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After breakfast, the sun illuminates the window brightly, and the girls go to the second floor, only the sweet and sweet Bai Jiao, like the endearing little bird, softly stays on the first floor to accompany Shen Qiang, she wears Slim fit black tights.

Not only the 2 legs with a slender leg like a compass, but also the delicate and implied black high-heeled shoes, the slim and slender figure, unceremoniously interpreted what is the devil’s figure and angel Face.

Especially when she spoke softly, her eyes were watery, her lips were as beautiful as cherry blossoms, she was as clean as jade, her teeth were as tidy as high-gloss jade carvings, as described by Shen Qiang Mother, that is, painting In Fairy, that’s all.

So when the relatives and friends who praised her for the new year praised her beauty, she was so charming, her eyes twitched, and when she looked like Shen Qiang, she occasionally showed a hint of coyness, which not only set her off to be charming and charming, but also inexplicably more A bit of bringing calamity to the country and the people, devastatingly beautiful.

After all, Bai Jiao is the only Eldest Young Lady with integrity.

The education I received since I was a child was a relatively high standard. Later, I studied qinqi painting and calligraphy with 100 Hua Gong. Although my attainments are not very good, my vision, mind, and temperament are not comparable to those of ordinary girls. When talking with relatives and friends during the New Year, it is even easier, long sleeves help one dance beautifully.

Not only did Shen Qiang’s father Mother smile, she was also very satisfied with her performance.

And, more importantly.

Father guessed right.

The first day of the first month of this year is indeed different from previous years.

One morning, the first person who came to the door to pay homage to Shen Qiang’s parents was the village head, the joint defense and defense defense Captain, the village women’s director, the village accountant, the aunt Xiulian and the pillar.

Follow closely from behind is the brigade of the village.

Basically, he came to laugh for a new year, smoking a cigarette, or eating a lump of sugar.

And more than 8 o’clock.

Relatives and friends near Shen Family are here, especially those who are real relatives, blood-related, Uncle uncle aunt, Shen Qiang’s fathers sisters, including relatives of mother’s family, uncle, Aunt, siblings , Table brother, have also come to the door.

The Shen Qiang family is more lively than the vegetable market.

No matter who came, Shen Qiang, like his parents, greeted with a smile.

There are more than one person, you light a cigarette, he lights a cigarette, and after a while, the house can’t open your eyes.

As soon as Shen Qiang opened the window, the smoke blew out, as if there were a monster in Journey to the West.

But even so, the guests who came to Shen Qiang’s family for the whole year didn’t break all morning.

Shen Qiang father Mother smiled and blossomed.

Shen Qiang also listened to himself.

not only.

Shen Qiang’s mind is even clearer. ,

To be a man is to fight, to break.

On the first day of the first lunar year last year, a total of three guests visited the house.

But now?

All morning, together with the neighbors in the village, plus the real relatives, the whole morning, came to the house to give Shen Qiang’s parents New Year greetings, more than 300.

There were more than two cigarettes, and they were all emitted one by one.

Not to mention the candy or something. Father took it five times in the utility room, and there were not enough children for the coming New Year.

Bai Jiao also distributed a lot of red envelopes to the children.

Shen Qiang confessed and confessed, no matter who his child was, whoever he came with, but for those who enter the hospital to give New Year’s greetings, each one of them can only drop a red envelope.

Temporary candy and the like are more casual.

I really don’t care about this.

At noon, people from the New Year still flowed.

Outside the street junction, 2 sister-in-law, 3 sister-in-law, Dahua daughter-in-law, 2 younger daughter-in-law, a large group of them are there to bask in the sun, nibbling seeds, chatting by the way, looking at Shen Qiang’s lively, envious Can’t do it.

“Looking at it, what is standing out, the other is Shen Qiang, who used to go to Shen honest family to give him a New Year’s greetings, this year you look at the big village head again, I think I came here early, and I stood still After a while, it was estimated that Shen honest family’s breakfast was over before entering the New Year.” Dahua’s wife laughed.

2 sister-in-law smiled happily and said: “This is definitely the case of a new wife on the sedan chair. In the past, our village chief, on the first morning, it was not ah, ah, waiting for someone to go to New Year at home. Yes, so I want to say, it’s really good at this time, and no one can tell who will be developed someday.”

Hearing the words of the two of them, the 2 widows pouted and said, “I see more developed people, but it’s hard to find them as good as the family of Shen Shenshi. Our children, I have been praying for a long time in the past. Shen Qiang is so beautiful. My little daughter-in-law gave me a red envelope and said that it was New Year’s money. I thought it was ten pieces and eight pieces. I took it home and opened it, 8! Tsk tsk, you look at your family, my child, his aunt, and send it to the child in the New Year Red envelopes, for 300 yuan, hehe, there is really no one.”

2 sister-in-law laughs: “My family also has a cub, and it also contains a big bag of sugar, saying that it was given by a strong man, let’s not say how much this thing is worth, now that the living conditions are good, no one is worse. Click, but it depends on others to do this, and you will be able to tell who can do it or not.”

“That’s not true.” 3 sister-in-law whispered and said: “In our village, we have done a lot of outside work in recent years, tsk tsk, you see, when you come back, you can see that everyone’s nose is not a nose , The face is not the face, ha, you can do it, you cattle, I stay away from you, ignore you are not enough?”

Dahua’s daughter-in-law nodded and said with deep conscience: “That’s no, you look at Shen Qiang, it makes people feel comfortable, it’s rich and not fake, but they didn’t talk to us about arrogant and domineering , I feel more disciplined than before.”

“That is, the character is absolutely good.” Aunt Old Wu, who leaned on the wall and basking in the sun, also said: “Originally, I felt that Shen Qiang is now rich, and I have to know people when I go home. When I went to the market to buy vegetables, Shen Qiang looked at me, but he was intimate. As before, he pulled me back and sent me directly to the house. My child in my house and his 6rd child, Yo, looked at me, His face was twisted, as if he hadn’t seen it. Ha, he can’t even compare Shen Qiang’s toes with one toe.

2 sister-in-law laughs: “He’s 6 aunt, what’s the matter, you have nowhere to look at this person? I still remember you said Shen Qiang in the winter of last year, this is not good, that is not good, find a girlfriend All ran away with people, now you are looking at others, envious?”

Old Wu family 6 aunt laughed: “Isn’t that motivating him? Shen Qiang’s child is like a normal person. He has been smart since childhood, but he doesn’t talk much. He always holds this book silly. At that time, I thought that child read silly books It’s fine, and now it’s still fine. I’m still reading those books.”

3 sister-in-law smiled: “Anyway, I feel it now. In our village, Shen Qiang is not only capable, but also his character, and the Shen family can’t pick it. Afterwards, if there is anything, it’s okay to move around with them. It’s nice to move around.”

“Why not let Shen Qiang be the village head when I am reelected next year, I think he is pleasing to the eye.” Aunt 6 of Old Wu’s family said.

2 Sister-in-law had fun: “I see it.”

Dahua’s daughter-in-law nodded: “This is a real thing.”

At this time, the 2 girl-in-law smiled: “Don’t dream, Boss, who is so big as Shen Qiang, how could it be the village head, save it.”

At this moment, she looked up and saw Aunt Xiulian who was walking from one side, and her face suddenly cooled down, her eyes rolled up, and her voice was raised deliberately: “But I think the old Shen Family Everyone is pretty good. If anyone finds another way to bully others, I’m welcome.”

Aunt Xiulian who heard this also laughed, and raised her voice again: “Oh, didn’t expect the dog’s mouth finally spit out ivory, and finally said a human word, rest assured, in our village, who To dare to bully Shen Qiang, my Ma Xiulian would not agree to the first one.”

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