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Snow, one after another.

Tianhe Gymnasium in the North New District of the province, because of its remote location, not at all brightly lit, only the street lights are set on the side, but instead it becomes more and more dark, like a giant beast hidden in the dark, it seems to be chosen and eaten.

The wind is quiet.

Snow dance in the sky.

Only those who are really close to the top of the stadium stand on this dark night can see that the two long, slender, round chopstick-like legs are wearing cute Little Pi boots, just like snowflakes on the ceiling of the stands. The edge swings happily, and with a relaxed and arrogant voice, lightly hums the sweet ballad.

“The dim light hangs in the air, the cicada crows from the snowy night, the genius is saved by God, and greed falls into the pool of blood…

“Enough, why do you always sing this sentence over and over?” Standing beside her, a tall, burly man with a big hat, and a man covered in a black red cloak said solemnly: “We are here to kill, not I’ll give you a concert.”

The girl sitting on the edge of the stands gave a silver bell chuckle, but the black crow on her shoulder seemed to call out impatiently, as if to warn the tall and burly man.

Afterwards, the girl said softly with a smile: “Big guy, you are nervous, why not relax? We are just here for a meeting.”

“I’m not nervous, anyway I want to get the black blade.” The big man beside her said icily.

The girl smiled happily, and then said cutely: “Oh? But the head said that before seeing the scarlet mask holder, there should be no action.”

The big man said impatiently: “Yes, because the leader thought that the scarlet face might be in the hands of Shen Qiang, but I don’t care, as long as she sees Shen Qiang, a killing blade is fine, I want the black blade, Whoever blocks me will be my enemy!”

The girl smiled, feeling the terrifying killing intent radiating from the big man around her, and chose silence.

At the same time, the lights on the jury stage in the gym suddenly turned on.

Then the girl and the big man froze for a moment and immediately saw that there were 4 people sitting at the jury’s stage.

Headed by one person, with a mask depicting indigo blue totem.

He wore a very stylish blue striped slim suit and black leather shoes. Although he wore a black red cloak with the same style as several other people, he gave an unusually young feeling. After all, the blue striped slim Suits, plus stylish narrow ties, basically belong to the youngster’s dress, middle-aged and elderly people generally do not wear this way.

As for the other three people, in addition to the uniform black red cloak, and the color and mask of Totem’s different styles, the most eye-catching is the woman with a purple face.

She is extremely sexy.

Even as a woman, the girl sitting on the roof of the grandstand could not help but shine.


The girl jumped lightly and landed on the referee stage.

At the same time, the tall and burly man also followed closely from behind.

“I don’t like your song very much, because blue stands for greed.” The man with the orange mask sitting next to the head of the Disillusion Brigade said, “Are you asking the head to die here?”

“Orange represents jealousy, so do you want to provoke war as soon as you meet?” said the girl charmingly.

“Enough.” The brigade leader sitting in the middle said seriously, and said calmly: “old fogey thinks I am more greedy than him, so I think I am more suitable than him as the leader of the disillusionment brigade, I know This is the first time you have seen me, and you may feel that I do not seem to be able to lead you.”

“But I don’t care about these things at all. You only need to know one thing. That is to obey my arrangement. I can make you pay the least effort and get the most return.”

The big man standing aside suddenly stepped forward and said, “I want the black blade, who will stop me, who is my enemy.”

The brigade leader sitting in the middle smilely smiled.

“I asked someone to ask him. If there is nothing wrong, the nightmare of the Dragon Group is Shen Qiang. He is the crimson of the brigade. Seeing the time, he should probably have arrived.”

Hearing this, the big man said in a cold voice: “Are you crazy? We took the task of hunting Shen Qiang, and then you said he was a scarlet?”

The brigade leader chuckled and looked at his watch. “After 5 minutes, if he is not there, it means that we guessed wrong. Then we can hunt and you can chase your black blade.” “

The big man coldly snorted, and then coldly said: “The previous generation of scarlet said that he was looking for a baby girl, even if the mask was in the hands of Shen Qiang, it did not mean that he was eligible to join the brigade.”

The sexy woman with a purple mask who heard this echoed: “It is true that Shen Qiang pill concocting’s technology may be strong, but only the cultivation base of Yang Shenjing is too weak, and all the ants under the Dao fruit are not qualified. We are together.”

“You don’t know him.” A dull, hoarse, sounding young man said: “He is far stronger than imagined, especially the means of poisoning, it is a peak, if you look down upon him, you will pay cost.”

“The shameless next 3 tricks are just.” The big man said sharply, “We take the task and we have to finish it. I don’t care if you are the leader or who your true identity is. The mask of scarlet falls. In the hands of Shen Qiang, it may just be an accident. As long as two or more members refused, even if he got a mask, he would be impossible to join the brigade.”


He raised his hand and said, “I refuse Shen Qiang to join the brigade, are there any others?”

Hearing this, the sexy woman in the purple mask on the side also raised her hand and said: “2 vetoes, Shen Qiang cannot join.”

After the man sitting in the middle was silent for a moment, said solemnly: “The brigade members licked the blood together with the knife head. One third person disagreed, which meant a huge crack. As the head of the group, I have no right to force you Accept him, then the next thing we have to do is to kill him.”

When the girl heard this, the jade hand clenched his fists nervously, and the tall man said ecstatically: “Okay, let’s do it. Let’s wash our blood tonight and kill Sheng Qiang. I only need the black blade!”

The brigade commander waved his hand and seemed to give a hands-on order.

It is at this time.

Just beside a few people, with the indifferent tone, the man wearing a black Chinese stand-up collar and a red Totem mask suddenly showed his body, not only sitting on the referee seat with a very relaxed body to block the rain Along the way, the tone seemed more lazy.

“I advise you not to do that, because…you will die.”

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