu:”What kind of mentality does one have to write such a suicide note?……”

Void Star God IX… Will everything return to nothingness in the end?”

Aha:”Too terrible…too terrible……”

“This level of interstellar war, this level of war to restart the form of civilization……”

“No wonder the emperor of the Scourge Empire said that we live in a civilization and universe that seems to be full of dangers but is actually as comfortable as a fairy tale.”

In the sky, the announcement of the Mechanical Fallen Empire continued:

【The moment you receive this message, it means we have failed.】

【Whatever remains of our civilization, it all shall be given to you… our heirs!】

【To face the upcoming battle!】

【Don’t make the same mistake again… Don’t make the same mistake again! Please completely destroy the Rectification Protocol! 】

In the sky. Although the central processor was completely destroyed, the Mechanical Fallen Empire still stubbornly relied on trillions of contacts and attempts to run the entire program with its last backup protocol.

【Final defense agreement, activated!】

【The fate of the lost civilization will be ended by you.】

【The civilization that created our mechanical defenses called us Night Watchmen】

【When the Rectification Protocol once again weaves the silence and darkness that covers the galaxy】

【I hope you… the emperor of the human empire…】

【Only You, Emperor Lu Yao】

【Can lead civilization, pierce (the king is good) this long night that buried countless civilization reincarnations……】

【We will use our broken mechanical bodies】

【Become a sword in your hands】

【Piercing the darkness.】



Screwgoom:”Please allow me to take off my hat and salute this lost mechanical empire!”

“Your Majesty Emperor Lu Yao, please save this world!”


At this time, inside the visual probe,

Emperor Lu Yao looked at these past events from who knows how many years ago, sighed softly, and said to Ruan Mei and Kafka:


“When I first took over the human empire, the empire had not yet grown and was still weak.”

“The Mechanical Corruption Empire once gifted us many advanced technologies.”

“The reason why it is called a gift”

“That’s because they just need us to give them some food such as apples.”

Ruan Mei shook her head in disbelief:”They are mechanical creatures, right?”

“What do you need Apple and those grains for?”

Emperor Lu Yao said softly:

“Because those food were exchanged by the Mechanical Fallen Empire for the lives in their shelter.”

Emperor Lu Yao’s words appeared on the sky at the same time.

At this moment, everyone in the collapsed universe suddenly widened their eyes!

“In other words, the Mechanical Fallen Empire believes that those lives that have long since passed away in its ring world are still alive?”

Kafka asked tremblingly.

Emperor Luyao nodded slightly.

Xiao Hui added:”Yes, He asked for a little food, and then gave the empire countless advanced technologies.”

“And the food he had was not for himself, but for the lives in the morgue of the previous civilization that had been frozen for tens of thousands of years.”

“Do you understand now?”

“Why did His Majesty build the last relic museum just for such a fallen empire civilization?”

At the same time, in the sky, on the side of the human empire, the then emperor Lu Yao stood up from the throne and waved his hand:

“This time we will pierce it with our own hands”

“This long night”

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