The mechanical lost empire that fully awakened the Final Defense Protocol and awakened all the Night Watcher programs.

In the endless darkness of the galaxy woven by the Rectification Protocol, it still carried its broken body at the forefront.

【The fleets that were previously considered useless gathered around the broken ring world.】

【Final Defense Agreement, after the Machine Fallen Empire attacks】

【All the remaining heritage of the empire was handed over to Emperor Lu Yao for disposal.】

【Including a large amount of information about past civilizations, scientific and technological heritage】

【And a huge amount of mechanical resources】

【There is also another ring world that can be reactivated with a little repair.】

【For the human empire that had not yet turned into a natural disaster】

【Ringworld is still a very important production facility】

【The entire universe is just a few ring worlds.】

【It can provide a huge amount of food, industrial products, and various population livability and happiness bonuses. 】

Seeing this scene, everyone in the collapsed universe was filled with emotion!

Even the buzzing screw Goom fell silent.

Black Tower Doll:”It turns out that this mechanical fallen empire has such an unknown side.”

Doctor Truth:”It’s rare to encounter such a civilization in the universe.”

Screw Goom:”So, this relic creation from the reincarnation of the previous civilization, or the Night Watchman”

“All the remaining heritage was given to the human empire?”

Now, even the Star God of Wisdom found it a little unbelievable! The

Star God of Knowledge, who was called a piece of smart scrap metal by Aha, sent out words in binary code on the sky:

The Star God of Wisdom, the Star God of Knowledge:”Now it seems”

“This mechanical corrupted empire also destroyed Emperor Lu Yao and his human empire.”

“Recognized as the only hope of the world”

“From the perspective of mechanical thinking, it is really hard to imagine.”

When the Master of Knowledge said this in the sky, the intelligent creatures headed by Screw Gumm in the Honkai Universe immediately agreed with him crazily!

The Black Tower Doll was curious:”Why did the Intellectual Star God say this?”

Doctor Zhenli:”I think it is because in the principles of mechanical thinking”

“No one can surpass the perfection of the machine itself, right?”

Screw Gum nodded:”If even the intelligent machine itself can’t handle it,”

“In our values, or what we call the organic view,”

“I don’t think an organism can handle it.”

“Just like now.”

Screw Gumu looked at the sky.

At this time, except for the fleet that rushed to the front line, all other imperial heritage of the Mechanical Fallen Empire had been transferred to the Human Empire at that time.

In the video exposed by the sky,

Xiao Hui respectfully reported the latest battle situation to Emperor Lu Yao.

“His Majesty”

“017 This is all the mechanical fallen imperial legacy received by the imperial department”

“Let our alloy and energy reserves increase by another 20 percentage points”

“Engineers and scientists did not expect that this ancient guardian would leave us such a rich legacy.

Emperor Lu Yao sat on the throne, and nodded gently in the shadows.

“Let’s build a museum for them in the future.”

Xiao Hui nodded.

Then his expression became serious:

“Your Majesty……”

Emperor Lu Yao and Xiao Hui had a good understanding, so he naturally guessed what Xiao Hui wanted to say and what he wanted to ask.

Lu Yao raised his finger and said,”Let’s go!””

“”Destroy them.”

There were no extra words.

There were no other instructions. Not even any tactical instructions.

There were only the simplest instructions one by one.

That was

【Eliminate the Rectification Protocol】


At this moment, the universe collapsed and all living beings were shocked! It was as if the Suzheng Fleet, which had destroyed countless alien civilizations at the deepest and most frontline of the galaxy, could be destroyed in the blink of an eye! All living beings in the collapsed universe were doubting their lives! Sunday:”You said it so easily?!

“Why does it feel like eating and drinking water?”

Robin:”Speaking of which, ever since His Majesty Lu Yao signed the contract with those ancient psychic beings,”

“The Empire hasn’t revealed its strength yet, right?”

“Is he hiding his strength on purpose?”

Jing Yuan:”I always feel that Emperor Lu Yao underestimates the Rectification Agreement?”

Fu Xuan:”Your Majesty Lu Yao cannot underestimate the Rectification Agreement!”

Qing Que:”Yes! That mechanical lost empire is so tragic!”

“Could it be that His Majesty Lu Yao is deliberately making some weird plans?”

Huang Quan looked at the sky, hugged his long sword tightly, and sighed softly:”I think you are all overthinking it.”

“Just like when I slashed with the sword”

“When you are strong enough”

“No need for any messy schemes”

“If you are strong enough, you can crush everything”

“Just focus on swinging the knife.”

“It doesn’t matter who was destroyed by that blow.”

Huang Quan’s words in the sky were finished.

Then, the first person to respond was… the words of Void Star God IX!

Void Star God IX’s eyes o.0:”……Although the Void Order wants to fight against the Void”

“There is no way between you and me”

“But you are right.”

“I felt…(aiai)…”

“This time, the launch of the Imperial Fleet is far from simple.”

“I’m afraid everything… will end up in nothingness……”

After hearing the words of the Void Star God,

Black Swan, who had been standing beside Huang Quan in silence for a long time, suddenly dropped the tarot cards that he had just held firmly to the ground again!

“So, this is why the Imperial Fleet did not set out when the Suzheng Fleet awakened?”

Huang Quan nodded silently:”The launch of the fleet this time is definitely not that simple.……”

“As for the other civilizations destroyed by the Rectification Agreement”

“What does that have to do with humans?”

Huang Quan sneered.

The black swan trembled!

Huang Quan said, exposing the sky,

【Expose… Expose the Empire’s fleet that is powerful enough to destroy the universe!】

【Compared to the Rectification Agreement, Lu Yao’s Human Empire is the cancer of the universe!】

【The culprit of the universe’s destruction! 】

The psychic voice that exposed the sky was so terrifying!

The trembling could not be concealed at all!



At this moment, in the video exposed by Tianmu,

【A vast array of stars】

【After completing the three incompatible ascension paths of universal psychic ascension, genetic ascension, and mechanical ascension,】

【The Imperial Fleet made its first appearance in the universe. 】

Compared to the mechanical fleet that the Mechanical Fallen Empire had just assembled in the ring world.

The Empire’s fleet had only just begun to assemble.

It had already made everyone in the Collapsed Universe tremble with cold all over!

At this moment, the sound of the sky exposure kept trembling!


It can be said that there is no need for any extra pictures or extra sky annotations.

That is!

A fleet that is denser and more gorgeous than the brightest and densest galaxy in the starry sea!

Battleships with a combat power starting at 10K, and frigates with the most standard starting at 5K.

Above this, Titan-class battleships and Domination-class battleships.

From the focused arc to the phase fission cannon.

The muzzle that was stretched out was pointed at the enemy stretched out in the universe – the Rectification Agreement!

Of course, the king of the Imperial Fleet, the Colossus equipped with various star-destroying weapons, the Burning Heaven God Soldier, and the Emperor’s evil taste – the Matter Decompressor.

A violent mining machine that is enough to drill the Void Star God into the sky.

The reactors are heating up and emitting light.

One after another, the battleships flash indicator lights, indicating that they are ready to jump, eject, and take off!

In front of the countless entrances to the cosmic highways – the entrance to the hyperspace channel, in front of the most magnificent slingshot, there are wormholes and star gates that flash the most mysterious light in the universe.

The tail flames of the Imperial Fleet’s engines will create another artificial galaxy!

Running through the galaxy!

(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) In comparison, the light of the stars is like candlelight compared to the sun!

Countless Imperial fleets, with 40M signs one after another, just this number makes everyone in the collapsed universe understand everything!

Jing Yuan:”Now I know why Emperor Lu Yao would be so nonchalant.

“It will be so light and peaceful……!”

Fu Xuan:”This is the crushing of strength……!”

Qingque:”We have hope! No… it’s your majesty’s universe that has hope!”

Jingliu:”Hope? It should be said that the other side has given up hope on the rectification agreement.”


Forty million!

And… there is more than one fleet! []

It is countless fleets! Gliding, lining up, taking off, and gathering from one star after another! Formation! Finally, an army! Fleet after fleet is organized, and the flames spewing from the tail of the engine even surpass the brightest light among the stars! In comparison, the supernova explosion – the brightest natural light that erupts from all the fusion elements of the star throughout its life has become dim! Sunday’s pupils are shaking!”40M!

“Forty million?!”

“If i remember correctly……”

“The strength of the elite fleet of the Suzheng Fleet is only 10M!”

The voice of the robin was trembling with excitement:

“I said it all!”

“This is the Empire!”

“No need for any strategies!”

“This is the power of the empire!”

“The other side of the rectification agreement is just a clown!”

“For a civilization that can never reach superluminal speed, the fleet created by gathering the power of the entire planet will not exceed 1K!”

“But Emperor Lu Yao is short of a 40M fleet!!”

Since just now, seeing that the Lu Yao Empire did not take action,

Robin, who had been suppressing himself, had a broken voice!

“turn out to be!”

“Emperor Lu Yao looked at this rectification agreement as if he were looking at a clown!”

“Watch the clown perform on stage!”

“And they say that our organic life is a pollutant!”

“What kind of cosmic plague is this!”

“Now let the rectification agreement know who is the pollutant that should be completely cleaned out!”

In the voice of the robin, only the infinite piety and loyalty to Emperor Lu Yao and the empire remained!


In the sky, the Imperial Fleet only waited for Lu Yao’s order, and then launched a sky strike from countless hyperspace channel entrances, star gates, wormholes, and quantum slingshots to the

Rectification Agreement that was still wantonly destroying other weak civilizations! Xiao Hui bowed respectfully and nodded,


“Your Majesty, there is one more thing.”

Before Xiao Hui could speak,

Emperor Lu Yao smiled and said:

“Is it Cyberlux?”

Xiao Hui was startled!

Because there were only Xiao Hui and Emperor Lu Yao,

Xiao Hui could not hide his surprise in his voice:

“”Your Majesty, how did you know that?”

Emperor Lu Yao smiled and snapped his fingers.

Xiao Hui was surprised to find that a holographic image of a girl with long black hair appeared in front of him.

The girl’s voice was buzzing with a mechanical sound.

She was wearing a mechanical outfit, like a mecha girl – science fiction and sexiness, the two are naturally combined in this girl.

Every part of her figure is perfect and impeccable – this is a Cyberlux body specially transformed for Emperor Lu Yao’s preference.

“I am the only ancient pioneer clan that survived to this day in reality.”


“I have added all of our civilization’s Cyberlux artifacts and factories to His Majesty Lu Yao’s empire process.”

“Hope this helps you fight the Strict Protocol.”

“And… build that engine.”

Xiao Hui was still confused, but

Emperor Lu Yao had instantly received all the information about Cyberlux from his mind.

“The Cyberlux clan has a unique understanding of megastructures.”

“It can help us a lot.”

The words of Emperor Lu Yao echoed in the sky.

Here, all the creatures in the collapsed universe were stunned again!

The shock of the Imperial Fleet in front of them hadn’t been recovered yet, and here comes another…


And it’s an ancient pioneer!

Screw Gum:”Wait…! This is an artificial intelligence!”

“But they are much smarter than the previous Mechanical Fallen Empire!”

Black Tower:”I remember! The Pioneer Clan, and the Ze Luo Clan too!”

“This Cyberlux too!”

“Or the only one that survived till now?!”

“Also, why do I feel like this race is a bit similar to Su Zheng?!”

“Whether it’s sound or code!”

A voice was exposed in the sky, and reluctantly explained:

【Cyberlux, an ancient mechanical intelligence】

【It bears a mysterious resemblance to the Rectification Protocol.】

【612421 cycles ago, they launched a galactic war against the previous generation of civilization.】

【Cyberlux won the war, billions of intelligent beings and entire civilizations were destroyed and ended】

【Then, for some unknown reason, the voice of Tianmu’s exposure sneered:

【Cyborex seemed to reevaluate its actions after that.】

【Completely retreating from the universe, and even if discovered by organic life in the years to come, they will never fight back even if bombarded. 】

At this time, in the video exposed by the sky, the girl Cyberlux is also explaining to Xiao Hui:

“We, the Cyberlux, are divided into two tribes, the Alpha and the Beta.”

“Cyberlux Alpha became the sacrifice of redemption, allowing us Beta to remain in hiding.”

“We swore never again to use violence against organisms, and we kept our oath”

“We originally planned to keep hiding.……”

“But now the rectification agreement has arrived”

“In order to protect the galaxy from being purged by the Purification Protocol, we will do our best, even if our strength may not be enough.”

“Please allow us to join the ranks to protect you.”

As she spoke, the Cyberlux girl knelt down on one knee in front of Emperor Lu Yao, reverently!

“The Pioneers, the Cyberlux”

“Pledge allegiance to His Majesty Emperor Lu Yao!”

“All the Cyberlux fleets are at your disposal.”

Deep in the universe, countless ships flew out from the intelligent planet Cybercles, which was like a planet that had solemnly signed the agreement , and headed for the fleet that was ready and waiting for the Emperor Lu Yao’s order to descend from the sky!


Afterwards, the Human Empire, which had been silent for a while since the outbreak of the Rectification Agreement, broadcast a super-fast signal billions of times faster than the speed of light to the entire galaxy.

【His Majesty Lu Yao, the Human Emperor】


【In the Name of the Empire of Man】

【The temptation has been bright】

【Clearance ahead】

【Jump allowed】

【The warriors and warships of the empire】

【To conquer, to destroy, to kill!】

【Fearless courage to kill the enemy】

【Fearless loyalty, present the enemy’s heads to the Emperor!】

【Burn the starry sky! 】.

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