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2nd day Early in the morning, the sky was bright and bright, the figure was upright, well-proportioned, when the charming and charming Bai Jiao changed her clothes with bare feet, Shen Qiang, who had already woken up, lay in bed and quietly looked at the beautiful eyes. She was shy.

“You have a good figure.” Shen Qiang said with a smile.

Bai Jiao raised her eyebrows complacently, pu chi one said with a smile: “Don’t think you are pleased with me now, I will accompany you to continue to get out of bed, get up quickly, your dad said that on the first day of today, the villagers come Earlier, it was a bit of a shame to be stuck in the bed.”

Shen Qiang smiled at Bai Jiao, who was white and beautiful, but sighed.

In fact, Shen Qiang’s father was right. The people in the village did have the habit of visiting the New Year, but in the whole village, Shen Family has always been the countdown and the most deserted in terms of liveliness.

Because Shen honest is too honest, what others say and do, he is laughed and unreasonable.

Plus Shen Qiang did not make money at school at that time.

There are no decent tobacco, wine and fruit compotes at home during the Spring Festival, so there are only a few relatives and friends from the same village who come to see them at the first day. At other times, they are all lively and lively, Shen Family cold and cheerless.

Now, Shen Family’s house is also built.

Shen Qiang is also rich.

I just don’t know if it will be the same as in previous years.

After getting up, washing her face and brushing her teeth and getting everything done, she went downstairs. The girls had already gotten up. Lu Shuyao and the beautiful demon fox Chuqing. 2 people cleverly put on their apron to be chefs. Kang Luoying, Jiang Hanyang and Jing Xiangwei were helping others. The woman sits on the kang downstairs and plays with her mobile phone while watching TV.

Seeing that Father Mother was not in the room.

Shen Qiang couldn’t help but open Divine Consciousness, and didn’t find out where they were. This made Shen Qiang instinctively think that they would, 80% of them would be in the rear utility room, because when designing, considering that there might be a cultivator Come to observe, so the design of shielding Divine Consciousness in all aspects is done by Shen Qiang himself.

So if the room is not there, it must be in the utility room, or in the cellar.

So Shen Qiang pushed open the back door and walked directly to the back room of the backyard. Before waiting to enter, Shen Qiang heard the father say: “You grab more points, more dishes, more people in the family. New year is coming, this Mao Niang peanut candy and fruit and so on, prepare more, don’t when the time comes out and take it now, who is free to wait for you.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang was shocked.

Then Shen Qiang heard Mother say in the utility room: “Why do you take that many? These are strong enough to eat with his girlfriend. Besides, our family used to have a small plate of peanut hair and a few pieces of sugar. Where to put it is enough, whoever you eat so much.”

“Isn’t it different this year? Hadrons are not ordinary now. In these days, who has seen me in the village is not boastful?” Shen Qiang father said: “So what did that say, when children were young, they looked at their parents , Who gave our family money, does it look like a child? Isn’t that a relationship with us?”

“People look at children when they are old.” Shen Qiang father said: “When Shen Qiang is not good, neither relatives nor friends, I can’t think of us, but the son is doing well now, rich, capable, you Don’t worry, today’s first day of the year will be indispensable.

Hearing the words of Shen Qiang father, Shen Qiang Mother said: “Well, pull it down. On the first day of the first lunar year last year, there are a total of 3 people who come to our house for New Year’s greetings. Ah, I also think there can be more people coming than last year, but not more.”

As soon as the words changed, Shen Qiang Mother said: “I’ll say something more politely. They don’t come when they need timely help. Hehe, now icing on the cake, who can I use them for?”

Shen Qiang father laughed and exhorted: “You can just ponder this in your heart, but 10000000 don’t say it, it hurts too much, and what else does that say? The human condition is that the paper is thin and everything is new .

No one asks for poverty in the busy city. Rich has distant relatives in the mountains. Do not believe but look at the wine in the banquet. Tall horses were tied up in front of the door. “

When Shen Qiang Mother heard it, she said, “Ah, you have a lot of ways, then you should understand that when you are poor, people don’t come. Now that they are rich, even if they come, what is that? ?You should follow me and ignore them.”

Hearing the words of Shen Qiang Mother, Shen Qiang father was a little unhappy: “How come you live more and live backwards? Why don’t you understand anything, is it so easy for Hadron to work hard outside? Can we help him? What can we do? The only thing he can do is make him decent in front of friends and relatives.”

“Can everything be done by temperament? Even if you know that they are coming out against Hadron now, then you can’t give others a half face.”

“You have to understand that our Shen Family is an ordinary person’s family. We can’t let the people in the village joke! Ah, this Shen Qiang is OK? You are like a landlord and a fortune. You can do it? Remember? When your father died, it was snowing, and I honestly didn’t go to the door in the village, but your father’s coffin, but these people in the village even climbed up to the mountain.”

“Then Li Xiaowu’s father died, and there was no one who carried the coffin. In the end, he couldn’t do anything. He kowtowed from house to house and asked for help, so he carried it out of the house.”

“So you have to understand that the human relationship is as thin as paper, but it doesn’t work if we don’t. Our family Qian Qiang is working hard outside. We two are old and help him to make good neighbor relations at home. Other people have no money. We can’t look down on him. Because people don’t rely on us to eat.”

“Other people are richer than us, and we are not jealous. If we can talk, just say a few words, and if we can’t talk, just leave each one.”

“Remember that when Shen Qiang was a child, he took him to your house. The relatives in your family gave every child’s new year’s money, but they didn’t give it to Shen Qiang. Then Shen Qiang asked me and said, Dad, why didn’t he give it? Is my new year’s money because I’m not good?”

“At that time, I told Shen Qiang, I said he would not give you money for the new year, because father did not do well, because father failed to be able to support both heaven and earth. Didn’t give it to you.”

“Shen Qiang said at the time that when he grows up in the future, he will be able to support both heaven and earth so that everyone can give me new money.”

There was laughter from Shen Qiang father in the utility room. He said: “Now the Hadron has done it. You go to the back room to see. Just smoking and alcohol, you piled half of the room. Before that, how could there be Who came to see us with something? So you must remember that we need to deal with the neighborhood relations so that Shen Qiang can fight without any worries, and go!”

“Yes, yes, yes, what you said is reasonable, I understood.” Mother said with a smile, and then came out carrying the fruit plate, and she saw Shen Qiang at a glance.

Shen Qiang smiled and took those things from her hand, then lightly said with a smile: “I’m coming.”

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